Fists pounding the hard earth in agony

Looking through the shadowy foliage of Gethsemane, we don't see the classic portrait of Christ, rendered by the artist. We don't see Him in a snow-white robe kneeling beside a big rock, hands peacefully folded, with a look of serenity in His face as a spotlight from heaven illuminates His golden-brown hair. Instead, we see a man flat on his face, fists pounding the hard earth in agony. We see a fact stained with tears and dirt, hair matted with sweat, facial muscles contorted in  pain like the gnarled, twisted olive trees looking on. God was never more human than at this hour. Have you been in the dark garden of Gethsemane? Betrayed by  a friend? Deserted by those around you?  Felt abandoned? Lonely? The next time you think no one cares, pay a visit to Gethsemane and see the man of sorrows. Because seeing God like this does wonders for your suffering. 

Charles Swindoll, For Those Who Hurt  

so that I may participate in it fully

I do not serve God only in the brief moments during which I am taking part in a religious service, or reading the Bible, or saying my prayers, or talking about him in some book I am writing, or discussing the meaning of life with a patient or a friend. 

I serve him quite as much when I am giving a patient an injection, or lancing an abscess, or writing a prescription, or giving a piece of good advice. Or again, I serve him quite as much when I am reading the newspaper, traveling, laughing at a joke, or soldering a joint in an electric wire. I serve him by taking an interest in everything, because he is interested in everything, because he has created everything and has put me in his creation so that I may participate in it fully. 

“It is a great mistake,” wrote Archbishop William Temple, “to suppose that God is interested only, or even primarily in religion.”

Paul Tournier, The Adventure of Living

Articles of Interest about the virus, journalism, lit, writing, and more - Good Friday Edition


Hospital are laying off workers in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic

‘By December, we are going to go through this again’

The Asian Countries That Beat Covid-19 Have to Do It Again  

Grandma whose misfired text to teen led to Thanksgiving invite loses husband to coronavirus

Coronavirus Will Shape the Future of Surveillance 

MIT Will Post Free Plans Online for an Emergency Ventilator That Can Be Built for $100 


Should Young Children Wear Masks?

Why You Shouldn’t Wash Produce With Soap During The Coronavirus Crisis

You’re not imagining it: We’re all having intense coronavirus dreams


How Microsoft Teams will use AI to filter out typing, barking, and other noise from video calls 

Zoom vs. Google Hangouts: Video chat apps for working and keeping in touch compared

Google is rebranding Hangouts Chat as just Google Chat

The Zoom privacy and security issues you still need to worry about

Stolen Zoom passwords and meeting IDs are already being shared on the dark web

Racial Slurs And Swastikas Fuel Civil Rights Pressure On Zoom


Jerry Falwell Jr. Apparently Thinks It’s Criminal to Report on Liberty University

In the ‘new normal’ of covid-19, local TV news proves to be the medium of choice for news and information 

How Journalists Can Address Mistrust in Pandemic Coverage and Help “Flatten the Curve”

An Oklahoma newspaper has apologized for a coronavirus April Fools' story after facing backlash  

Covering biomedical research preprints amid the coronavirus: 6 things to know    

What is HIPAA and how does it affect our understanding of the coronavirus?


US newspapers face 'extinction-level' crisis

Pandemic Threatens Local Papers Even As Readers Devour Their Coverage

Media The newspaper industry was already faltering. Will coronavirus obliterate it? 

Removing paywalls on coronavirus coverage is noble. It also makes no sense.  

The Plain Dealer lays off 22 journalists, citing 'industry challenges'  

400 Local Newsrooms Receive Grants to Support Coronavirus Work


John Oliver takes on OAN

Reciting the First Amendment lines up with CDC hand washing guidelines


The news must go on: App State’s student-run media continue remotely

Can (and should) we publish the name of a student who tested positive for COVID-19?

