Articles of Interest about Higher Ed - Oct 6


CDC revises coronavirus guidance to acknowledge that it spreads through airborne transmission

Most hospitalized Covid patients have neurological symptoms, study says 

As cold weather arrives, U.S. states see record increases in COVID-19 cases


Under the cloud of the coronavirus, fall U.S. college enrollment takes a hit ($)

Partying frustrates colleges’ work to keep campuses safe ($) 


Brown University, Providence College Begin Reopening Process 

19-year-old Appalachian State University dies from COVID-19 complications

Merrimack College temporarily moves to remote learning after COVID-19 outbreak

Few UC San Diego students test positive for COVID-19, but many shun campus housing

University of Tennessee to hold in-person graduation ceremonies in November

A Student Dies, and a Campus Gets Serious About Coronavirus ($)


Many Colleges Aren't Aggressively Testing Students For Coronavirus

CDC Issues New Testing Guidance for Colleges

Colleges Learn How to Suppress Coronavirus: Extensive Testing


The Students Left Behind by Remote Learning 

What We Know About Coronavirus Cases in K-12 Schools So Far

5 ways parents can help kids thrive amid remote learning

Student Discipline Rates Show Black Girls Are Disproportionally At Risk ($)


Marquette Professors disheartened by potential layoffs

Staff cuts, furloughs announced amid $107 million Ohio State athletics budget deficit

Pandemic spurs more layoffs at Dartmouth College

Mass Layoffs Typically Boost Enrollment at Community Colleges

Erie Community College lays off 3 executive staff, along with undisclosed number of employees

Lack of trust and fear of long-term damages loom after University of Akron faculty layoffs

Pandemic prompts Ball State to cut 128 jobs

Western Oregon University announces layoffs

University of Florida's Board of Trustees approves furlough policy

Arizona University Professors Struggling After Layoffs, Pay Cuts During COVID

Miami University votes on President's pay raise, furloughs 115 members of athletics department


'Budget Crisis' At Connecticut  Community Colleges, State Universities   

Colleges: Financial Toll of Coronavirus Worse Than Anticipated


The Enrollment Cliff, Mega-Universities, COVID-19, and the Changing Landscape of U.S. Colleges

Study: The majority of college recreation programs do not have ADA compliant websites

More Doctoral Programs Suspend Admissions. That Could Have Lasting Effects on Graduate Education 

Universities continue to block athletes from talking to the media. That's got to stop (opinion)

Why Colleges and Universities Should Update Their Codes of Conduct


An Illinois university got major pushback for cutting religion, French and anthropology. But other colleges are dropping the humanities too 

The Crowding out of a Humanities Education

Committee Assesses Possible Merge of School of Liberal Arts and School of Science at Manhattan College


The Hidden Expenses of Remote Teaching

Microsoft Teams and OneNote bring these new features for remote learning

Make video presentations more interesting with filters, polls and live animals

Professor Teaches Class While Stuck in an Elevator


Distance Learning, With Shades of Big Brother

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing how students cheat – and get caught

Academic fraud spikes as students study from home

Students Are Rebelling Against Eye-Tracking Exam Surveillance Tools

AI proctoring won’t stop students from cheating, it is just added stress for students  (opinion)


Professors union to investigate Keuka College

The Virus Moved Female Faculty to the Brink. Will Universities Help? ($)

White male New Hampshire professor allegedly posed as woman of color on Twitter

How remote learning’s flaws pushed me to leave my university teaching job

Midwestern State University investigates controversial social media comment by professor

CMU professor fired for ‘hostile learning environment’ after using racial slur, reports show 


The Three Lessons That 2020 Has Taught Every University President

Retirement Wave Hits College Presidents 

Notre Dame president faces heat for not wearing mask or distancing at Barrett event

Less than a year on the job Wichita State president resigns 

Four resign from Beloit College board of trustees 


Pandemic leads to faculty layoffs at Anderson University

Seattle Pacific University will cut tuition 25% in fall 2021

Notre Dame president tests positive for COVID-19

Lubbock Christian University sees drop in enrollment amid pandemic

Forced resignation of Milligan University professor heightens calls for change, dialogue regarding LGBTQ community


The Metaphysics of Modern (Same-As-The-Old) Media (interview with Dean Nelson)


Liberty University enrollment spikes, despite statewide drop in new college students

Liberty University pays Jerry Falwell Jr.

