23 Articles from December about AI & Data Science
/AI Definitions: Artificial General Intelligence
Agentic AI cannot survive without data scientists
AI Definitions: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Agentic AI will require data scientists to frame problems, not just solve them
These mistakes can ruin your machine learning project
How to Clean Your Data for Your Real-Life Data Science Projects
An AI-enabled weapon systems center and create a working group under the U.S. Cyber Command
Geospatial analysis advances as AI uses auditory prompts to create relevant images
What Is Agentic AI, and How Will It Change Work?
AI Definitions: Natural language processing
Scaling laws have shaped AI’s past, but they no longer define its future
The US Central Command is employing large language models for some of its processes
Inducing anxiety in large language models can produce bias
Military takes on question of when AI is the right thing to do
Air Force continues to expand its version of ChatGPT following summer launch