24 Data Science Articles from May 2022

Spark or Hadoop? Both Apache products can be used by data scientists but which is the better analytics tool? Here’s a comparison—along with which one will fit better based on your project focus

Fixing data lake errors can be time-consuming, and costly—here are some thoughts on standardized an autonomous validation approach to avoid the lake becoming a swamp

Interpol: in a couple of years expect state-developed cyber weapons to be available on the dark net  

Do you think Python is slow? Here’s a fast way to loop in Python

Looking for patterns in satellite image time series with python? Here’s a quick guide for handling time-varying imagery with open python libraries 

Can the new-and-improved Large Hadron Collider save particle physics?   

Want to run Python code in a browser? Soon you might be able to 

The AI Engineering Process: A guide to solving an AI problem

The challenges of organizing geospatial intelligence efficiently 

Making predictions outperforms smart teams of data scientists working on large data sets. Some examples of machine learning mistakes thanks to the narrow thinking of the humans that created them.

Some researchers claim we’re on the cusp of GoPro physics—where a camera can point at an event and an algorithm can identify the underlying physics equation

An in-depth look at Neural architecture search—the AutoML subfield aiming to replace manual designs

In an effort to enhance artificial intelligence & machine learning technologies military researchers are letting it be known they want more accurate processing of covariance information related to environmental variations and noise

Intelligence agencies are starting to coalesce around a set of common standards and data for using open source intelligence

A detailed explanation of handling satellite imagery in the format of .tiff files using Python.

A way to better understand road networks by measuring their spatial homogeneity using machine-learning tools like graph neural networks

The place where machine learning shines

A new deep learning technique shows promise to make robotics systems more stable in handling deformable objects

Small satellites: The implications for national security 

Ukraine may be a tipping point for developing intelligent weapons

Two main types of adversarial attacks in neural networks

It’s not just about gathering data—it’s telling compelling stories 

NGA to Leverage AI, ML for GEOINT Analysis at Scale 

From data scientist to … comedian?

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