Stop riding with the brakes on

We fear failure more than we love life, so we refuse the great adventure. We are careful to do only what we have always done and know how to do well, so we never break the dull repetition of the old routine for the new creation of God. Crawl out of these tombs and prisons - there is a world of light and freedom waiting!

Have faith in God and let life be free. Stop riding with the brakes on. The soul will never grow tied down in a bed with the shades drawn. The higher we build the barricades of caution to protect ourselves, the deeper grows the grave we call our life.

Articles of Interest about Literature, Journalism, Writing & Languages – Jan 3


The Best Books Of 2019, According To Everyone

The 2010s were supposed to bring the ebook revolution. It never quite came.

How to Use Zotero and Scrivener for Research-Driven Writing  

We Learned to Write the Way We Talk (Opinion)

Science is science writing; science writing is science

Bookstore suspends sales of Sociology textbook during plagiarism claims



62 Grammar Memes And Jokes From 2019

Correct Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself



The Most Engaging Stories of 2019

News deserts will proliferate — but so will new solutions

‘Stunning piece of propaganda’: Journalists blast One America News series



More Than 1 in 5 U.S. Papers Has Closed. This Is the Result

California Writers, Photogs Sue State Over New Law That Chokes Freelance Journalism



The Future of the News Industry, According to Student Journalists

New Mexico  Journalism Department rebuked by professional organizations

University of New Mexico clashing with student journalists over public records



Snopes, Facebook And Fake Accounts

Lithuanians are using software to fight back against fake news

Social media hosted a lot of fake health news this year. Here's what went most viral.

Chief Justice Warns of Internet Disinformation, Urges Civics Education

Stop abbreviating 2020. Police say it leaves you open to fraud and could cost you big



From Instagram to TikTok: How social media evolved this decade

Twitter And Facebook's Race To The Bottom

How to beat your social media addiction, according to a therapist

This dad took his son to Mongolia just to get him off his phone



3 internet language trends from 2019, explained

World's languages describe emotions in very different ways

Teaching a computer Chinese made it excellent at English

Google Assistant Can Now Translate Speech Through Your Phone

A translation crisis at the border

Books examine how words influence American culture



'Little Women': Book Vs. Movie

Elizabeth Spencer, ‘Light In the Piazza’ author, dies at 98

TS Eliot’s hidden love letters reveal intense, heartbreaking affair

1924 Copyrighted Works To Become Part Of The Public Domain

The Decade in Fiction

The Asian-American Literature Canon Breakers

Barbara Testa Dies at 91; Her Discovery Rocked the Literary World



Poet Louis Jenkins found beauty in the Midwestern mundane

Inspired by Emily Dickinson, Alice Tippit’s paintings play out as visual poetry



They claim this new security system is uncrackable and will revolutionize privacy

The hottest new smartphone chat app is secretly spying on you

Schools are using facial recognition to try to stop shootings. Here’s why they should think twice.

Firms don’t agree as to what California’s new data privacy law requires

Ring and Amazon slammed with a federal lawsuit over failed camera security



YouTube burnout is real. Here's how creators are coping

Inbuilt gullibility

Fake news may be exacerbating people’s inbuilt gullibility. A study published last year in Science, a journal, concluded that “falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than the truth” and that this effect was especially strong for fake political news. Fake news provides voters with a smorgasbord of facts and lies from which to pick and choose.

ln 2004 Drew Westen of Emory University in Atlanta put partisan Republicans and Democrats into a magnetic-resonance-imaging scanner and found that lying or hypocrisy by the other side lit up areas of the brain associated with rewards; lies by their own side lit up areas associated with dislike and negative emotions. At no point did the parts of the brain associated with reason show any response at all. If voters’ judgments are rooted in emotion and intuition, facts and evidence are likely to be secondary.