Ex-Liberty student sentenced in sexual battery case involving Liberty Instructor


5 ways to improve the quality and credibility of preprint

What do you do if you suspect research misconduct?

Could Einstein Get Published Today? ($) 

5 ways to increase peer review transparency to foster greater trust in the process


The rush to research COVID-19 risks compromising research integrity and impact 

The carnage of substandard research during the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for quality


China Uses Social Credit System to Punish Academic Misconduct 

Chinese graduate students’ perceptions of plagiarism: A mixed-methods study


How language in retraction notices obscures culpability

A look at retractions for failure to disclose conflicts of interest 


Police kick out SMU's entire student section for not wearing masks, adhering to social distancing rules

Campus police in Texas entered a sleeping student's dorm room with a gun and taser after a false report was filed, university says

Boulder, seeking to stop coronavirus surge, bans all gatherings among 18 to 22 year olds until Oct. 8

A significant majority of college students in Generation Z said they are registered to vote or are planning to register

2 college students plummet four floors while taking selfie at rooftop party


Treasury Department warns against paying hackers involved in ransomware attacks 

How School Districts Should Respond to Ransomware Attacks 

Tech company which provides software to schools, cities and states across US, hit by ransomware attack 

New Details on Cyberattack on Montgomery College 

Surge in ransomware attacks threatens student data


Notre Dame Provost creates committee to alter Title IX procedures to comply with federal law

Hundreds of stories of sexual assault at colleges shared on Instagram

A better option than giving advice

Giving advice feels good, but it doesn’t empower other people. Experts suggest that instead of telling others what to do, we coach them to find their own solutions. This approach is more motivating and helps others grow. While it takes more time asking questions to guide others into their own answers, doing so lets other people develop independence, increasing their productivity. This also frees you to accomplish more.

Articles of interest about religion - Oct 1


This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic

Scientists warn of airborne coronavirus spread

The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Changing Our Dreams

90% of US adults vulnerable to COVID-19, study says

Study Finds ‘Single Largest Driver’ of Coronavirus Misinformation: Trump


What Pastors See as the ‘New Normal’ for Preaching After the Pandemic


Sign Language Bible Complete After 39 Years

Making Your Church Manlier Won’t Make It Bigger

China Is Erasing Mosques and Precious Shrines in Xinjiang ($)


Former aides: Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters   

Election 2020: Trump's support from Catholics and evangelicals is dropping. They fault his unkindness


Hillsong Church Accidentally Posts Political Opinion During Debate

Alabama governor apologizes to '63 church bombing survivor

How a Sean Feucht worship service convinced me I am no longer an evangelical (opinion)

Young evangelicals are defying their elders' politics (Opinion)


Religious group tied to Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, sought to erase all mentions of her from its website

For Conservative Christian Women, Amy Coney Barrett’s Success Is Personal (opinion) 

As U.S. Supreme Court nomination looms, a religious community draws fresh interest 

The false link between Amy Coney Barrett and The Handmaid’s Tale, explained


Judge Denies Christian Group’s Challenge To Limits On Religious Gatherings In Colorado

Southern Baptist publishing arm, LifeWay, sues former president Thom Rainer

Megahurch Sues D.C. Over COVID-19 Mass Gathering Restrictions


Texas United Methodists take up call to replace denomination’s logo over association with racist imagery


Pope Francis refused to meet with Mike Pompeo so as not to boost Trump

Powerful Vatican Cardinal Becciu resigns amid scandal


Louisiana Megachurch pastor won't wear a mask in courthouse and misses hearing; lawyer enters his plea 


After the Allegations Against Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias’s Ministry Investigates Claims of Sexual Misconduct at Spas

How you thought your life would turn out

You are constantly letting go of who you thought you were and how you thought life would be. You find yourself constantly in the neural zone, unable to recover your old life but equally unable to embrace your new one comfortably. To the extent that you can let go of who you used to be and honor the experience of being in-between lives, you discover a rich and wonderful way of living. There is no beginning that doesn’t require an ending, and no ending that doesn’t make possible a new beginning.

William Bridges, The Way of Transition

what exactly IS "critical thinking"?

