Data Science articles from March 2021

DARPA seeks to improve computer vision in ‘Third Wave’ of AI research

Bayesian networks can provide answers when machine learning comes up short

MIT study finds ‘systematic’ labeling errors in popular AI benchmark datasets

An interpretable design of unsupervised deep convolutional neural network & lstm autoencoders based real-time anomaly detection from high-dimensional heterogeneous/homogeneous time series data

An overview of  machine learning operations maintenance

Small, cheap spy satellites mean there’s no hiding place

A new statistical model generates more nuanced predictions for complicated events

Spurred on by quantum experiments that scramble the ordering of causes and their effects, some physicists are figuring out how to abandon causality altogether

Researchers think they’ve solved the ‘barren plateaus' issue in quantum machine learning

Geospatial information is vital for linking unconnected datasets and driving digital transformation

Is coding more like a language, or more like math?

The not-so-secret value of sharing commercial geospatial and open-source information

Creating AI systems that can learn causal representations to solve machine learning’s causality problem

MIT built algorithm helps artificial intelligence systems dodge “adversarial” inputs

Bringing spiking neural networks & artificial neural networks together that might lead to allowing machine learning to run on edge devises

DARPA work on homomorphic encryption technology

Cataloging non-reproducible machine learning papers

Five reasons so many data science projects fail to deliver

Bayesian hierarchical modeling at scale

The same reinforcement learning techniques that help guide online ads can be used to solve many other problems

A TensorFlow cheat sheet