AI Definitions: Algorithms
/Algorithms - Direct, specific instructions for computers created by a human through coding that tells the computer how to perform a task. Like a cooking recipe, this set of rules has a finite number of steps. More specifically, it is code that follows the algorithmic logic of “if”, “then”, and “else.” An example of an algorithm would be: IF the customer orders size 13 shoes, THEN display the message ‘Sold out, Sasquatch!’; ELSE ask for a color preference.
Algorithms make one of two approaches:
1. Rule-based algorithms – direct, specific instructions are created by a human.
2. Machine-learning algorithms – The data and goal is given to the algorithm, which works out for itself how to reach the goal. There is a popular perception that algorithms provide a more objective, more complete view of reality, but they often will simply reinforce existing inequities, reflecting the bias of creators and the materials used to train them.
More AI definitions here.