Best Advice I Ever Got.. Mort Zuckerman

The best advice I ever got came from one of my professors at the Harvard Business School. 

He told a story about how George Bernard Shaw was working as a clerk in a dry-goods store in Dublin, and he decides to give himself three years to go and write plays in London. And if it didn’t work out he could always go back and be a clerk in a dry-goods store.  

The way I interpreted his advice was to really do what you love. 

Mort Zuckerman, US News & World Report
Quoted in Fortune Magazine

Articles of interest about the virus & religion – August 12


Coronavirus may spread much farther than 6 feet in indoor spaces with poor ventilation

Experts Predict What Life Will Be Like After A COVID-19 Vaccine

Certain face masks may be worse than no mask at all, preliminary Duke study finds

Why does COVID-19 strike some and not others? Fauci sees an answer in new study

Singers Can Be Coronavirus Superspreaders, Say Experts

Performative masculinity is making American men sick (opinion)


Judge issues order shutting down church crowded unmasked indoor services

Kenneth Copeland holding in-person event for more than 2,000

Almost 100 people in Ohio were infected with coronavirus after man attended church service

Hundreds gather at Portland waterfront, without masks, to see controversial worship leader

Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark? Only at the Science-Free Creation Museum


US Capitol to install statue of Rev. Billy Graham 

Harvest Bible Church fires 2 workers over hazing at its youth summer camp Involving Pain Cream on Genitals 


How Megachurches Spent Coronavirus Relief Funds

Viral Video of Portland Protesters ‘Burning Bibles’ Was Actually Russian Propaganda

‘Evangelicals for Trump’ event exceeds gathering limit; Ahern Hotel fined for violating Gov. Sisolak’s directive

Lincoln Project Joins Evangelicals In Anti-Trump Push

Trump, at risk of losing white evangelicals, attacks Biden on God

Franklin Graham announces national prayer march in Washington

Republicans more open to in-person worship, but most oppose religious exemptions from COVID restrictions


Hundreds of Positions Eliminated at Evangelical Colleges and Universities

Board of evangelical Liberty University names interim leader while Jerry Falwell Jr. on leave


The Theological Roots of White Supremacy

Southern Baptists confront the church's history of racism and slaveholding. For some members, it's not enough.

A Look at Christian Nationalism, Donald Trump and White Evangelicals ($)


Faith-Based Foster Care Waiver Fight Proceeds in South Carolina


Nazarene youth pastor and 11-year-old boy drown at church outing

Nazarene Pastor Arrested For Allegedly Transporting Child Pornography

Longtime Mount Vernon Nazarene University volleyball head coach found guilty of Gross Sexual Imposition


Catholic Churches Drop Hymns After Accusations Against Composer



Articles of interest about higher ed & the virus - August 10


How widespread is COVID-19 in children? A look at the latest data as schools reopen

Front-Line Federal Workers Sue For Hazard Pay

Americans are moving around too much and taking coronavirus with them, expert says


Scientists tested 14 types of masks — here are the ones that worked and didn’t 

‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks


Cancel College (opinion) ($) 

Covid-19 will be painful for universities, but also bring change

Private colleges eye COVID-19 liability, testing concerns


No parties, no trips: Colleges set COVID-19 rules for fall

California colleges to reopen with limited classes, dorm life

California colleges scramble to open lacking state rules

Packed dorms are risky. A student housing company still pressured colleges to not limit capacity. ($)


MAC becomes the first FBS conference to cancel its football season

Two prominant Power Five ADs tell Dennis Dodd that the end of the college football season is inevitbale


20% Of Harvard’s First-Year Class Has Deferred

Howard joins Johns Hopkins, other schools in online semester 

As Bay Area universities change plans for a coronavirus-affected fall, students scramble

Alabama revises campus reentry form after concerns it waived legal rights

What one Colorado college learned trying to run safe in-person classes this summer

University of Kentucky testing entire student body ahead of return to campus


“Not what I signed up for”: COVID-19 has Colorado teachers considering quitting 

Georgia school district will now only offer virtual learning after 90 staff members are forced to quarantine 