The Economist 

Fleeting Fame

The record, whether carved in stone or bits of data, is arbitrary in the extreme. To endow with fame and fortune women with big lips or people who hurl themselves over a bar on a bendy pole—while skipping over people who, say, can build houses or make meringues—suggests that fame and game don't rhyme only by accident. Fame comes to those whose accomplishments are recorded, and the “record” is as contingent on human whim as any algorithm.

And the famous are then figments of that record. They're no more real than Beowulf, the warrior longing for fame, who achieved nothing like the enduring fame of Beowulf, the poem. And is Kylie Jenner real? Forbes' billionaire list is renowned for its creative math—and Instagram, like faces touched by fillers, is known for artful distortions. It seems the longing for fame, then, shared by Beowulf and Jenner, doubles as the longing to sacrifice one's real life wholly to the record, to pass out of fact and into fiction.

Virginia Heffernan writing in Wired 

Articles of Interest about Religion - Dec 27


The Business of Evangelical Book Publishing Is Business Or is it faith? Or some complex combination of both?

Died: Reinhard Bonnke, Record-Setting Evangelist to Africa

Christian Book Club Morphs Into Opioid Support Group

Small Churches Struggle To Find Organists And Pianists

Louisiana Church Filled A Plane With Holy Water And Blessed A Whole Community

10 religious influencers who died in the decade: 2010-2019



Christian Post editor leaves over editorial 'that positions them on Team Trump'

Study Shows White Evangelicals Want Christian Supremacy, Not “Religious Freedom”

G.O.P. Lawmaker Had Visions of a Christian Alternative Government

Backlash to Pete Buttigieg’s Christmas tweet and the religious divide it exposes

One surprisingly simple reason evangelicals love Trump

How divided are evangelicals over Trump?



Christianity Today says Trump should be removed  

Christianity Today receives boost in new subscriptions after calling for Trump's removal, editor in chief says

Christianity Today again slams Trump, raises issue of Unconditional Loyalty

The War Between Christian Papers Over Trump Is Escalating



Supreme Court to Rule on Exception to Work Bias Laws for Religious Schools

Lawsuit: Muslim employee fired after asking off for a religious holiday



EFCA defends removing 'premillennial' from statement of faith: not an 'essential' doctrine

Texas megachurch votes to leave UMC over homosexuality debate

The SBC Has a Sex-Abuse Problem (sub. requ’ed)

Interfaith leader reaches settlement in United Methodist Church sexual harassment case



Many Catholics in Latin America support allowing priests to marry

Disgraced Former Cardinal Made Payments To Vatican Officials During Sex Abuse Case

Don’t Passionately Settle

On golf courses, one may find some aging men and women whose chief remaining goal in life is to knock a few more strokes off their game. This dedicated effort to improve their skill serves to give them a sense of progress in life and there by assists them in ignoring the reality that they have actually stopped progressing, having given up the effort to improve themselves as human beings. If they loved themselves more they would not allow themselves to a passionately settle for such a shallow goal and narrow future. 

M Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

The Other Fellow

When the other fellow is set in his ways, he’s obstinate. When you are, it’s just firmness. 

When the other fellow doesn’t like your friends, he’s prejudiced and narrow minded. 

When you don’t like his friends, you are simply showing you’re a good judge of human nature. 

When the other fellow tries to treat someone especially well, he’s buttering them up. When you do the same game, you’re using tact.

When the other fellow picks out flows in things, he’s cranky. When you do, you are discriminating and just be careful.

When the other fellow says what he things, he’s spiteful. When you do, you’re just plain spoken.  