Critical thinking entails at least ten reasoning abilities and habits of thought:

1. Consciously raising the questions “What do we know. . . ?  How do we know . . . ?  Why do we accept or believe. . . ?  What is the evidence for. . . ?”  when studying some body of material or approaching a problem.   

2. Being clearly and explicitly aware of gaps in available information.  Recognizing when a conclusion is reached or a decision made in absence of complete information and being able to tolerate the ambiguity and uncertainty.  Recognizing when one is taking something on faith without having examined the “How do we know. . . ?  Why do we believe. . . ?” questions.

3. Discriminating between observation and inference, between established fact and subsequent conjecture.

4. Recognizing that words are symbols for ideas and not the ideas themselves.  Recognizing the necessity of using only words of prior definition, rooted in shared experience, in forming a new definition and in avoiding being misled by technical jargon

5. Probing for assumption (particularly the implicit, unarticulated assumptions) behind a line of reasoning.

6. Drawing inferences from data, observations, or other evidence and recognizing when firm inferences cannot be drawn.  This subsumes a number of processes such as elementary syllogistic reasoning (e.g., dealing with basic prepositional "if. . .then" statements), correlational reasoning, recognizing when relevant variables have or have not been controlled.

7. Performing hypothetico-deductive reasoning; that is, given a particular situation, applying relevant knowledge of principles and constraints and visualizing, in the abstract, the plausible outcomes that might result from various changes one can imagine to be imposed on the system.

8. Discriminating between inductive and deductive reasoning; that is, being aware when an argument is being made from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular

9. Testing one's own line of reasoning and conclusions for internal consistency and thus developing intellectual self-reliance.

10. Developing self-consciousness concerning one's own thinking and reasoning processes.  

Physicist Arnold Arons, Teaching Introductory Physics 

Articles of interest about journalism, fakes, writing & social media - Sept 25


Sheriff's Deputies Falsely Said This Reporter Had Failed To ID Herself

Reporter arrested while covering shooting of two LA County deputies

Karen McDougal’s defamation suit against Fox News is dismissed 


As local news outlets shift to subscription, they wonder: What should Facebook’s role be?

Who’s interested in “slow journalism”? Mostly the same people who are into regular ol’ fast journalism

Are news companies already putting diversity pledges on the back burner?  


Oregon Officials Warn False Antifa Rumors Waste Precious Resources For Fires 

Gen Z is eroding the power of misinformation

Does ignoring robocalls make them stop? Researchers uncover 2 key findings

Getting Wise to Fake News 

Nashville's supposed coronavirus cover-up was just a misleading story used by right-wing media


Time to ratchet up the fight against misinformation in Spanish. Take a look at this solution

How Conspiracy Theories Are Shaping the 2020 Election


How to spot fake news on Facebook and Twitter before the 2020 election

What Can Social Media Do To Slow Down The Spread Of Misinformation?

YouTube expands fact-checking feature for video searches to Europe 


How QAnon Conspiracy Theories Spread in My Hometown

The men behind QAnon

Evangelical leaders try to take on QAnon in their community

Facebook Tried to Limit QAnon. It Failed 

How QAnon Undermines Legitimate Anti-Trafficking Efforts

Why Someone You Love Might Join QAnon

Pence to attend event hosted by QAnon backers  

Mothers for QAnon (opinion)


Twitter to ask users to reconsider before retweeting

Twitter Sued Over 'Inadvertent' Use Of Phone Numbers For Advertising 

Tinder, Bumble...LinkedIn? Users Report Unwanted Advances On Networking Site

Scoop: 400,000 people have already registered to vote in 2020 via Snapchat


Graphic video of suicide spreads from Facebook to TikTok to YouTube as platforms fail moderation test

Facebook will let people claim ownership of images and issue takedown requests   


Average American recorded by security cameras 238 times each week, study shows

Think Twice Before Using Facebook, Google, or Apple to Sign In Everywhere

It’s easier than ever to find out how your favorite websites are tracking you

Mayor orders San Diego’s Smart Streetlights turned off until surveillance ordinance in place

Telehealth vendors are fighting off many more cyberattacks than before COVID-19 


Missouri journalism profs call out chancellor 

Philanthropic Organization Donates $2.5 million Gift in Support of Journalism Students at Howard University 

