Deep Reading

Research in cognitive science, psychology and neuroscience has demonstrated that deep reading — slow, immersive, rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity — is a distinctive experience, different in kind from the mere decoding of words. Although deep reading does not, strictly speaking, require a conventional book, the built-in limits of the printed page are uniquely conducive to the deep reading experience. A book’s lack of hyperlinks, for example, frees the reader from making decisions — Should I click on this link or not? — allowing her to remain fully immersed in the narrative. 

That immersion is supported by the way the brain handles language rich in detail, allusion and metaphor: by creating a mental representation that draws on the same brain regions that would be active if the scene were unfolding in real life. The emotional situations and moral dilemmas that are the stuff of literature are also vigorous exercise for the brain, propelling us inside the heads of fictional characters and even, studies suggest, increasing our real-life capacity for empathy.

Unlike the ability to understand and produce spoken language, which under normal circumstances will unfold according to a program dictated by our genes, the ability to read must be painstakingly acquired by each individual. The “reading circuits” we construct are recruited from structures in the brain that evolved for other purposes—and these circuits can be feeble or they can be robust, depending on how often and how vigorously we use them. 

This is not reading as many young people are coming to know it. Their reading is pragmatic and instrumental: the difference between what literary critic Frank Kermode calls “carnal reading” and “spiritual reading.” If we allow our offspring to believe that carnal reading is all there is—if we don’t open the door to spiritual reading, through an early insistence on discipline and practice—we will have cheated them of an enjoyable, even ecstatic experience they would not otherwise encounter. And we will have deprived them of an elevating and enlightening experience that will enlarge them as people.  

Observing young people’s attachment to digital devices, some progressive educators and permissive parents talk about needing to “meet kids where they are,” molding instruction around their onscreen habits. This is mistaken. We need, rather, to show them someplace they’ve never been, a place only deep reading can take them. 

Annie Murphy Paul writing in the Brilliant Report

22 Articles about Amazing Things AI can do now

New Score Uses AI to Rate Brands’ Inclusivity in Advertising - Wall Street Journal 

OpenAI’s advanced voice mode shatters language barriers. It’s uncanny, incredible, and poised to change how we interact with AI. - Bloomberg   

Google Lens now lets you search with video – The Verge  

This Google AI Tool Can Turn Your Research Into a 'Podcast' – Life Hacker

Warner Bros. Discovery to Use Google AI Tech for Captions Programming – Hollywood Reporter 

How Perplexity AI is Transforming Data Science and Analytics - Analytics Insight   

Google Funds New AI-Assisted Satellites to Detect Wildfires Faster – AI Business

Podcast: AI and Voice Replication – Illusion of More

Amazon is allowing Audible narrators to clone themselves with AI - The Verge

No laughing matter - how AI is helping comedians write jokes – BBC

What can we learn from millions of high school yearbook photos? – NPR  

Google Meet’s automatic AI note-taking is here - The Verge

What accelerates brain ageing? This AI ‘brain clock’ points to answers – Nature

These New AI Bots Will Do Just About Anything for You - Wall Street Journal

Google’s new Pixel 9 can search your screenshots with AI – Washington Post

An Anthropic scientist broke his hand on a bike and it forced him to write all his code with AI for two months. He is never going back. - Erik Schluntz

AI is surprisingly good at predicting narcissism based on LinkedIn profiles – PsyPost 

A.L.S. Stole His Voice. A.I. Retrieved It. – New York Times

Drones could soon be working together in swarms to put out flames before they become wildfires – BBC

Salesforce unveils autonomous agents for sales teams - CIO

AI Definitions: Foundation models

Foundation models – At the core of many generative AI tools today, data scientists are using foundation models as a new approach to develop machine learning models. In contrast to traditional ML models, which typically perform specific tasks, FMs are adaptable and able to perform a wide range of tasks with accuracy. These large deep-learning neural networks are trained on massive datasets. Foundation models are also known as Large X Models or LXMs. A video explanation.

More AI definitions here

What Your Childhood Memories Tell you about Yourself

A counselor once told me that our memories work like a cheerleader's megaphone—only in reverse. The opening is wide, but there is not enough room for very many memories to crawl through the tube to come out at the other end and stick in our heads. So, we unconsciously pick the memories we hang onto. This is why he suggested I try to recall my earliest memory tied to a strong emotion. It would tell me something about myself. The stories from our past that we hang onto are our way of reminding ourselves who we are.

At five or so, I walked with my grandfather to a playground near his home. The road was tarred but not paved. I was looking at the rough surface when I spotted a $5 bill. I remember gleefully looking up at my grandfather and proudly showing it to him. He offered an approving nod.