Articles of Interest about Higher Ed - Dec 24


Fewer Students Mean Big Trouble For Higher Education   

The colleges and universities with the most online students

Teenagers don’t use email — colleges do. That’s a problem during college admissions season

Change to Chinese university's charter dropping 'freedom of thought' stirs debate

Colleges are turning students’ phones into surveillance machines, tracking the locations of hundreds of thousands



The states where college costs are rising the most  

Fancy Dorms Aren’t The Main Reason Tuition Is Skyrocketing


How classroom technology is holding students back

Three tips that made me a better teacher

What’s on Your Bib? Annotated Bibliographies, Changing by Degrees



A conservative Catholic college in Wyoming educates students in great books, horsemanship and other outdoors skills and bans cellphones on campus

A new Jesuit Model for Community Colleges   

U.S. Supreme Court takes up bid by Catholic schools to avoid worker lawsuits



Declining Enrollment prompts staff budget cuts at Christian University

Are Christian Colleges Worth the Debt Burden? (opinion)

Financial problems land San Diego Christian College on probation



Ready, Set, Trump: Big-Money Faith, Football, and Forgiveness at Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Liberty University



Why are Articles in Arts and Humanities Are Being Retracted?

Robots, hominins and superconductors: 10 remarkable papers from 2019

There’s No Winter Break From ‘Publish or Perish’

Women are less likely than men to frame their own work in positive terms

Myth: peer review began with the advent of the first scientific journals in the 17th century

Chinese scholars ‘show mixed responses’ to ‘cash for articles’

Raising research quality will require collective action



Academe must properly credit the work in co-authored publications (opinion)

Multi-authorship and research analytics



We're All 'P-Hacking' Now

Is N-Hacking Ever OK? A simulation-based study



Psychology accused of ‘collective self-deception’ over results

What’s next for psychology’s embattled field of social priming



Here's What Happens When You Report Plagiarism To A Journal Editor

Why is brazenly putting one's name on a text that someone else wrote repugnant? Should it be?



Study: kids who have helicopter parents experience burnout in school 

Anti-Semitism or Free Speech? College Students Cheer and Fear Trump Order

Advice for College Students Studying Abroad, and Their Parents 

"OK BOOMER" explained on Japanese TV

Gladwell Rebuts Advice: Don't Go to "the Best College You Can," Go Where You Can Have "Deeply Interesting Conversations"

Grades vs. SAT scores: Which is a better predictor of college success?

Why colleges should stop forcing students to leave campus during breaks

My Semester with Snowflakes



Students demand more transparency about University of Texas at Austin practices and policies on sexual misconduct by professors



For the Birds

The Christmas story absolutely escaped Tom. The whole “God born in a manger” thing was beyond him. Or maybe it was just too simple for him to grasp. At least, until that Christmas Eve when the snow began to fall. He had just settled into his fireside chair and begun to read when he heard thumping sounds on the window and at first he thought someone was throwing snowballs. He went to the door. Looking into the yard, he found a small flock of birds. Huddled there in the snow. They had been caught in the storm and had desperately tried to find shelter by flying through his large living room window.  He knew he couldn’t let those little creatures freeze. The barn! Where the children keep the pony. That would provide shelter if he could get the birds in there. 

He opened the barn doors and turned on a light. The birds didn’t move. Maybe some food would entice them. He sprinkled bread crumbs next to the stable door. Nothing. He tried catching them and shooing them.  The birds went everywhere, except into the barn. They were afraid of him. I want them to trust me he thought. How can I convince them I want to help?  Buy any move he made tended to frighten them. They would not follow or be lead or shooed. 

“If only I could be a bird myself he thought. If I could be a bird and mingle with them and speak their language and show them the way to the barn, then they could see and understand.”

It was at that moment the church bells began to ring. Listening to the good news, Tom understood and sank to his knees in the snow. 

Articles of Interest about Literature, Journalism, Writing & Languages – Dec 20


Indie booksellers persevere despite Amazon, rising costs

The 78 Best Book Covers of 2019



The rightness of the singular ‘they’ (opinion)

The impeachment debate has sparked a linguistic war over the word “irregardless”



Newsrooms begin tinkering with 5G to get ahead of the curve 

A tweet gave a journalist a seizure: His case brings new meaning to the idea of ‘online assault’



State legislators are subject to public-records law, Washington state Supreme Court rules

Nevada's Top Court Says The State's Journalist Shield Law Also Applies To Bloggers