How Twitter outrage helped kill part of a student media contest and why that makes no sense (opinion)  

Salve students rise to challenge of keeping school’s media running in face of coronavirus


Nearly three-in-ten Americans believe COVID-19 was made in a lab

Coronavirus in US: FDA orders Texas church to stop selling fake coronavirus medicine 

Misinformation, Distrust May Contribute To Black Americans' COVID-19 Deaths 

What Role Should Newsrooms Play in Debunking COVID-19 Misinformation?

Decades of science denial related to climate change has led to denial of the coronavirus pandemic 

Misinformation about an outbreak like Covid-19 is important public health data 

 Facebook's lack of moderators is hurting its fight against misinformation


A Bookstore That Closed During the Pandemic Started a Literature Hotline. Now People Are Calling in for Life Advice

Female Writers Examine The Words That Undermine Women  

Plagiarism in Plaguetime

Amazon’s Self-Publishing Arm Is a Haven for White Supremacists

How to edit your own writing

How to read coronavirus news like a science writer


What Literature Can Teach Us About Epidemics

‘Weird tale’ by Secret Garden author Frances Hodgson Burnett discovered

The Nobel-Winning Economist who wants you to read more Fiction 


Bruce Dawe's passing is a great loss but his remarkable, socially aware poetry will remain relevant

Joyelle McSweeney’s Poetry of Catastrophe 

National Poetry Celebrations go online


How the coronavirus will change how we use the internet

How Has the Coronavirus Changed How You Use the Internet?

What’s really on people’s minds

Too often spouses, and also parents with their children, reduce conversations to logistics such as what to have for dinner, whose turn it is to do the laundry, or when to leave for soccer practice. Friends might run down their latest accomplishments and activities. What often gets left out is what is really on people’s minds — their joys, struggles, hopes and fears. Sometimes people keep conversation light with friends and family because they assume they already know what’s going on, but also, they may be afraid of what they might learn.

But what is love if not a willingness to listen to and be a part of another person’s evolving story? 

It turns out the best way for us to really understand those closest to us is to spend time with them, put down our phones and actually listen to what they have to say.

Kate Murphy, writing in the New York Timesauthor of You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why It Matters

I know exactly what you mean

We think it’s helpful to say, ‘I know exactly what you mean, I went through something similar…’ but that’s you talking about your own feelings, rather than allowing your friend to tell you what it’s like for them. When a person wants to express their pain, your experiences aren’t relevant to them. A similar, common mistake is to leap to offer advice before being asked. Giving advice is not listening, and often it’s not helpful. It shuts people down. If you feel a responsibility to fix your friend’s problems, relinquish it.

Moya Sarner writing in The Guardian

Articles of Interest about the virus and higher ed - April 7


Will Universities, Colleges, And Law School Campuses Be Open In Fall 2020? 

US Dept of Ed Provides Guidance for interruptions of study related to Coronavirus

Updated Guidance for interruptions of study related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s the Dawning of a New Day in the Job Market. Here’s What That Means for Higher Ed 

Regulating bodies must pay closer attention to college and university financial health, a new report from a liberal think tank finds 

Campus is closed, so college students are rebuilding their schools in Minecraft

Accessibility Suffers During Pandemic 

Here are the states that will suffer the worst hospital bed shortages


COVID-19 could lead to an epidemic of clinical depression

Teletherapy: Connecting therapists and clients during a time of separation 


Thousand Oaks councilman, a pastor, resigns, says he’ll defy coronavirus order 

About One-Third Of Sacramento County Coronavirus Cases Linked To Church Gatherings

Louisiana pastor cited for defying coronavirus order hosts hundreds on Palm Sunday 


Scientists are racing to create a COVID-19 vaccine. Anti-vaxxers may soon complicate their efforts

Explained: the coronavirus 5G conspiracy theory that has people setting fire to phone masts  

Dr. Drew Pinsky Played Down COVID-19, Then Tries To Hide Away The Evidence 

Italian fact-checking organization bolsters its effort to fight coronavirus hoaxes 

