Articles of Interest - July 23


Tiny Particle Accelerator-On-A-Chip Could Transform Medicine, Scientists Say  NPR

Drone finds climber presumed dead on world's 12th largest mountain: He had previously found encountering drones irritating, "but this has changed my perception of them"  BBC

How Facial Recognition Could Tear Us Apart  Medium 

When a Tech Reporter Doesn’t Use Much Tech  New York Times

‘Scraper’ bots and the secret internet arms race  Wired


Learn both methods of statistical inference and apply them where appropriate—Bayesian inference methods to supplement the frequentist statistics  Towards Data Science 

Jupyter Notebook provides interactive display of data science projects suing various programming languages—here’s a focus on using it with Python  KD Nuggets

The lack of connectivity can limit the value of geographic information systems—and the problem is more significant than many realize  Datanami 

The seven of the most fundamental Quantum-computing complexity classes  Quanta Magazine 

Choosing between Python and R Programming languages for Data Science  Medium 


The 16 most Instagrammable places in U.S. cities  Curbed 

Snapchat is launching a news partnerships initiative  Axios

Facebook moderators 'keep child abuse online'  BBC News 

Facebook's rhetoric on misinformation doesn't match its actions  CNN

Instagram’s Growing Bot Problem  The Information 

World’s most Instagrammable art exhibition just opened in Tokyo  Curbed


Schools Can Now Get Facial Recognition Tech for Free. Should They?  Wired

Top Voting Machine Vendor Admits It Installed Remote-Access Software on Systems Sold to States  Motherboard 

Our phone is not secretly spying on your conversations. It doesn’t need to  Recode


How Google's Safe Browsing Helped Build a More Secure Web  Wired  

Google also deprecating ‘Bookmark Manager’ Chrome extension next month  9 to 5 Google


The Progress of Immersive Journalism  Medium 

9 questions about the World Cup, and how data journalists answered them  Data Driven Journalism 

Photojournalism’s moment of reckoning  Columbia Journalism Review 

15 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Next Journalism Conference  Rebecca Aguilar 

Tools for covering ICE  Columbia Journalism Review 

Beyond 800 Words: Prototyping New Story Formats for New  BBC


BuzzFeed launches a new website for its real journalism  Tech Crunch 

Newsprint tariffs are a Black Swan event that could speed up the death of U.S. newspapers Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Meet the next misinformation format: Fake audio messages  Poynter

How and why communicators should fight the ‘fake news’ scourge  PR Daily

Generation Z must seek, and find, journalism it can trust  Boston Herald 

Russian Influence Campaign Sought To Exploit Americans' Trust In Local News  NPR

False news spreads online faster, farther, and deeper than truth does but it can be contained: Here’s how  Harvard Business Review 

Sacha Baron Cohen's fake conspiracy site is fully post-parody  Wired

Fact-checkers have debunked this fake news site 80 times. It's still publishing on Facebook Poynter

WhatsApp will drastically limit forwarding across the globe to stop the spread of fake news  Recode


American Conservatives Played A Secret Role In The Macedonian Fake News Boom Ahead Of 2016  BuzzFeed News 

Politicians are using fake news schemes to get elected  Axios 

N.J. senator sets up phony health news website to attack challenger  Stat News


How The Spread Of Fake Stories In India Has Led To Violence  NPR

Fact-checking around the world: Inside Colombia Check  International Journalists' Network 


 JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out  Becoming (my blog)

How the West became a self-obsessed culture: Is Social Media to Blame?  Vox


Politicians seem to have a problem with dishonest credentials: Second minister resigns over plagiarism allegations  Stat News

Writing a Book or Article? Now’s the Time to Create Your ‘Author Platform’  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Edit Typos in Your Tweets Using This Chrome Extension  Life Hacker

Library Book Acquisition Patterns  Scholarly Kitchen

How Essay-Writing Factories Reel In Vulnerable Students  Chronicle of Higher Ed


‘The Suits,’ ‘Light Bulb Went Off,’ and ‘Tree Lawn’: Investigations of a Language Nerd  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Sign-language hack lets Amazon Alexa respond to gestures  BBC


These Drawings By JRR Tolkien Reveal His Vision Of Middle-Earth  BuzzFeed

The Evolution of Science Fiction  PBS Digital Studios  

Two men charged with stealing more than $8 million in rare books from Carnegie Library  Post-Gazette


When men earn less than their wives, both spouses lie about it  Quartz

CVS Fired A Pharmacist Who Refused To Fill Out A Transgender Woman's Hormone Prescription  BuzzFeed News


A Sociologist Examines the “White Fragility” That Prevents White Americans from Confronting Racism  New Yorker

Louisiana judge says Jews are a race and protected by anti-racial-discrimination laws  Washington Post

Muslim girls kicked out of public pool after officials said hijabs would clog filtration system Washington Post

The Americans who want America to stay white are actually a minority themselves  Quartz

Year After White Nationalist Rally, Charlottesville Is in Tug of War Over Its Soul  New York Times


Judge lifts controversial order requiring the L.A. Times to alter article  LA Times

The global slump in press freedom  Economist


Do Sacha Baron Cohen's Targets Have a Shot at Winning a Lawsuit?  Hollywood Reporter

A conservative legal group that “seeks to expose science fraud…appears to be imploding”  New York Times

Fox Settles Lawsuit for Using Muhammad Ali to Hype Super Bowl  Hollywood Reporter

