15 Articles about how AI is Impacting Jobs

Disruptive Innovation

Innovation distance explains why so many of those who turn an industry upside down are outsiders, even outcasts. To understand this point we need to grasp the difference between the two types of innovation. Sustaining innovations are improvements that make the product better, but do not threaten its market. The disruptive innovation, conversely, threatens to displace a product altogether. It is the difference between the electric typewriter, which improved on the typewriter, and the word processor, which supplanted it.

Another advantage of the outside inventor is less a matter of the imagination than of his being a disinterested party. Distance creates a freedom to develop inventions that might challenge or even destroy the business model of the dominant industry. The outsider is often the only one who can afford to scuttle a perfectly sound ship, to propose an industry that might challenge the business establishment or suggest a whole new business model. Those closer to - often at the trough of - existing industries face a remarkable constant pressure not to invent things that will ruin their employer. The outsider has nothing to lose. But to be clear, it is not mere distance, but the right distance that matters; there is such a thing as being to far away.

Tim Wu, The Master Switch

25 free (mostly one hour) Journalism courses

Free short online courses to strengthen your skills and add a line to your resume. Most of these Poynter courses are one-hour in length or less.

Journalism Fundamentals: Craft & Values - A five-hour, self-directed course that covers basics in five areas: newsgathering, interviewing, ethics, law and diversity. 

Telling Stories with Sound - Learn the fundamentals of audio reporting and editing in this self-directed course.  

How to Spot Misinformation Online - Learn simple digital literacy skills to outsmart algorithms, detect falsehoods and make decisions based on factual information

Understanding Title IX - This course is designed to help journalists understand the applications of Title IX.

Clear, Strong Writing for Broadcast Journalism - One-hour video tutorial  

Powerful Writing: Leverage Your Video and Sound

In this one-hour video tutorial, early-career journalists will learn how to seamlessly combine audio, video and copy in captivating news packages.  

Writing for the Ear - In this five-part course, you’ll learn everything you need to write more effective audio narratives.

Fact-Check It: Digital Tools to Verify Everything Online 

News Sense: The Building Blocks of News - What makes an idea or event a news story?

Cleaning Your Copy: Grammar, Style and More - Finding and fixing the most common style, grammar and punctuation errors.

Avoiding Plagiarism and Fabrication - For authors, editors, educators, journalists, journalism students, news producers and news consumers. 

The Writer’s Workbench: 50 Tools You Can Use - Ethics of Journalism Build or refine your process for making ethical decisions.

Conducting Interviews that Matter  

Make Design More Inclusive: Defeat Unconscious Bias in Visuals 

Online Media Law: The Basics for Bloggers and Other Publishers - Three important areas of media law that specifically relate to gathering information and publishing online: defamation, privacy and copyright.

Freedom of Information and Your Right to Know - How to use the Freedom of Information Act, Public Records Laws and Open Meetings Laws to uphold your right to know the government’s actions.

Journalism and Trauma - How traumatic stress affects victims and how to interview trauma victims with compassion and respect. 

How Any Journalist Can Earn Trust (International Edition) - What news audiences in various parts of the world don’t understand about how journalism works.

Is This Legit? Digital Media Literacy 101 - MediaWise’s Campus Correspondents explain the fact-checking tools and techniques that professionals use in their day-to-day work.

The On-Ramp to Media Literacy - Center for Media Literacy  

How Any Journalist Can Earn Trust

Dignity and Precision in Language

How to Avoid Being Sued: Defamation Law in the 21st Century

Conducting Interviews That Matter

9 Free Webinars about Journalism, Media, AI, Content Creation, & More

Mon, Nov 27 - Reporting on addiction accurately and ethically

What: This webinar will pinpoint some of the errors reporters make most often and present the research-informed viewpoints of experts, strategies and tips journalists can apply to solutions-based coverage of addiction treatment and related topics. The panel will also delve into how to incorporate into reporting the lived experience of people struggling with addiction.

Who: Katti Gray is AHCJ’s health beat leader for behavioral and mental health; Ashton Marra, M.S., is co-founder and co-director of Reporting on Addiction; Jonathan J.K. Stoltman, Ph.D., Opioid addiction and recovery researcher.

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Association of Health Care Journalists

More Info


Tue, Nov 28 - The Learning Impact of Generative AI and Spatial Computing

What: Learn to: elevate cognitive performance with generative AI “co-pilots”, boost hands-on performance with VR “flight simulators”, enhance the physical workplace with spatial “head-up displays” of digital performance support, optimize organizational productivity by giving humans superpower in the flow of work with these reality-bending headsets and mind-blowing language models.