Covid-19 Test Result Leak Spotlights Email Security Risks


Coronavirus Pushes Higher Education to the Brink 

Coronavirus: Boston University lays off 1,600 student workers amid pandemic

Fitch Predicts Stimulus Won't Match Coronavirus Costs for Colleges 

Pay Cuts for University Presidents, Coaches

University of Alabama System approves $250 million line of credit as COVID-19 insurance

MacMurray College Will Close With No Severance for Faculty

What A Likely Recession Means For Higher Education


Colleges alter grading policies, but not all students are glad  

Law School Creates Worst Of All Possible Grading Policies For No Good Reason

College students want to change how they're graded as coronavirus pandemic disrupts everything


These Washington University faculty had rejected online classes -- until coronavirus. Here’s how they made the switch

Redefining What’s Fair in Your Transition to Online

What's lost in the rush to online learning


MIT puts professor on leave over new revelations about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein as it issues anticipated report

MLA members discuss professors' ethical responsibilities for training graduate students, as some propose shifts in admissions practices

What to do when professors can't teach? Some administrators and instructors are making plans for unprecedented illness and even death among faculty members 


Film explores controversy over ex-Wheaton College prof who wore hijab to support Muslims  

President of Central Baptist Theological Seminary resigns due to ‘ethical lapse’ 

Christian Colleges Should Interact With World, Not Oppose It (opinion)  

An authoritarian power structure brought coronavirus to Liberty University

The Unsettled Mood on Liberty University’s Campus as COVID-19 Advances

Nebraska Christian College in Papillion to close 


'It is ungodly': students react to Liberty University reopening

Liberty University Demonstrates What Not To Do During A Pandemic


A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Sociology’s recent large-scale retraction

Retraction: The “Other Face” of Research Collaboration? 

Senior NHS scientist caught cheating bizarrely blames it on spellcheck software 

Strong caveats are lacking as news stories trumpet preliminary COVID-19 research 


For the generation shaped by coronavirus, life may never fully return to ‘normal'

How coronavirus could edge low-income students out of college

Student parents are hit doubly hard by coronavirus 

College student makes masks for the deaf & hard of hearing

Finishing Out Your Academic Year During COVID-19 

“A Semester With an Asterisk”: Coronavirus Is Upending Life—And Grades—For College Students


University therapist records considered as Title IX violation evidence 

The Self-esteem Secret

You can either let your self-esteem ride on the answer to questions like:

Do people think I am smart?  
Am I shaped like a model?  
Do I look weak and foolish? 

Or you can let your self-esteem be based on the knowledge that you are of value because you are made in God's image and that he has set his affection on you.

You've made quite a journey already, struggling to keep going and learning to rest in that knowledge. Won’t it be enjoyable to march down that path, head held high and a big smile on your face? It’s there, not because you are ignoring your trouble, but because you know the secret.

Stephen Goforth

Articles of Interest about the virus, zoom, & religion


Covid-19 Symptoms: What to Do If You Might Have It  

These are the two COVID-19 data sites I incessantly check 

The UK plans to issue coronavirus 'immunity passports' so people can leave the lockdown early

Looking at the COVID-19 myths causing confusion 

The coronavirus is creating a renaissance of the American family

College made them feel like equals: The virus changed that 

It’s Hardly Shocking the Navy Fired a Commander for Warning of Coronavirus Threat: It’s Part of a Pattern 


U.S. Latinos among hardest hit by pay cuts, job losses due to coronavirus

Early Data Shows African Americans Have Contracted and Died of Coronavirus at an Alarming Rate


Experts warn of privacy risk as US uses GPS to fight coronavirus spread 

Google is now publishing coronavirus mobility reports, feeding off users’ location history 


“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: Doctors Without Enough Ventilators Are Being Told Whom To Save During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Doctors Say Hospitals Are Stopping Them From Wearing Masks