FBI Encourages Campus Police to Participate in the National Use-of-Force Data Collection Program

The Corporations Devouring American Colleges


Colleges spent recklessly, and the bill has come due

Colleges Face Financial Crisis As They Struggle To Operate In A Pandemic

Colleges weigh fiscal impact of virus as fall nears 

More States Are Looking at Consolidating Their Public Colleges. Does It Work? ($)

Some UA faculty alarmed by plan to buy for-profit school; Harm to university's reputation feared


It’s OK to let students keep their video off while you teach online. I promise

Another problem with shifting education online: A rise in cheating

Software that monitors students during tests perpetuates inequality and violates their privacy


Lecturer Who Tweeted About Police Won't Teach

Lehigh University to pay $200,000 to settle allegations related to ex-professor’s NASA fraud

First They Came for Adjuncts, Now They’ll Come for Tenure ($)


BYU students start petition to bring university back to ‘Christ-centered education’

How Jerry Falwell Jr. Lost His Liberty Flock ($)

Falwell Placed on Leave From Liberty


Authorship and justice: Credit and responsibility

How do academia and society react to erroneous or deceitful claims? The case of retracted articles’ recognition


The Science Sleuth Holding Fraudulent Research Accountable 

Five better ways to assess science 

How to be an ethical scientist  


College students launch free online tutoring service to help stressed parents during pandemic

Student sues BYU, saying move to online classes offered ‘subpar’ education

Why these students fought back against their university’s COVID-19 program

Stanford graduate students question university's coronavirus policies as campus move-ins begin 


Cape Elizabeth student dedicates court victory to friend, mentor

University releases 15 sexual assault records following four-year lawsuit

Morehouse College seeks dismissal of sexual harassment lawsuit

Dartmouth student ends hunger strike over school's handling of sexual misconduct claims

University releases 15 sexual assault records following four-year lawsuit

Stanford revises campus sexual violence policy to comply with Trump administration's controversial new rules

Articles of interest about the virus, journalism, fakes and more - August 8


We'll Be Out of This Pandemic By End of 2021, Says Bill Gates ($)

Google and Harvard release COVID-19 prediction models

Covid-19 will be painful for universities, but also bring change


The mysterious origins of punctuation

What helped Ed Yong write the sentence of the year?


NAHJ Launches Cultural Competence Handbook

Ideas for covering the coronavirus’ impact on people of color and the poor

The News Junkies of the Eighteenth Century

Survey of American beliefs about the news media

How the DHS Can Still Arrest Journalists in Portland

The modern dilemma of TikTok journalism 

City Attorney opens, quickly closes criminal investigation into records leak to San Diego Journalist


Journalists’ Twitter use shows them talking within smaller bubbles  


Trump, QAnon and The Return of Magic (video)

QAnon's 2020 resurgence


Facebook hate-speech boycott had little effect on revenue 

Twitter is letting all users limit replies to their tweets on iOS


Tracing the etymology of “abstract”: Abstract Art vs. a Scientific Abstract 

Scientists discover brain hack that improves language abilities by 13% 


 Five high schoolers named National Student Poets

Here's why you shouldn't give up on poetry 


The hidden trackers in your phone, explained

Phishing campaigns, from first to last victim, take 21h on average 


How to take a screenshot on a Google Chrome browser in 4 different ways, using a simple trick

 An in-depth guide to choosing a VPN

Baby Steps

Many of us.. have great dreams and ambitions. Caught up in the emotions of our dreams and the vastness of our desires, we find it very difficult to focus on the small, tedious steps usually necessary to attain them. We tend to think in terms of giant leaps toward our goals. But in the social world as in nature, anything of size and stability grows slowly. The piecemeal strategy is the perfect antidote to our natural impatience: it forces us to think in terms of a process, a sequence of connected steps and actions, no matter how small, which has immeasurable psychological benefits as well. Too often the magnitude of our desires overwhelms us; taking that small firs step makes them seem realizable. There is nothing more therapeutic than action.

In plotting this strategy, be attentive to sudden opportunities and to your enemies momentary crises and weaknesses Do not be tempted however, to try to take anything large; bite off more than you can chew and you will be consumed with problems and disproportionately discouraged if you fail to cope with them.

