Love and Death

Love is a reminder of our own mortality. When a friend or member of our family dies, we are vividly impressed by the fact that life is evanescent and irretrievable. But there is also a deeper sense of its meaningful possibilities and an impetus to risk ourselves in taking the leap. Some -perhaps most - human beings never know deep love until they experience, at someone's death, the preciousness of friendship, devotion, loyalty. Abraham Maslow is profoundly right when he wonders whether we could love passionately if we knew we'd never die

Rollo May, Love and Will

Articles of Interest about the virus and its impact on your job, lit, teaching, & journalism


Coronavirus is a Waffle House 'Index Red': Restaurant chain shutters 418 stores 

How Do You Make a Will During the Coronavirus Lockdown? 

Kansas official: Pandemic isn’t a problem here because there are few Chinese people   

10 Misconceptions About the 1918 Flu, the ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ 

Defying State Closure Mandates, Some Religious Private Schools Fight to Stay Open During Coronavirus Spread 

How Long Will Schools Need To Stay Closed? A Pandemic Expert Weighs In 

UC San Diego 'inundated' with gifts after it asks for equipment, money to fight coronavirus 

When Language Goes Viral during a Pandemic 



The Ibuprofen Debate Reveals the Danger of Covid-19 Rumors 

Coronavirus crisis brings wave of scams 

How Wikipedia Prevents the Spread of Coronavirus Misinformation 



My employer is denying routine remote working requests 

Are you an 'essential' worker? Here's what that means 

Law You Can Use: Coronavirus and your job 



How to keep your internet from slowing to a crawl while working from home 

Can you be fired for working from home? 

Why Does My Work Laptop Have Slower Wifi Than My Other Devices? 



Zoom’s A Lifeline During COVID-19: This Is Why It’s Also A Privacy Risk 

Flood of Online Learning Resources Overwhelms Teachers 

Should I use Zoom or FaceTime? Here’s how to decide

Adjusting expectations, avoiding tech overload and teaching effectively online in the wake of COVID-19: Advice from an eLearning expert  

Babbel makes its language learning app free for all US students 

Coronavirus: Add 'Zoom-bombing' to the stresses overwhelming schools  



News Publishers Deemed “Essential” Businesses During Pandemic 

50 Must Read websites and newsletters for journalists and students interested in the media, tech and communications 

How newsrooms are preparing for coronavirus while also covering it 

 Resources to help reporters cover coronavirus

San Diego Magazine Laid Off Nearly Entire Staff 

Do news sites have an ethical duty to remove paywalls on coronavirus coverage? 

Coronavirus news is America's new national pastime  

Student journalists are continuing to cover their colleges and surrounding communities 

The FBI Has Limited Public Records Requests During The Coronavirus Pandemic 



Student Journalists Are Still Reporting on Coronavirus After Schools Shut Down 

How to access the information you need to cover mental illness at your school 

Their college year upended, Gen Z journalists keep breaking news on Coronavirus


Instagram adds video chat to help people stay connected   

TikTok Told Moderators: Suppress Posts by the “Ugly” and Poor

In Largest Study Yet, Pandemic Fuels WhatsApp, Social Media, TV 



How Emily Dickinson Wrestled with Darwinism

Famous Lines of Poetry Revised for the Age of Coronavirus (McSweeney’s)

Poetry can be the bridge that connects us during these difficult times  

Articles of interest about the virus (& higher ed) - March 25


How to Handle Packages During the Coronavirus Pandemic  

The toilet paper calculator  

Coronavirus Sets the Stage for Hacking Mayhem

The psychological toll of coronavirus coverage

The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What's Coming


People Are Looping Videos to Fake Paying Attention in Zoom Meetings  

How To Work From Home Most Chaotically

What Employees Need to Know Amid the Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak 


Department of Education Issues Guidance on Students with Disabilities, Privacy During COVID-19 Pandemic  

North Carolina College Investigates Use of Force by Officers

Small colleges were already on the brink. Now, coronavirus threatens their existence 


Google and YouTube Launch Remote Learning Tools for Parents and Teachers

15 Moments That Perfectly And Hilariously Capture Online Classes In The Time Of The Coronavirus

From Zoom University to the Zoom Party 

All of Poynter's courses are now free


Working from home during COVID-19 proves challenging for faculty members 

MIT puts professor on leave over new revelations about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein as it issues anticipated report

MLA members discuss professors' ethical responsibilities for training graduate students, as some propose shifts in admissions practices

The Move to Online College is Hitting Adjunct Professors the Hardest

University of Memphis instructor dies in Wisconsin from COVID-19 Complications 

What happens when the anonymity of campus sexual harassment probes is weaponized against a professor? 

Will the coronavirus kill off the ‘dinosaur’ world of academic publishing?  