Elon Musk, artist settle copyright disagreement over tooting unicorn coffee mug  USA Today


New forensic tests suggest Shroud of Turin is fake  Reuters

Ethiopian 'prophet' arrested after trying to resurrect corpse  BBC


God, Trump, and the Meaning of Morality  Washington Post

Seb Gorka in Talks to Be Christian Radio Network’s New Host  The Daily Beast


Birmingham college student walked 20 miles to 1st day of work so his boss gave him his car

Hundreds of golden retrievers met in Scotland for 150th anniversary of breed  NBC News

Toddler saves dad having a stroke by face-timing mom  Winchester Star

Couple delivers baby at Chick-fil-A; baby will get free Chick-fil-A food for life  KSAT-TV  


How to Paint Like Kandinsky, Picasso, Warhol & More: A Video Series from the Tate  Open Culture

Storytelling, Why Art Is Essential for Democracy, and the Key to Good Writing (opinion)  Brain Pickings


Nielsen Music Mid-Year Report  Nielsen Research

She fled the Holocaust and kept writing lyrics and poetry but at 93 she found a new way to reach audiences: death metal  New York Times


Most Popular Netflix Shows by Country 2018  High Speed Internet


A psychology professor has resigned from Dartmouth, following a months-long investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct  The Dartmouth

Sexual Assault Inside ICE Detention  New York Times

This Immigrant Returned To Her Dangerous Home Country — Where She’d Been Raped  BuzzFeed News

Trump Administration Defends Campus Sexual Assault Rules  NPR

When Rape is reported and nothing happens  Star Tribune

More Than 100 Ohio State Alumni Allege Abuse by Former University Sports Doctor  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Christian University professor harassed women for decades at conferences  Inside Higher Ed 

Baylor ‘Set the Football Program on Fire’ as Scapegoat in Sex-Assault Scandal, Says Ex-Athletic Director  Chronicle of Higher Ed


How local police are battling the opioid epidemic  Axios

Comic-Con 2018: Huge pop culture convention spotlights social justice, political issues  Union Tribune


It’s called vomit fraud. And it could make your Uber trip really expensive  Miami Herald

For just $10, a hacker can attack your business via RDP: Here's how to stay safe  Tech Republic

Private messaging apps increasingly used for public business  Associated Press


Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates  NPR

Sleep Science: In the Era of Screens, Rest is Crucial  National Geographic

Frequent Smart Phone, Internet Use Linked To Symptoms Of ADHD In Teens  NPR

The disturbing reason heat waves can kill people in cooler climates  Vox

Medicare’s ‘catastrophic insurance’ can be a catastrophe for middle-income seniors (opinion)  Stat News

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Your Pain  NPR

Chinese premier orders investigation of vaccine makers  Associated Press


Interesting parental control app requires kids to exercise to earn screen time  9 to 5 Mac  

What would you do if your teenager became an overnight Instagram sensation?  The Guardian


How To Be A Savvy Consumer Of Science News  NPR

Meet the Woman Who Rocked Particle Physics—Three Times  Wired


Many famous studies of human behavior cannot be reproduced: Even so, they revealed aspects of our inner lives that feel true  New York Times

Psychology research by philosophers is robust and replicates better than other areas of psychology  The British Psychological Society

Motherhood brings the most dramatic brain changes of a woman’s life  Boston Globe


Why your earliest memory may be a lie, according to scientists  Telegraph


What Are the New Questions of Philosophy?  The Atlantic

Writing on Philosophy: It’s Not Rocket Science. It’s More Complicated Than That  Chronicle of Higher Ed


A Road Trip In 'America For Beginners'  NPR

10 products we wish we'd packed on our last vacation  CNN


The Flint Water Research Coverup  WVTF radio

We’re developing chronic compulsive writing syndrome trying to be ranked among the best researchers—quantity largely takes precedence over quality  European Scientist

One Author’s Novel Approach to Article Self-Publishing  The Scholarly Kitchen

The Ethics of Research on Leaked Data  Discover Magazine

New Policy: Chinese scientific researchers are to be evaluated on their contributions rather than their number of published papers or academic credentials

The proliferation of questionable Physics conferences  Physics Today

Mount Sinai multiple sclerosis researcher admits to doctoring images  Retraction Watch


Colleges ask for a share of future salary in lieu of loans  Associated Press

Some Colleges Cautiously Embrace Wikipedia  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Objections erupt at UVa over appointment of top Trump aide  Politico

At Merced, the Changing Face of the U.C. System  New York Times

Why Russian Spies Really Like American Universities  Propublica 

Why We Need To Rethink Graduation Rates As A Measure Of Colleges' Success  Forbes

Scholars, Know Thy History: Higher Ed Has Always Struggled to Survive in the U.S.  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Running Class Discussions on Divisive Topics Is Tricky: Here’s One Promising Approach  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Professors Are Often Asked 'What Do You Teach?' But They Do Far More  Forbes


Playing the game: academics have bought into the competition and become complicit in their exploitation  London School of Economics and Political Science 

Scientist stripped of award after showing slides of former students in bikinis  Motherboard

A College Administrator Told ‘The New York Times,’ Rap Is Not ‘Real Music.’ His President Called the Comment Disappointing  Chronicle of Higher Ed

University of Texas argues in court that “the right to academic freedom, if it exists, belongs to the institution, not the individual professor”  My Statesman