 California nursing students get path to degree amid pandemic 


Zoom Meetings Just Got Safer. Here's Why That Also Means It'll Be Harder to Use

19 Students And Professors Who Were 100% Hilarious During Online Classes

How to allow Zoom meeting attendees to join without installing the app

Zoom will enable waiting rooms by default to stop Zoombombing

We’re all video chatting now but some of us hate it


A 20 Foot Cable And The Explosion Of Online Cheating 

NYC forbids schools from using Zoom for remote learning due to privacy and security concerns

Maybe we shouldn’t use Zoom after all 

Why Most Should Avoid The ‘Out Of Control’ Zoom Right Now

Zoom says engineers will focus on security and safety issues

‘Zoombombing’ Becomes a Dangerous Organized Effort 

Thousands of private Zoom videos are online for anyone to watch

A Must For Millions, Zoom Has A Dark Side — And An FBI Warning

How to stop hackers from ‘zoom bombing’ your Zoom video chats

Zoom Sued for Allegedly Illegally Disclosing Personal Data 

Zoom Tightens Privacy Policy, Says No User Videos Are Analyzed for Ads


Why Working From Home Is So Exhausting 


Can Technology Hold Religious Communities Together?

Asian American Christians denounce anti-Asian racism amid coronavirus 

Florida, other states allowing church services during coronavirus pandemic draw criticism 

Here's a look at what states are exempting religious gatherings from stay at home orders 

Five days of worship that set a virus time bomb in France 

Mormons start crowd-less conference due to pandemic


Caught between gender equality and religious liberty (opinion) 

Radio host ‘Doc’ Gallagher gets 25 years for bilking Christian investors out of millions  


Thomas Road Baptist Church's Charles Billingsley tests positive for coronavirus  

At least 70 people infected with coronavirus linked to a single church in California, health officials say 

Florida megachurch pastor says he's closing church due to 'tyrannical government'   

Ill. megachurch pastor, grandfather of 10 dies of coronavirus 


Arkansas Baptists seek dismissal of sexual abuse lawsuit

Three-quarters of U.S. Catholics view Pope Francis favorably, though partisan differences persist 


Record low number of Americans hold biblical worldview, survey says 

Kenneth Copeland Defends Lavish Lifestyle (video)

Take a deep breath

A famous classical musician slipped on jeans and a baseball cap. He then took his million-dollar Stradivarius violin into the Washington, DC metro and played for passengers. They were not impressed because he didn't look the part of a professional. He wasn’t wearing concert attire or playing in a concert hall. 

A mother brought her toddler into the emergency room of a hospital for three straight days. But doctors dismissed her symptoms because of her mother’s behavior. On the third visit, the girl died.

In their book Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior, Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman say these are examples of premature labeling. 

Before you determine the inherent worth of someone or something, take a deep breath and make sure your first impression isn’t keeping you from seeing what's actually going on. 

Stephen Goforth

Questions and Answers

Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning.”  A friend who heard this wrote to me asking, “Why?  Why?  Why?????????”

I think Einstein was assuming there were answers to be found—as opposed to people (some of them I bumped into while studying philosophy) who dare not find any answers because it’s the "search" for truth/answers/reasons that appealed to them. Finding answers would require an identity shift from aggressive critic to defender of a viewpoint and that’s not as much fun. It’s like the search for romantic love—fun to chase but boring or frustrating to find it and try to live with it.

Our choices show whether we are asking questions because we want answers or whether we draw pleasure from shouting question marks and hearing empty echoes in response. 

Stephen Goforth

Articles about the Virus, Journalism, Higher Ed & more


Interactive Coronavirus graphs 

China Concealed Coronavirus Outbreak Extent: U.S. Intelligence 

Corona Virus is sparking a new labor movement 

Pandemic Expert: 'I just assumed that the US system would be a little bit better...and I just couldn't have been more wrong’

Taxpayers Paid Millions to Design a Low-Cost Ventilator for a Pandemic—the Co. is Selling it Overseas 

"Walking Dead" actor Daniel Newman's coronavirus test wasn't processed, but he got billed $9,000 

9 charts showing what coronavirus is doing to the economy 

Hospitals Tell Doctors They’ll Be Fired If They Speak Out About Lack of Gear

The Medical News Site That Saw the Coronavirus Coming Months Ago 

What Is a Ventilator, Anyway? 