Robert Greene
The 33 Strategies of War

Articles of interest about higher ed - August 4


We Still Don't Know All the Long-Term Consequences of 'Mild' COVID

Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

Nobody Accurately Tracks Health Care Workers Lost to COVID-19. So She Stays Up At Night Cataloging the Dead.

Here’s what early COVID-19 symptoms may tell you about how sick you’re going to get

Does coronavirus linger in the body?

Can My Boss Make Me Promise I Don’t Have Covid-19 Symptoms?


More Than 6,600 Coronavirus Cases Have Been Linked to U.S. Colleges 

Virginia Tech mandates COVID-19 tests for on-campus students, stays mum on athletes

Coronavirus outbreak at USC’s fraternity row leaves at least 40 people infected

Colleges Are Forgetting the People Who Make Them Run


Covid Tests and Quarantines: Colleges Brace for an Uncertain Fall ($)

Students asked to sign liability waivers to return to campus

Students can safely return to college if tested for coronavirus every two days, study says ($)

Colleges reverse decisions to open in person

'The virus beat us': Colleges are increasingly going online for fall 2020 semester as COVID-19 cases rise


Unity College Permanently Eliminates Two-Semester Campus Model in Favor of Hybrid Approach

More Colleges Revise Fall Plans. Among The Latest: American University, Penn, William And Mary, And Ohio University

Before Returning To Campus, St. Xavier Faculty Must ‘Sign Here’ And Accept COVID-19 Risks

Georgetown University: First-year students not allowed on campus, online classes only this fall

What a return to class could look like at the University of North Georgia

University of San Diego drops plans to offer classes on campus this fall 


CNN's Bob Costas: 'Unconscionable' for unpaid college football players to play during pandemic


Who Is Ruining Our Universities? Administrators!!

University of Arizona acquires Ashford University

College football tailgates, frat parties are 'major risk factors' for COVID-19 spread this fall, experts warn


As the pandemic upends higher education, is residential college worth the cost?


Utah State University sued over expulsion of student with Down syndrome

With petitions and lawsuits, some students demand lower tuition for online instruction

Judge: Lawsuit against U-M for switching to online classes can continue 

Family of Teen Who Died at WSU Fraternity Files Lawsuit


Coronavirus: Remote learning turns kids into zombies because we're doing it all wrong


Using Online Cheating as a Teachable Moment for Students and Educators 


UNC Chapel Hill faculty to students: stay home

Auburn lecturer’s anti-cop tweets ‘inexcusable’ as university ‘continues to assess’ his future

Political science professor disciplined for refusing diversity training


Point Loma Nazarene University drops plans for in-person classes, will stay online

Former University of Lynchburg students call on school to cut ties with Liberty University, remove Falwell name from dorm terrace


Reflections on bad research, scientism, the importance of description, and the challenge of negativity 

It Takes Great Discipline to Read a Scientific Paper – and Even More to Write One

Will COVID-19 mark the end of scientific publishing as we know it?

Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads (opinion)

Researchers, peer reviewers, and editors should take action to flatten the curve of secondary articles

Paper called “unscholarly, overtly racist” earns an editor’s note

Self-promotion Journals


How to Go to College During a Pandemic

Colleges Lease Hotel Rooms for Students 

How College Students Are Using Social Media to Expose Racism 

Members Of The Class Of 2020 Face A Brutal Job Market

Arizona parents asked to sign COVID-19 waivers before sending kids back to school


University of Minnesota changes how it handles campus sexual misconduct complaints

University of Michigan's provost was “serial harasser”


UB removes Millard Fillmore, other names from campus

The Fabric is Torn in Oxford’: Ole Miss Officials Decried Racism Publicly, Coddled it Privately

Former Palomar College president alleged race, gender discrimination in complaint 


Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be what most people CALL ‘humble’ nowadays: he will not be a greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of course, he is nobody. Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him. If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a bit envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility: he will not be thinking about himself at all.

CS Lewis, Mere Christianity

Articles of interest about the virus & religion - August 2