Data Science articles from April 2021

Reverse engineering the Hamiltonian model to shed light on quantum systems

Deepfake satellite imagery poses a not-so-distant threat, warn geographers

The shadowy company that is “managing a colossal, previously idle chunk of the internet owned by the U.S. Department of Defense”

The challenges of applied machine learning

The US Army plans to use satellites in low orbit to give soldiers dedicated surveillance, navigation & imaging capabilities—not the same as what is being planned by the Defense Dept’s Space Development Agency

Latest neural nets solve world’s hardest equations faster than ever before

The National Reconnaissance Office plans to sign new deals with commercial providers of satellite radar imagery

Apache Software Foundation retires 13 Hadoop-related projects including Sentry, Tajo and Falcon

Overhyping artificial intelligence: For AI to succeed, it first must be able to fail 

A straightforward introduction to recurrent neural networks which specializes in processing sequences

C at the top (C++ not far behind)—& Fortran rises from the dead

Researchers demonstrate first human use of high-bandwidth wireless brain-computer interface

Neural network models for combined classification and regression

One of the known techniques to compromise machine learning systems is to target the data used to train the models--data poisoning

The not-so-secret value of sharing commercial geospatial and open-source information

Building planetary-scale machine learning–based systems that actually work, deliver value to humans, and do not amplify inequities

Machine-Learning Pioneer Michael I. Jordan: Stop Calling Everything AI