The race to find a coronavirus vaccine has one major obstacle: big pharma

Do Homemade Face Masks Help Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus?


The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South

Why is New Orleans' coronavirus death rate seven times New York's? Obesity is a factor  

The South, Sickest Part of a Sick America, Falls Prey to Virus


Doctor kicked out of Ind. gas station for being Asian in coronavirus-related discrimination 

FBI warns of potential surge in hate crimes against Asian Americans amid coronavirus 

Stabbing Of Asian American Toddler And Family Deemed A Hate Crime: Report


Coronavirus: Hackers are now launching dozens of email scams each day  

Why coronavirus scammers can send fake emails from real domains 

Coronavirus deniers take aim at hospitals as pandemic grows


Hundreds of university staff made redundant due to coronavirus

Faculty discuss their quick transition to online instruction

How Much Did Coronavirus Disruptions Affect 2 Closing Colleges? 

Christian Colleges Get Creative with Chapel Requirements

UC suspends SAT/ACT requirements for 2021 applicants 

Scores of institutions announce faculty hiring freezes in response to the coronavirus


Samaritan's Purse sets up emergency field hospital in New York's Central Park 

Pastor of Louisiana church charged, accused of disobeying governor’s order 

Texas pastors demand a “religious liberty” exemption to coronavirus stay-at-home orders

Bunch Of Pansies’: PA Pastor Slams Coronavirus Precautions, Planning ‘Woodstock’-Like Easter Gathering

Coronavirus social distancing leads to empty churches and a rise in apps 


Mental health support systems for coping with pandemic 

China’s Divorce Spike Is a Warning to Rest of Locked-Down World 

7 things that polar explorers used to stay sane for months of isolation that work in quarantine


Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean your boss isn’t watching you  

Lockdown video: Making video conferencing and streaming work from home

Lockdown video: Making video conferencing and streaming work from home  

I’m a parent and a teacher. Remote learning should worry us all

New Orleans educator solves online teaching problem, catches Google's eye


The internet is now rife with places where you can organize Zoom-bombing raids  

'Zoombombing' comes for houses of worship  

Zoom under scrutiny by NY attorney general’s office for data privacy & security practices


Bookstores can be saved  

Coronavirus news is dominating readers’ attention 

Pandemic Literature: A Meta-List of the Books You Should Read in Coronavirus Quarantine 

Pandemics: An Essential Reading List


Coronavirus is being used to suppress press freedoms globally

Gannett, responding to the coronavirus-related downturn, announces a series of cuts 

Coronavirus news is dominating readers’ attention

Fox News is worried about legal action after misleading viewers about coronavirus

San Fran: $369k to a freelance journalist raided by police trying to find a confidential source


Tomorrow’s life-or-death decisions for newspapers are suddenly today’s, thanks to coronavirus 

Coronavirus presents existential threat for news media


Facebook, YouTube Warn Of More Mistakes As Machines Replace Moderators 

Facebook Offers $100 Million Lifeline To News Outlets During Coronavirus Crisis 

Articles of interest about the virus (& higher ed)


Hospitals consider universal do-not-resuscitate orders for coronavirus patients 

Data visualizations break down the virus 

The pioneering doctor behind hand-washing 

The Social-Distancing Culture War Has Begun

SoCal doctor says key differences between Los Angeles, New York play factor in spread of COVID-19  


How to tell if your nearest hospital is prepared to handle the coronavirus 

The Reason You're Exhausted Is 'Moral Fatigue'


Pastor of Chicago Megachurch Tells Staff to Keep an Outbreak of COVID-19 Among Pastors & Staff Secret 