Liberty University students returning to campus dorms amid coronavirus shutdowns 

Christian Colleges Should Interact With World, Not Oppose It (opinion) 

How Christian higher education responded to a pandemic 

Students sue to stop Christian university from merging with art college in Tennessee


As campus closures strain low-income students, undergrads at over a dozen universities have started large "mutual aid" networks and fundraisers to defray costs

Study abroad students caught by international border closures 

Students Are Scrambling After Universities Close. Churches Can Help   

Casting Doubt

A lot of people still think of propaganda as the art of making lies sound truthful, but...they want to make truthfulness an irrelevant category. It’s not about proving something, it’s about casting doubt. Most political ideologies have not been about casting doubt — they’ve claimed to be telling the truth about the way the world is or should be. But this new propaganda is different. Putin isn’t selling a wonderful communist future. He’s saying, we live in a dark world, the truth is unknowable, the truth is always subjective, you never know what it is, and you, the little guy, will never be able to make sense of it all — so you need to follow a strong leader.

Sean Illing & Peter Pomerantsev in a Vox  interview 


Articles of Interest about the virus (and higher ed) - March 19


How to Not Completely Hate the People You’re Quarantined With 

10 misconceptions about the 1918 flu, the 'greatest pandemic in history' 

Federal government in talks with tech groups to use phone location data to track coronavirus 

Inside the Pro-Trump Facebook Group Where First Responders Call Coronavirus a Hoax 

The Trump Administration Drove Him Back to China, Where He Invented a Fast Coronavirus Test 

Israeli Gov using phone tracking to alert people potentially exposed to the coronavirus


National Enquirer blasted for coronavirus ‘cures’ fake news 

CVS sent false coronavirus information to staff 

Coronavirus in Africa: Facebook, Twitter fight misinformation 


The Dept of Ed issues new guidelines to ensure internet accessibility for students with disabilities during the coronavirus pandemic 

The Dept of Ed issues new guidelines on accreditation in the time of the pandemic 

Amid Coronavirus, Some College Students Have Nowhere To Go 

What Is a College Education in the Time of Coronavirus?

A Perfect Time To End Our STEM Obsession: 3 Ideas For Teaching Critical Thinking At Home During (And After) The Coronavirus Pandemic

The virus and religious freedom 

College enrollment officers report concern filling fall classes  


Coronavirus could affect college enrollment and college’s bottom line 

Moody's lowers higher ed outlook to negative amid coronavirus crisis   

Pomona College students Refuse to Leave Campus   


University of Michigan removes provost amid allegations of sexual misconduct 

Palomar College at high risk of insolvency so state assigns fiscal monitor 

Will Shift to Remote Teaching Be Boon or Bane for Online Learning? 

How will for-profit colleges fare in the recession? 

Federal judge dismisses Title IX lawsuit filed against the University of Arizona 


As classes move online, some colleges are choosing to go pass/fail to relieve student stress 

Five Ways to Promote Student Autonomy in Online Discussions 

Adobe is Giving Everyone 2 Months of Free Creative Cloud -- Here's How To Get It


MIT puts professor on leave over new revelations about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein as it issues anticipated report 

MLA members discuss professors' ethical responsibilities for training graduate students, as some propose shifts in admissions practices. 


How Christian Colleges Have Been Revising Student Handbooks Since Obergefell  

Christian Colleges Should Interact With World, Not Oppose It (opinion)  

Point Loma grad wins Miss Asia USA, becomes Global Ambassador  

Bob Jones University Regrets Not Telling Victim to Go to Police


Want to do better science? Admit you’re not objective 

Why are hundreds of papers retracted every year? 

Hundreds of scientists have peer-reviewed for predatory journals 

Articles of Interest about religion, the virus, and teaching - March 17


Coronavirus may drive more high school seniors to in-state public colleges 

Social distancing prevents infections, but it can have unintended consequences

Coronavirus Rumors: Running List Of Fake News, Hoaxes, Disinformation 


Welcome to Your Hastily Prepared Online College Course - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency 

Bringing Your Course Online: Resources from MLA 

Suddenly trying to teach humanities courses online? Here's what the experts recommend  

As coronavirus closures force colleges to move students online, ed-tech experts see opportunity -- but also risk 

Zoom videoconferencing is very popular. It has bigger plans

Why College Students Are One Of The Most Affected Groups By COVID-19 Outbreak 

How to Help Students Who Are at Risk of Dropping Out  

As coronavirus closes schools, teachers and families brace for massive experiment in online education 


SoCal Church Offers a Drive-In Mass in Keeping With COVID-19 Guidelines  

Evangelical preacher claims to cure coronavirus through TV  

California mega-church cancels its ‘faith healing’ hospital visits, citing coronavirus

You’d think God could target the problem better by only giving “them” the virus!