My counselor guessed that choosing to keep this memory might speak of my closeness to my grandparents and my optimism. The road may be rough, but if you keep your eyes open, you'll discover wonderful surprises—and there is joy in sharing them.

The very fact I choose to remember talking to my counselor about this story, out of the many hours that we chatted, could say as much about me as remembering that story does itself.

What's your youngest memory tied to a strong emotion? What does it tell you about yourself?

Stephen Goforth

AI Definitions: Data Scientist

Data Scientist - A data scientist is a person who is responsible for gleaning insight from a massive pool of data. Data scientists typically have advanced degrees in a quantitative field, like computer science, physics, statistics, or applied mathematics. With a strong understanding of math and statistics, they possess the knowledge to invent new algorithms in order to solve data problems. They will typically use programming languages like Python, R, and SQL. They will be familiar with using big data tools like Hadoop and Apache Spark and have experience working with unstructured data. If you don't see these skills on a resume, then that person probably isn't a data scientist.

More AI definitions here

17 Webinars this week about AI, Journalism, & Media

Tue, Oct 15 - How journalists are prepping for the U.S. election

What: As the U.S. barrels toward another consequential presidential election, journalists across the country — from local outlets to national networks — are planning, prepping and pondering what this new election will hold. Join this session and hear how these journalists are preparing for election night, what they're keeping an eye out for, and what newsrooms have learned in the aftermath of the most recent election in 2020.

Who: Reporters from Associated Press and Spotlight PA

When: 1 pm, Eastern  

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free for members

Sponsor: Investigative Reporters & Editors

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Tue, Oct 15 - Tips for Managing Complex Stories

What: The conversation will cover a range of topics, including: tips for maintaining control of complicated, emotionally charged stories; advice on how to get sources to open up for extended periods of time — and where to mine for rich information even if they won’t; insights about what editors can and should do to make complex stories sing; the special challenges of being a working mom in the journalism trenches.

Who: Katie Engelhart, winner of the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing for “The Mother Who Changed: A Story of Dementia” and Maria Carrillo, a veteran editor and Pulitzer juror.

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Society of Features Journalism

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Wed, Oct 16 - What Gen AI Models Think Of Your Brand - And What You Need To Do About It

What: Find out how optimizing for LLMs creates a radically different perspective on your audiences, assets, and outcomes.

Who: Jack Smyth Chief Solutions Officer, AI Planning and Insight Jellyfish

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Association of National Advertisers

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Wed, Oct 16 - Combining Environmental Journalism and Investigative Tools

What: Panelists will discuss their experiences as investigative journalists in the environmental field. They will talk about in-depth stories they built and how the relevant data for these was collected, while also sharing tips and best practices with the audience.

Who: Fernanda Wenzel Rainforest Investigations Fellow; Alexandra Talty ORN Fellow; Bruna Wagner Pulitzer Center staff.

When: 1:10 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Pulitzer Center

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Wed, Oct 16 - Accessibility: How to Make Your Website Usable For Everyone

What: We will delve into the core principles of accessibility, exploring real-world examples of disabilities and situational challenges users face. From understanding WCAG standards to addressing specific populations, we’ll equip you with actionable insights to create truly accessible websites.

Who: Jennie Martin and Kiersten Hill of Firespring

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Firespring

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Wed, Oct 16 - A Seat at the Table: Is AI Out to Take Your Job or Help You Do It Better?

What: While educators are thinking about how artificial intelligence will impact instruction, there’s a generation of students who will need to be prepared for an AI-powered future. What does the field need to prepare young people for this eventuality?

Who: Peter DeWitt will be joined by high school principal Kip Cruz, EdWeek’s Deputy Managing Editor Kevin Bushweller, and Ken Koedinger, Hillman Professor of computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. University.

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: EdWeek

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Wed, Oct 16 - What International Journalists Need to Know About AI

What: Discover how A.I. is transforming journalism and learn practical tips for integrating the technology into your workflow. Topics include: Challenges and opportunities for using A.I. in visual journalism. How A.I. can help journalists work faster and smarter. Ensuring the ethical use of A.I. in newsroom workflows This panel is ideal for international journalists looking to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of A.I. and journalism.

Who: Phoebe Connelly, senior editor, A.I. Strategy and Innovation at The Washington Post; Rubina Madan Fillion, associate editorial director of A.I. Initiatives at The New York Times; Aimee Rinehart, senior product manager A.I. strategy for The Associated Press; and Elyse Samuels, senior producer on The Washington Post’s Visual Forensics team.

