Articles of Interest - July 25


The Reason Your Feed Became An Echo Chamber — And What To Do About It  NPR

Twitter opens account verification to all   PR Daily


How the Gurus behind Google Earth Created the Geomapping Mobile Game 'Pokemon Go'  Mashable

Silicon Valley's new Religion (and next shiny new thing)- AI and Robots  New York Times

How Bayesian Probability can be incorporated into Machine Learning  Fast ML

Data Science Tips from Reddit's r/datascience users Data Dependence

40 Techniques Used by Data Scientists including clustering pattern recognition and Bayesian Stats  Data Science Central


Facebook Live Grew Up Quickly. Here’s How Broadcasters Are Jumping In  Media Shift


The Case Against the Media. By the Media  New York Mag

Report: Outsourcing copy editing doesn’t mean more corrections  Poynter

Pentagon revises manual to clarify protections of journalism   Associated Press

What 'selfie journalism' can bring to digital reporting  International Journalists Network

Student newspaper publishes string of articles critical of the administration, School retaliates by firing adviser  Inside Higher Ed


Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith on What’s Wrong (and Right) With the Media  NY Mag

The New York Times is trying to narrow the distance between reporters and analytics data  Harvard's Nieman Lab


Machine Learning Algorithm Spots Depression in Speech Patterns  Motherboard

The Stroop test: how colourful is your language?   The Guardian

‘Anatomy of Malice,’ by Joel E. Dimsdale  New York Times


Play on! In a first, brain training cuts risk of dementia 10 years later  Stat

The neuroscience of “cool”  Quartz


Why You Don’t Know Your Own Mind  New York Times


Frankenstein’s paperclips: The ethics of AI  Economist

Do CRISPR enthusiasts have their head in the sand about the safety of gene editing?  STAT


What you knew, understood and trusted about everything is OVER. That’s the first truth   Becoming (my blog) 


Everybody's Talking About Plagiarism. What Is It, Exactly?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


English encroaches in Italy  The Chronicle of Higher Education

Can’t quit saying ‘um’ and ‘ah’? Just learn how to use them better  Quartz


How Ernest Hemingway Taught the World to Drink  The Daily Beast                             


Sexism In Newsroom Culture Not Unique To Allegations Against Roger Ailes  NPR

Why some young evangelical women are increasingly drawn to feminism — and to Hillary Clinton  Washington Post


‘I Want to Get This Right’: Scenes From a Conference on Campus Sex Assault (sub req'ed)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Former UAF hockey player acquitted of rape says the university won't give him his degree  Alaska News


University accessing of a student's health records ends with settlement: $425K for whistleblowers  Oregon Live

EFF sues US government, saying copyright rules on DRM are unconstitutional   Ars Technica


Trump/Pence logo replaced after online ridicule  PR Daily

The Fonts of Star Trek  Fontshop


Megachurch pastor’s firing illustrates challenges posed by addiction  Baptist News

Poll: Evangelicals differ from most Americans on transgender morality  LifeWay

Police brutality not a reality according to most white evangelicals  Christianity Today


What If God Doesn’t Want To Make America Great Again? (written by a MidAmerica Naz alum who is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene)  Huffington Post

Liberty’s Falwell Takes the Stage at Republican convention to support Trump  Inside Higher Ed

Polls show evangelicals support Trump. But the term ‘evangelical’ has become meaningless  Washington Post


Gannet closes Student-run newspaper years  Orlando Sentinel

Student newspaper publishes string of articles critical of the administration, School retaliates by firing adviser  Inside Higher Ed


We need to talk about the bad science being funded  The Conversation

Lying scientists and the lying lies they tell  ZDnet


Microsoft announces professional degree program to fill the skills gap  Tech Crunch

The student loan debt crisis is overblown, The real problem is college completion rates  VOX

Malcolm Gladwell Is Making Enemies In Higher Education. That’s A Good Thing  Huffington Post


Why Social Science Risks Irrelevance  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Should Colleges Really Eliminate the College Lecture?  The Atlantic

How One English Professor Plans to Turn Melania Trump Into a Teachable Moment  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Cheating Behaviors among Undergraduate College Students   Journal of Criminal Justice Education (sub req’d)

Education Dept. Proposes Rules to Clarify State Oversight of Online Courses  Dept. of Ed

Students and teachers detail pervasive cheating in a program owned by test giant ACT  Reuters


Grad Students Treated Like Secretaries in Chinese Science  Sixth Tone

Co's Turning to 'reverse mentoring' to tap millennials' knowledge  Star Tribune

Study: Gap between Expectations of Personal Attitudes and Religious Diversity among Students  Inside Higher Ed


The 1 Thing I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before Starting My First Job (Written by a Millennial) Nobody mentioned this in college  Inc

3 Reasons Unpaid Internships Are Seriously Not Worth Your Time  Huffington Post

There is one type of internship that's more beneficial than others


 Author Discusses How Academics should use social media  Inside Higher Ed


Does expertise matter in replication? An examination of the reproducibility project: Psychology  Science Direct

An 'Epidemic' of Academic Fraud  Inside Higher Ed