College newspaper reporters are the journalism heroes for the pandemic era

Cancel Culture Comes to Cronkite 


Here Are The 50 Books Nominated for 2020 National Book Awards

Google Drive will start to delete trashed files after 30 days starting on October 13th

In crackdown on race-related content, Education Department targets internal book clubs, meetings

The Fight Against Words That Sound Like, but Are Not, Slurs


You Need to Read Faulkner Right Now but You Might Need a Map

Why AI writing assistants are the next generation of style guides


Scientists Take on Poetry 

Barbara Kingsolver's Passion For Poetry Prevails In 'How To Fly'

A poetry scavenger hunt in Battery Park City

Goals & Progress

Many runners work hard for months, but as soon as they cross the finish line, they stop training. The race is no longer there to motivate them. When all of your hard work is focused on a particular goal, what is left to push you forward after you achieve it? This is why many people find themselves reverting to their old habits after accomplishing a goal.

The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking. It’s not about any single accomplishment. It is about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress. 

James Clear, Atomic Habits

89-year-old pizza delivery driver gets surprise $12K tip


Articles of interest about higher ed - Sept 23


Colleges Are Canceling Spring Break To Help Stop The Spread of Coronavirus

There are now more than 40,000 cases of COVID-19 at American colleges and universities

Colleges knew the risks but they reopened anyway. Here's how they got it all wrong

Don't Rely on Student Contracts to Safeguard Your Campus

Infection rates soar in college towns as students return


Wichita State instructors prohibited from informing students of possible class COVID-19 exposure

After 80 students test positive for COVID in 2 days, a New England college switches to remote learning


Some schools withhold COVID-19 information from parents


An arbitrator sided with the University of Akron in its termination of nearly 100 unionized full-time professors

 Pacific Northwest College of Art Will Merge With Willamette University


Cornell to receive ‘on-campus’ accreditation visit via Zoom

Michigan Offers Free College Education To Essential Workers

State auditor says University of California wrongly admitted well-connected students


Affirmative action: Challenge to Harvard's admissions practices hits federal appeals court

Ex-Georgia Tech Researcher Can Proceed With Lawsuit Against University Officials


Adrian College planned to terminate history, philosophy, religion and more -- until graduates organized to stop it

What a U.S. Liberal Arts Education Can Provide International Students


Universities need to condemn the use of problematic online proctor services (opinion)

Students share concerns about cheating in online classes


Professor Who Called COVID-19 the ‘Chinese Virus’ on Leave

University of Michigan faculty approves no-confidence vote against President 

Mississippi auditor investigating Ole Miss professor for striking

Canadian professor at heart of controversy over White House push to control COVID-19 messaging

How Can A Tenured Professor Become A Homeless Ward Of The State In Just A Few Days?

91-year-old University of St. Thomas professor goes viral in online teaching photo


Lincoln University reappoints president who had been ousted two months earlier

Ohio University Administrator in the middle of decision to lay off 100s accepts $100K Bonus  


Students protest racism at Lancaster Bible College

Houghton College resets tuition to aid students during COVID-19

‘Ring by spring’ isn’t everyone’s thing


911 Call From Intoxicated Jerry Falwell Jr.’s House Last Month Describes ‘A Lot Of Blood’

The New York Times files to dismiss Liberty University's defamation lawsuit


The top public universities in producing research which needs to be corrected or removed

The Internet Archive Will Digitize & Preserve Millions of Academic Articles with Its New Database, "Internet Archive Scholar


Oregon fights historic fires with college students on the front lines

New Report Addresses Mental Health of Students of Color

College students give failing grade on return to campus

On Campus Students are targeting Greek Life

You Could Get Us All Sent Home 

RAs enforcing Covid rules: ‘I think about quitting every day’

University of Missouri president unblocks students on Twitter after backlash and lawsuit threat 

Graduate students reach deal with University of Michigan to end strike


Attorneys file opening brief before US Supreme Court in Gwinnett County free speech case  


University of California San Diego settles lawsuit with satirical campus publication

College Newspapers Aim To Keep Schools Transparent During Pandemic


Woman sues Wisconsin over reinstatement of former football player Quintez Cephus

Prestigious British university rocked by online allegations of rape, sexual misconduct


Survey finds 'shocking' lack of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Gen Z

University of Chicago only accepting English students willing to work in black studies

University of Wisconsin-Madison grad student admits pretending to be a person of color