Los Angeles Times postpones Festival of Books due to coronavirus 

Churches are closing doors, live streaming services for congregants avoiding coronavirus 

Liberty University Moves Classes Online Despite Falwell's Initial Coronavirus Skepticism  

COVID-19 Forces Hundreds of Bible Study Fellowship Classes Online

Televangelist Attempts To “Heal” Coronavirus Patients Through The TV 


Anti-gay sign in religious leader’s yard sparks protest outside Bossier City church  

Do Christian Churches Care About the Climate Crisis 

Museum of the Bible's Dead Sea Scrolls are fake, analysis shows  

Did Jack Welch's Evangelical Faith Change the Controversial 'Rock Star' CEO of General Electric? 


How a data-backed Christian nationalist machine helped Trump to power 

White Evangelicals See Trump as Fighting for Their Beliefs, Though Many Have Mixed Feelings About His Personal Conduct 


Caught between gender equality and religious liberty (opinion) 

Pennsylvania opens grand jury investigation into Jehovah’s Witnesses’ cover-up of child sex abuse 

Texas megachurch pastor pleads guilty to defrauding investors


California Southern Baptists to shutter newspaper

The courage and compassion of Catholic activist Dorothy Day  

It's over

Many people leap to the conclusion that “it is over” means that the life situation has to go. They get divorced. They walk out of the office, never to return. They leave the church. They abandon their education. They leave their country. They do these things, even though all that they were being called on to do was to leave the relation that they had had to these things. Even when the ending is literal, as it is in death, the most important relinquishment is not of the person but of the life.

William Bridges, The Way of Transitions

Articles of Interest about Lit, Journ, Writing & Lang (plus the virus) – March 15


A list of disinfectants and wipes to protect against spread of the coronavirus 

The most ridiculous ways companies are trying to profit from the coronavirus outbreak  

What Does “Exponential Growth” Mean? 

Apple Confirms That Cleaning Your Phone With a Disinfectant Wipe Is Totally Fine  



If you are going online, the #1 question is not 'what tech?', the #1 question is 'how will you support your most struggling students?'

How to Make College Decisions When Campuses Are Closed  

Amazon Educational Resources  

Your college closed early because of coronavirus. You might not get your money back

Liberty students react to decision to continue in-person classes 

What will happen to college food service and custodial workers when campuses are empty? 

As Coronavirus Fears Close Classes, Some Kids Are Left Behind

Why I stopped using my university-licensed Zoom account (Twitter thread)


How to hide your messy room for a Zoom video conference  

Not all tech employees can work from home 

Resources for teaching production courses online in case of emergency  

What are my rights if I stay home and miss work because of coronavirus? 



List of Live Streaming Concerts 

19 Bizarre Wikipedia Pages You'll Want To Read Next Time You're Bored 

Making a Plan When Planning Is Impossible 



Do Authors Write Where They Know? 

The era of fake writing is upon us

Top 10 Writing and Grammar Mistakes That Even Published Authors Make

Oprah admits to 'not looking for Latinx writers' as American Dirt controversy continues



18 journalism work-from-home tips

Illinois Gov’s office pressures newspaper to unpublish news story on progressive tax 

Journalists May Get Reprieve From California Contractor Law   

IPI launches new protocol for newsrooms to address online harassment 

A guideline for inclusion in sports and the wider media industry 



Change to Clery investigation process helps student journalists get information faster 

Sacramento State's new campus media policy called unconstitutional 

Retraction and apology for racist op-ed illustration choice 

High school students fill gap in coverage of their Minneapolis neighborhood through community-driven newspaper 

Article Retraction: “Sexual harassment in English Department” at Mills College


Elite Hackers Are Using Coronavirus Emails to Set Traps

The Nigerian prince scam is still fooling people. Here’s why


From Uptalk to Vocal Fry, Women Are Prolific Language Innovators (podcast) 



Pete Buttigieg’s favorite author would maybe hate Pete Buttigieg

How to support your local indie bookstore without leaving your house 



Broadway Is Closed. Write Poems Instead 

Pulitzer Prize-Winning N. Scott Momaday Talks About His New Collection Of Poetry 

In Defense of Poetic Nonsense 

John Carey: ‘In my teens I fancied myself as a poet’ 

Poetry Challenge: Paint A Picture With Words 



Why so many Americans don’t talk about money 

Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect.

Finding God in the Next Person

Gandhi—who did not have a good track record as a family man—is reported to have said, “If you don’t find God in the very next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further.” I would add, ‘If you don’t find God in the person who forgets to put the toilet seat down or brings home a disastrous report card or violates the 11:00 p.m. curfew, it is a waste of time looking for God further.” Families are social entities, but more importantly they are spiritual communities.

Margaret Guenther, The Practice of Prayer