When: 6 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Overseas Press Club of America

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Thu, Oct 17 - Crafting Inclusive Stories To Move Your Mission  

What: Learn how thoughtful, inclusive storytelling can become a powerful tool for positive change in your nonprofit's communications. We'll explore creating narratives that are not only impactful but also protect, respect, and dignify those you serve.

Who: Maria Bryan | Maria Bryan Creative

When: 11 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Nonprofit Learning Lab

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Thu, Oct 17 - Copyright Law 101

What: This is the first of two classes introducing copyright law and suggesting best practices. You’ll learn how to identify a creative work that may be protected, when permission is likely needed to reproduce that work, good practices to avoid infringement claims, generally.

Who: Robert Bertsche, KLARIS Law

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: The New England First Amendment Coalition

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Thu, Oct 17 - Lightning round: Tips for Election Day

What: Tips for quick-lifts you and your newsroom can still plan to do to increase trust in your coverage. You’ll leave with efficient, accessible ideas you can implement right away, with a checklist to use on Election Day.

When: 1pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Trusting News

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Thu, Oct 17 - Students Breaking Big Stories in an Election Year

What: A discussion with faculty partners across the country about the strategies they're using to lead student coverage of the election. They will discuss what's working, what's not, and what happens after Election Day.

Who: Meg Little Reilly and Sarah Gamard with the Center for Community News.

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: University of Vermont Center for Community News

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Thu, Oct 17 - How to move news consumers in the “middle” of the audience funnel  

What: How to move news consumers in the “middle” of the audience funnel – people who are aware of your news organization but aren’t yet engaged as loyal users, paying subscribers or donors.

Who: Table Stakes alumna Claudia Laws

When: 1 pm, Eastern 

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: American Press Institute

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Thu, Oct 17 - Campus to Campaign: Student Media’s Role in Election Coverage Webinar

What: Explore how student journalists are contributing to the 2024 election coverage.

Who: Peggy Dodd: Editor-in-Chief of OU Daily at University of Oklahoma; Lily Alexander: Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Lobo at the University of New Mexico; Sarah Hutter: Executive Producer of E2024 at The Los Angeles Loyolan; Mark Simon (Moderator): Podcast Host/Founder of The Journalism Salute.

When: 3 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: The Nutgraf

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Thu, Oct 17 - Driving Traffic to Your Website

What: By the end of this webinar, you will have a better understanding of website traffic and its different types, core marketing strategies that drive website traffic, and how the use of machine learning and website technology can impact your traffic.   

Who: Cary Baskin, a SCORE Chester & Delaware Counties volunteer and owner of the Marketing Department in Malvern, PA. 

When: 6 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Small Business Development Center, Widener University

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Thu, Oct 17 - Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Law Primer with the Cornell Law School First Amendment Clinic

What: New York State has both a Freedom of Information Law and an Open Meetings Law, but these laws are not always followed, and ensuring they are enforced can feel like an insurmountable task. This webinar will explain the purpose and extent of these laws and how journalists can use them to uncover information that is the public's right to know.

Who: Heather E. Murray, the managing attorney of the Cornell Law School First Amendment Clinic’s Local Journalism Project, and Michael Linhorst, the local journalism attorney for the clinic.

When: 7 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: The Press Club of Long Island

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Fri, Oct 18 - Tools to Boost Your Reporting and Revenue

What: Learn how to use Google’s Pinpoint software to collect and sort through large volumes of data and documents. with, as well as other tools for generating story ideas and boosting your freelance business.   

Who: Mary Nahorniak from the Google News Initiative

When: 12 pm, Easatern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Institute for Independent Journalists

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Fri, Oct 18 - How to Fact-Check the 2024 Election

What: We’ll explore ways to fight back against misinformation and disinformation during election coverage. We’ll use tools such as Google Fact-Check Explorer to track fact-checked images and stories and reverse image search and other Google tools to check election claims. We’ll break down doctored video and audio with WatchFramebyFrame and Deepfake-o-meter. We’ll also look at the innovative to track disinformation spreaders on social channels.

Who: founder Mike Reilley

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: National Press Foundation

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24 Articles about How AI is Affecting Jobs

Job-seeking AI will apply to thousands of positions for you - Boing Boing

These jobs are most at risk to be replaced by AI - New York Post

Zoom will let AI avatars talk to your team for you – The Verge

DJs are debating whether AI can replace them – Semafor

LinkedIn is rolling back its use of artificial intelligence – NPR

Will AI Make Job Recruiting More Efficient—but Less Fair? - Wall Street Journal

Busting through Linkedin’s resume screening with AI Tools – Semafor

How AI Is Helping ‘Fake Candidates’ Land Jobs - Wall Street Journal

AI may not steal many jobs after all. It may just make workers more efficient – ABC News

