Articles of Interest - July 11



Instagram expands users to 500M in tightening race with Snapchat  USA Today

Twitter to Live-Stream Both National Conventions  New York Times


A new film offers a peek into the lives of editors and authors (opinion)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Need to quickly explain Bayes' Theorem & Base Rate Fallacy to someone? Try this short video  Wireless Philosophy

Can correlation sometimes prove causation? That's the claim of a new study using a "innovative #statistical trick"  Vocative


Real change starts with endings, not beginnings  Becoming


Evidence that some 19th-century grammarians had completely lost their marbles  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Are texts in uppercase letters useful for anything besides annoying your readers?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


These are the six emotional arcs of storytelling, big data study shows  ZME Science

9 Tools for the Accidental Writing Teacher  Chronicle of Higher Ed

I reported poetry plagiarism in a PhD, but my university ignored it  The Guardian


Men cite themselves more than women do  Nature


How Social Media Impacts The Conversation On Racial Violence  NPR

Asian Men Win the Hourly Earnings Race in America  Bloomberg


Sen. rips University in scathing letterhandling of speech deemed offensive  Greeley Tribune


This presidential campaign is proving wrong decades of research on evangelicals  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Former Evangelical Pastor Rethinks His Approach To Courtship  NPR

Researchers make 'first discovery' of Philistine cemetery  BBC

Life-Size Noah's Ark To Open Amid A Flood Of Skepticism  NPR

Israel find may help solve mystery of biblical Philistines  Associated Press

Who’s not defending Mississippi’s religious freedom law  Religious News Service


Young and old news consumers want to get their news in very different ways, says Pew  Harvard's Nieman Lab

Pew: Most news sharing remains low-tech, offline  Columbia Journalism Review


Why It's Never Too Late To Rescue Failing Students  NPR

What millennial millionaires are getting wrong about personal finance  The Guardian

Millennials will work forever–but they may be happier for it  Quartz

A new survey confirms what every parent suspects: College students have no idea of their parents' sacrifice  Business Insider


People can guess at your social status based on the way you laugh  Quartz

Survey counseling center directors finds anxiety and depression are top issues  Inside Higher Ed

As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession  Washington Post


Could Brain Research From The Past 15 Years Really Be Wrong?  Forbes

This Is Your Brain on Silence  Nautilus

Neuroscience Reveals the Nourishing Benefits That Silence Has on Your Brain  Inc


PHILOSOPHY - Blaise Pascal  Seeker

What Is an “Existential Crisis”?: An Animated Video Explains What the Expression Really Means  Open Culture


32 Animated Videos by Wireless Philosophy Teach You the Essentials of Critical Thinking  Open Culture                               

Why bad ideas refuse to die  The Guardian


When a Chancellor Blocks a Student on Twitter  Chronicle of Higher Ed

More dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud last decade more likely  Inside Higher Ed

How Media Coverage Of Campus Scandals Impacts College Applications  Huffington Post

Protest at Fuller Seminary Decries “Silence of the White Evangelical Church” About Recent Police Shootings  Pasadena Now


Learning More About Active Learning  Chronicle of Higher Ed

NYU at Shanghai experiments with Educational Videos to Study how it can reach Chinese students Online  Inside Higher Ed

There’s No Such Thing as Asynchronous Teaching  Chronicle of Higher Ed