Who: Brandon Carson, Global Head of Learning Development and Partner Experience, Starbucks; Simon Brown, Chief Learning Officer, Novartis; Peter Sheppard, Head of Global Learning Ecosystem; Anders Gronstedt, President, The Gronstedt Group.

When: 9 am, Pacific

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Training Magazine

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Tue, Nov 28 - Social Media 102

What: Advanced social media tips and tricks, elevate your social media presence through micro strategies and activate your advocates.

Who: Kiersten Hill Director of Nonprofit Solutions

When: 2 pm, Central

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Firespring

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Wed, Nov 29 - How to Use New Features in Adobe Express to Develop Your Social Channels

What: How to harness the power of Express's newest tools, including animation, multiple page templates, content scheduler, generative fill, text to image, text to template, and more.  

Who: Jordan Ellis Adobe Express  Community Manager

When: 12 pm

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: TechSoup

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Wed, Nov 29 - The immigrant health beat: A practical and ethical guide

What: This webinar will provide an overview of the state of immigrant health and ethical issues that journalists should be aware of when reporting on the health status of immigrants in the U.S. For instance, foreign-born people from the same country may have different socioeconomic backgrounds and legal immigration statuses. Reporters who interview undocumented immigrants need to be conscientious about the legal consequences that their sources may face if they use their names or images in stories.

Who: Margarita Martín-Hidalgo Birnbaum is AHCJ’s health beat leader for healthy equity; Stella M. Chávez covers immigration for KERA, the NPR member station in Dallas; Adriana Menéndez is the social services manager at the Rural Women’s Health Project.

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Association of Health Care Journalists

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Thu, Nov 30 - A Chat with Brian Stelter

What: Brian Stelter will talk about His New Book "Network of Lies: The Epic Saga of Fox News, Donald Trump, and the Battle for American Democracy.

Who: Brian Stelter is the New York Times bestselling author of three books: "Top of the Morning” and "Hoax." Previously, Stelter was a media reporter at The New York Times, the chief media correspondent for CNN Worldwide, and the anchor of "Reliable Sources." He is currently a special correspondent for Vanity Fair.

When: 6 pm, Central

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Press Club of Long Island

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Thu, Nov 30 - How to Cover Academic Research Fraud and Errors

What: Journalists will learn what constitutes research misconduct and why more newsrooms need to cover it. They’ll also get practical tips and resources to help them.

Who: Ivan Oransky, editor in chief of The Transmitter and co-founder of Retraction Watch; Elisabeth Bik, a microbiologist whose work has resulted in 1,069 retractions and 1,008 corrections; Jodi S. Cohen, a national award-winning reporter at ProPublica.

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free, but registration is required

Sponsor: Harvard's Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy

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Mon, Dec 4 - AI for Impact: Risks and Opportunities for Nonprofits

What: We’ll discuss how AI can empower nonprofits to enhance your work and achieve your mission more effectively. Whether you're looking to enhance storytelling, generate compelling content, or drive engagement, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to unlock the power of AI in making a positive impact.

Who: George Weiner, Whole Whale Founder

When: 11 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Whole Whale, a leading nonprofit digital agency

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Tue, Dec 5 - Google News Lab — Visualizations

What: Learn how to use Google’s tools to visualize your stories, from making simple GIFs to building a range of engaging graphics in Flourish. We’ll also look at Google’s mapping tools and the Google Earth suite of products, including how to create storytelling projects, fly-over animations and timelapses.

When: 11 am, Central

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Society of Environmental Journalists

More Info

Justified Anger

To be “angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way -that is, not within everybody's power and is not easy.” The Greek philosopher Aristotle offered that observation more than 2000 years ago.

Justified anger revolves around boundary violations, but sometimes, a proper boundary is never put into place or maintained. In their book Boundaries, Henry Cloud and John Townsend write about how a person’s skin is the first boundary. People who are sexually abused as children are often confused about maintaining that boundary, not realizing that it is appropriate for them to claim ownership.

There are other psychological boundaries we fail to set. Regular violations of that psychological marker make it hard to see things for what they are.

One way to gain clarity is to think about your children. If a boyfriend, boss, etc, treated our child the way they treat us, how would we respond? This is when anger is justified.

Seeing a situation from a different angle—putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes—helps us to work around our distorted boundaries and more clearly see the situation for what it really is.

Stephen Goforth