17 Webinars this week about AI, Journalism, & Media

Tue, Oct 15 - How journalists are prepping for the U.S. election

What: As the U.S. barrels toward another consequential presidential election, journalists across the country — from local outlets to national networks — are planning, prepping and pondering what this new election will hold. Join this session and hear how these journalists are preparing for election night, what they're keeping an eye out for, and what newsrooms have learned in the aftermath of the most recent election in 2020.

Who: Reporters from Associated Press and Spotlight PA

When: 1 pm, Eastern  

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free for members

Sponsor: Investigative Reporters & Editors

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Tue, Oct 15 - Tips for Managing Complex Stories

What: The conversation will cover a range of topics, including: tips for maintaining control of complicated, emotionally charged stories; advice on how to get sources to open up for extended periods of time — and where to mine for rich information even if they won’t; insights about what editors can and should do to make complex stories sing; the special challenges of being a working mom in the journalism trenches.

Who: Katie Engelhart, winner of the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing for “The Mother Who Changed: A Story of Dementia” and Maria Carrillo, a veteran editor and Pulitzer juror.

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Society of Features Journalism

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Wed, Oct 16 - What Gen AI Models Think Of Your Brand - And What You Need To Do About It

What: Find out how optimizing for LLMs creates a radically different perspective on your audiences, assets, and outcomes.

Who: Jack Smyth Chief Solutions Officer, AI Planning and Insight Jellyfish

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Association of National Advertisers

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Wed, Oct 16 - Combining Environmental Journalism and Investigative Tools

What: Panelists will discuss their experiences as investigative journalists in the environmental field. They will talk about in-depth stories they built and how the relevant data for these was collected, while also sharing tips and best practices with the audience.

Who: Fernanda Wenzel Rainforest Investigations Fellow; Alexandra Talty ORN Fellow; Bruna Wagner Pulitzer Center staff.

When: 1:10 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Pulitzer Center

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Wed, Oct 16 - Accessibility: How to Make Your Website Usable For Everyone

What: We will delve into the core principles of accessibility, exploring real-world examples of disabilities and situational challenges users face. From understanding WCAG standards to addressing specific populations, we’ll equip you with actionable insights to create truly accessible websites.

Who: Jennie Martin and Kiersten Hill of Firespring

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Firespring

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Wed, Oct 16 - A Seat at the Table: Is AI Out to Take Your Job or Help You Do It Better?

What: While educators are thinking about how artificial intelligence will impact instruction, there’s a generation of students who will need to be prepared for an AI-powered future. What does the field need to prepare young people for this eventuality?

Who: Peter DeWitt will be joined by high school principal Kip Cruz, EdWeek’s Deputy Managing Editor Kevin Bushweller, and Ken Koedinger, Hillman Professor of computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. University.

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: EdWeek

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Wed, Oct 16 - What International Journalists Need to Know About AI

What: Discover how A.I. is transforming journalism and learn practical tips for integrating the technology into your workflow. Topics include: Challenges and opportunities for using A.I. in visual journalism. How A.I. can help journalists work faster and smarter. Ensuring the ethical use of A.I. in newsroom workflows This panel is ideal for international journalists looking to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of A.I. and journalism.

Who: Phoebe Connelly, senior editor, A.I. Strategy and Innovation at The Washington Post; Rubina Madan Fillion, associate editorial director of A.I. Initiatives at The New York Times; Aimee Rinehart, senior product manager A.I. strategy for The Associated Press; and Elyse Samuels, senior producer on The Washington Post’s Visual Forensics team.

When: 6 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Overseas Press Club of America

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Thu, Oct 17 - Crafting Inclusive Stories To Move Your Mission  

What: Learn how thoughtful, inclusive storytelling can become a powerful tool for positive change in your nonprofit's communications. We'll explore creating narratives that are not only impactful but also protect, respect, and dignify those you serve.

Who: Maria Bryan | Maria Bryan Creative

When: 11 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Nonprofit Learning Lab

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Thu, Oct 17 - Copyright Law 101

What: This is the first of two classes introducing copyright law and suggesting best practices. You’ll learn how to identify a creative work that may be protected, when permission is likely needed to reproduce that work, good practices to avoid infringement claims, generally.

Who: Robert Bertsche, KLARIS Law

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: The New England First Amendment Coalition

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Thu, Oct 17 - Lightning round: Tips for Election Day

What: Tips for quick-lifts you and your newsroom can still plan to do to increase trust in your coverage. You’ll leave with efficient, accessible ideas you can implement right away, with a checklist to use on Election Day.

When: 1pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Trusting News

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Thu, Oct 17 - Students Breaking Big Stories in an Election Year

What: A discussion with faculty partners across the country about the strategies they're using to lead student coverage of the election. They will discuss what's working, what's not, and what happens after Election Day.

Who: Meg Little Reilly and Sarah Gamard with the Center for Community News.

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: University of Vermont Center for Community News

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Thu, Oct 17 - How to move news consumers in the “middle” of the audience funnel  

What: How to move news consumers in the “middle” of the audience funnel – people who are aware of your news organization but aren’t yet engaged as loyal users, paying subscribers or donors.

Who: Table Stakes alumna Claudia Laws

When: 1 pm, Eastern 

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: American Press Institute

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Thu, Oct 17 - Campus to Campaign: Student Media’s Role in Election Coverage Webinar

What: Explore how student journalists are contributing to the 2024 election coverage.

Who: Peggy Dodd: Editor-in-Chief of OU Daily at University of Oklahoma; Lily Alexander: Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Lobo at the University of New Mexico; Sarah Hutter: Executive Producer of E2024 at The Los Angeles Loyolan; Mark Simon (Moderator): Podcast Host/Founder of The Journalism Salute.

When: 3 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: The Nutgraf

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Thu, Oct 17 - Driving Traffic to Your Website

What: By the end of this webinar, you will have a better understanding of website traffic and its different types, core marketing strategies that drive website traffic, and how the use of machine learning and website technology can impact your traffic.   

Who: Cary Baskin, a SCORE Chester & Delaware Counties volunteer and owner of the Marketing Department in Malvern, PA. 

When: 6 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Small Business Development Center, Widener University

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Thu, Oct 17 - Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Law Primer with the Cornell Law School First Amendment Clinic

What: New York State has both a Freedom of Information Law and an Open Meetings Law, but these laws are not always followed, and ensuring they are enforced can feel like an insurmountable task. This webinar will explain the purpose and extent of these laws and how journalists can use them to uncover information that is the public's right to know.

Who: Heather E. Murray, the managing attorney of the Cornell Law School First Amendment Clinic’s Local Journalism Project, and Michael Linhorst, the local journalism attorney for the clinic.

When: 7 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: The Press Club of Long Island

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Fri, Oct 18 - Tools to Boost Your Reporting and Revenue

What: Learn how to use Google’s Pinpoint software to collect and sort through large volumes of data and documents. with, as well as other tools for generating story ideas and boosting your freelance business.   

Who: Mary Nahorniak from the Google News Initiative

When: 12 pm, Easatern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Institute for Independent Journalists

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Fri, Oct 18 - How to Fact-Check the 2024 Election

What: We’ll explore ways to fight back against misinformation and disinformation during election coverage. We’ll use tools such as Google Fact-Check Explorer to track fact-checked images and stories and reverse image search and other Google tools to check election claims. We’ll break down doctored video and audio with WatchFramebyFrame and Deepfake-o-meter. We’ll also look at the innovative Rolliapp.com to track disinformation spreaders on social channels.

Who: JournalistsToolbox.ai founder Mike Reilley

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: National Press Foundation

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