Florida Church Packed with Worshipers 

Coronavirus News: Some Megachurches Still Pack in Crowds 

About 500 worshippers in Louisiana church defy ban on gatherings 

Choir practice turns fatal. Airborne coronavirus strongly suspected 

43 people fall ill at Pentecostal church after revival, 10 test positive for coronavirus  


Study Abroad Provider Cuts More Than 600 Jobs

For Higher Education, Nothing Matters More Than September 

SF City College Chancellor resigns 

MacMurray College Closing at End of Semester 

Law School Offers Pass/Fail But Only If You Tell Them A Good Enough Story About How COVID Hurt You

Colleges extend decision deadline due to coronavirus as new students reconsider

How a Pandemic Could Change Higher Education  


Higher Ed Institutions Lay Off Workers, Tighten Budgets Amid Coronavirus Crisis

College Fundraising and HR During the Crisis 

Are Colleges Dancing Around Issues That The Coronavirus Has Exposed?

Universities Shouldn’t Spend Their Endowments on Coronavirus Relief (opinion) 

Bay Area Private Catholic school: closure some fear is now inevitable 


Cybersecurity Lawyer Who Flagged The WHO Hack Warns Of 'Massive' Remote Work Risks 

FBI investigating Zoombombing incident during faculty meeting 


COVID-19 is forcing rapid tech adoption in higher ed 

Dean Responds With Dance Video TO NYU Tisch’s Students Wanting Tuition Back Over Remote Learning  

Sick of Zoom? Google Duo now supports video calls for up to 12 people 

Forced off campus by coronavirus, students aren't won over by online education

Live video should not be your default online learning experience

A trauma-informed approach to teaching through coronavirus — for students everywhere, online or not 

How to Video-Chat Between an iPhone and an Android Smartphone

When the Tide Goes Out: Identifying and Supporting Struggling Students in Online Courses 


Court holds University of Michigan administrators personally liable for violating student’s due process rights  

The rise of the remote Ph.D. defense 


Christian Colleges Should Interact With World, Not Oppose It (opinion) 

Trevecca releases documentary as church resource during pandemic 


Liberty University Brings Back Its Students, and Coronavirus, Too

‘He’s Going to Do Whatever He Wants’

Liberty University Could Face Liability for Failure to Shut Down for Coronavirus

What’s It Like on One of the Only University Campuses Still Open in the U.S.? 

Liberty University offers $1K credit to those who don't return to on-campus residence 


We tried to reproduce our 2012 paper on how to make people report their income more honestly—and we ended up refuting it 

An unprecedented shutdown of academic research underway on many campuses  


This could be worst job market for new college grads since the financial crisis

Attending Class From Home? Here Are 6 Tips For Success 

Coronavirus Drives Colleges to Test Optional 


The University of Rochester settled a long-running legal case over alleged sexual harassment 

Coronavirus creates Title IX obstacles

tell me a story

We naturally avoid ambiguity. We want black and white, right or left, up or down. The greys of life are so distasteful that when a cause is attached to any set of facts, we assume the "facts" are more likely to have really happened.

Nassim Taleb in his book The Black Swain points out that if you ask someone, "How many people are likely to have lung cancer in the U.S.?" you might get a response like "half a million." But if you make one change to the question and ask, "How many people are likely to have lung cancer in the U.S. because of smoking cigarettes" you would get a much higher number. Why is that? Taleb suggests we tend to believe an idea is more likely to be true when a cause is attached to it.

Joey seemed happily married but killed his wife.

Joey seemed happily married but killed his wife to get her inheritance. 

The first is broader and accommodate more possibilities. The second statement is more specific and less likely to be true.  But if you ask people which is more likely, more of them would say the second statement. Why?  The second statement tells us a story.

The narrative misguides us. We want an explanation, a back story. That's why it’s hard for us to look at a series of facts without weaving an explanation into them and tying the factsto the because. We like a good story-even when it misleads us about what is true. That's why you should be careful whenever you come across a because. Connecting causes to particular events must be handled with care.