Best news bloopers 2019

The best visual and data-driven stories of 2019

2019’s Best Investigative Stories from China



Hollywood’s 10 Worst Depictions of Female Music Journalists  

The Fictional Journalism of ‘Richard Jewell’ and ‘Bombshell’



As print and digital newsrooms struggle, local broadcast stations are making money ‘hand over fist’



College journalists in New Jersey describe years of “intimidation, harassment, threats” by administrators

AB 5 hurts student journalists



How We See Disinformation

30 Viral Fakes That Defined the 2010s

I created my own deepfake—it took two weeks and cost $552    

Facebook funding Reuters deepfakes course for newsrooms

Fighting misinformation requires journalism, not secret algorithms



The Language You Speak Influences What You Look At

How to build a language

Why North Carolina Is the Most Linguistically Diverse State



Peter Pan’s dark side emerges with release of original manuscript

Extremely Shortened Versions of Classic Books For Lazy People

Finding the Other: The radical vision of Toni Morrison



Marriage, Betrayal, and the Letters Behind “The Dolphin”

A Book Of Poetry For Everyone

What is Poetry? Part 2


Every victim’s nightmare: Ransomware attackers are now doxing people who don’t pay up



The biggest corporate brands in all of social media

Taylor Swift is still the most influential person on Twitter in 2019

The Time Test

If a class of students are allowed an hour to complete an essay test and one student completes her assignment before the time is up, she isn’t penalized, is she? The assignment was to write an essay, not merely to use the time. 

But what if using the time was the assignment? If a person is told to use an entire day profitably, but he becomes bored and diverted by mid-morning, wasting the balance of the day, then his speed is worthless.

The same is true when life is the task. To be finished with life before life has finished with us is to have failed to complete the assignment. 

Articlesof Interest about Religion - Dec 18


Christianity Today’s 2020 Book Awards

Army warns private company to stop putting Bible verses on replica dog tags 

Televangelist opens his Bible-themed attraction in San Diego — from wailing wall and catacombs to luxury lodging

10 facts about atheists

A Woman Wore A "Hail Satan" T-Shirt On A Plane. American Airlines Forced Her To Change Or Get Off The Plane.

Why we studied American sermons and how we did it

How living arrangements vary by religious affiliation around the world

Boz Tchividjian Steps down from Ministry, Resigns from Liberty University to Represent Sex Abuse Victims in Court

Christian influencers raising $100K to ‘resurrect’ daughter draw suspicion



‘Deeply offensive’ Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus Christmas cards spark anger among Christian community

Netflix under fire for depicting Jesus as gay in new Christmas movie



Millennials Are Leaving Religion And Not Coming Back


Teens in the U.S. South more likely than others to express religion in school      



GOP Rep. pitches LGBTQ rights bill with religious exemptions

 Church nativity depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as family separated at border

Will young white evangelicals turn their backs on Trump?

San Diego City Council allows churches to build housing in parking lots

Waco judge sues state agency after receiving public warning for refusing to officiate same-sex marriages



Balancing LGBTQ Rights And Religious Liberty

New Controversial Law In India Uses Religion As A Criteria For Citizenship

Trump's Executive Order On Anti-Semitism Sparks Debate



Maine man charged with turning church playroom into meth lab



Whistleblower claims that LDS Church stockpiled $100 billion in charitable donations, dodged taxes  

6 charts that illustrate the surprising financial strength of American houses of worship



Pastor Of North Carolina Catholic Megachurch On Leave Amid Abuse Allegation



South Carolina Megachurch staffer resigns after 'hostile' meeting on church's possible eviction

Megachurch founder Joel Osteen blocks Sandy Hook mom on Twitter after she calls him a "charlatan."

Virginia Megachurch pastor steps away from pulpit because he feels far from God, tired in soul



Woman featured in Denver Post story about conversion therapy found dead in Boulder County 

On eve of church’s LGBTQ clampdown, Dallas’ First United Methodist will celebrate all marriages in special service