Stephen Goforth

Articles of interest about the virus (& religion)


Governors are starting to close their borders. The implications are staggering.

The Pandemic Has Led to a Huge, Global Drop in Air Pollution

Simulating an epidemic (video)

Cities after coronavirus: how Covid-19 could radically alter urban life 

Citing virus, EPA has stopped enforcing environmental laws

Federal health agencies block journalists' access to COVID-19 experts & information

Surging Traffic Is Slowing Down Our Internet 

Mayor urges citizens to stay home in explicit online rant 

“This is a white-collar quarantine." How the pandemic is magnifying America’s class divide.

The Week's Best Quarantine Memes, Ranked 



What To Do If You Lose Your Job Due To The Coronavirus Outbreak 

You can’t get fired for having the coronavirus, but your boss can take your temperature  


Do you wear contact lenses? You should switch to glasses to stop spreading the virus

Homemade face masks: Why they may not protect you from coronavirus

Can You Catch Coronavirus From Your Shoes?

 Now Is the Time to Take Care of Your Lungs. Here’s How. 



Why We Turn to Gardening in Times of Crisis 

'Call Your Friends': The Importance Of Maintaining Friendships During The Pandemic  



Hackers Trick Thousands Into Downloading Dangerous ‘Google Chrome Update

Hackers hijacking home routers to direct people to malicious coronavirus app



How shadowy social media groups are spreading myths and conspiracy about coronavirus    

When Coronavirus Misinformation Goes Viral



Rabbi who rescued 56 families from the Nazis dies of coronavirus 

Nearly 3 dozen who attended Arkansas church event test positive for coronavirus

Trump's Bible teacher says gays among those to blame for COVID-19 

US Christian leaders criticise Trump's Easter coronavirus deadline 

Pastors from Europe Tell North America: Get Ready Now

Coronavirus: 'I'm stuck in isolation with my homophobic parents' 

Virginia Pastor/Musician who called media reaction to Coronavirus  “Mass Hysetria” dies from Coronavirus 

A White House faith adviser is under fire for appearing to suggest coronavirus is due to God’s wrath over homosexuality, environmentalism 

Trump wants ‘packed churches’ on Easter. Pastors expect their doors to be shut.

The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals (opinion) 

Megachurch in LA refuses social distancing, Pastor says God will heal 


Religious communities are offering baptism by Zoom - such innovation has deep historical roots 

Trolls exploit Zoom privacy settings as app gains popularity during lockdown

Zoom is giving Facebook your personal information without telling you

The two Zoom features you need to know about for video conferences 

How to change your Zoom background just like everyone else is doing right now


The Vatican museums have free virtual tours, including one where you can see the Sistine Chapel

As offerings dwindle, some churches fear for their future

Miley Cyrus Explains to Hailey Bieber Why She Left the Church 

Students Are Scrambling After Universities Close. Churches Can Help. 

ECFA Names New President 

How Corrie ten Boom’s 'The Hiding Place' Earned its Place in the Evangelical Canon  



Caught between gender equality and religious liberty (opinion) 

Virginia Gov. quotes Scripture, pleads with Fallwell to close Liberty University 


“No man is an island,” John Donne wrote in 1624, as he lay ill with a persistent fever, fearing death. “Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” In the solitude and delirium imposed by his illness, his connection to all others became manifest. Americans have always viewed the communitarian ethos with some ambivalence; our founding ideals are rooted in a rebellion against authority and duty, and reverence for individual liberty. Epidemics, Anne Applebaum recently pointed out in The Atlantic, “have a way of revealing underlying truths about the societies they impact.” This one has caught us in a moment of profound weakness. Faith in science, government, media, and all our institutions has badly eroded, and we are deeply divided politically and culturally, viewing each other as enemy tribes, not countrymen. The coronavirus cares nothing for these distinctions; it is a reminder that our separateness is an illusion. We Americans, and all of humanity, are at war with a common foe. We can only defeat it together.

William Falk writing in The Week magazine