Video game actors go on strike over AI protections – Semafor

Rise in AI-Generated Resumes Overwhelms Recruiters with Low-Quality Applications – AllWork  

Will A.I. Kill Meaningless Jobs? – New York Times

Neurodivergent workers' AI edge – Axios  

In the age of AI, there's no future for workers content with being code monkeys — and they know it – Business Insider 

AI Doesn’t Kill Jobs? Tell That to Freelancers - Wall Street Journal

Will A.I. Upend White-Collar Work? Consider the Hollywood Editor. – New York Times

Even if you have zero AI skills, these 3 tactics can give you an edge – Fast Company

Two-thirds of small businesses say hiring employees with AI skills could save them money - Ipsos

The A.I. Boom Has an Unlikely Early Winner: Wonky Consultants – New York Times

AI Work Assistants Need a Lot of Handholding - Wall Street Journal 

How to use LinkedIn AI tools to find a job – Popular Science

OpenAI CTO: AI Could Kill Some Creative Jobs That Maybe Shouldn't Exist Anyway - PCMag

How will AI affect productivity? - Brooking 

How AI Could Change the Odds of Landing a Job - Wall Street Journal

17 Articles about AI & Legal Issues

5 Critical AI Legal Issues Every Business Must Navigate – Forbes

Artist appeals copyright denial for prize-winning AI-generated work - ArsTechnica

Podcast: AI and Voice Replication  - Illusion of More

YouTube Develops Tool to Allow Creators to Detect AI-Generated Content Using Their Likeness – Hollywood Reporter

FBI busts musician’s elaborate AI-powered $10M streaming-royalty heist – ArsTechnica 

Supio brings generative AI to personal injury cases – Tech Crunch 

Mickey Mouse Smoking: How AI Image Tools Are Generating New Content-Moderation Problems – Wall Street Journal 

Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court? – Associated Press  

Watermarking in Images Will Not Solve AI-Generated Content Abuse – Data Innovation 

Amid New York Times Lawsuit, ChatGPT Is Citing Plagiarized Versions of NYT Articles on an Armenian Content Mill – Futurism  

Bill to Outlaw AI Deepfakes Backed by SAG-AFTRA – Variety

The European Union’s world-first artificial intelligence rules are officially taking effect - Associated Press  

Buzzfeed sends ‘cease and desist’ letter over AI aggregator’s logo – Press Gazette  

The Push to Develop Generative A.I. Without All the Lawsuits – New York Times 

AI can’t make music — but that doesn’t mean it poses an empty threat to musicians – The Atlantic 

The music industry is coming for AI – NPR

Judge sharply criticizes lawyers for authors in AI suit against Meta – Politico

The Ethical Task

Self-actualization is not merely a good to be desired, but rather a task, something human persons have been assigned to do and which they will be held responsible for achieving or failing to achieve.

Of course, not everyone is aware of this ethical task. (Kierkegaard) says that a great many people drift through life, “managing with custom and tradition” in their respective cities. Such people live their lives in a way similar to the way children who have not been taught table manners might get by at a fancy party: “Watch the other polite children and behave as they do.” Someone who lives life this way lacks… “authenticity” or “originality.” Such a person “would never do anything first and would never have any opinion unless he first knew that other had it.”

C. Steven Evans, Kierkegaard: An Introduction

AI Definitions: AI Washing

AI Washing - This references a company’s misleading claims about its use of AI. It’s a marketing tactic that exaggerates the amount of AI technology used in their products to appear more advanced than they actually are. AI washing takes its name from greenwashing, where companies make false or misleading claims about the positive impact they have on the environment.

More AI definitions here.

24 Recent Articles about AI Deepfakes

What to know about the rise of AI deepfakes – CBS News

High School Is Becoming a Cesspool of Sexually Explicit Deepfakes – The Atlantic

Sophistication of AI-backed operation targeting senator points to future of deepfake schemes – Associated Press

Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here - ArsTechnica

Taylor Swift and the Power of the AI Backlash – New York Magazine

How AI Is Helping ‘Fake Candidates’ Land Jobs – Wall Street Journal

A.I. Can Now Create Lifelike Videos. Can You Tell What’s Real? - The New York Times

FBI busts musician’s elaborate AI-powered $10M streaming-royalty heist - ArsTechnica

Educational resource page with information and tips about deepfakes - Microsoft

5 Best Deepfake Detector Tools & Techniques – Unite  

U.S. Army soldier charged with using AI to create child sexual abuse images – Washington Post

New McAfee tool can detect AI-generated audio - Axios 

See why AI detection tools can fail to catch election deepfakes – Washington Post

Google's Nonconsensual Explicit Image Problem is Getting Worse – Wired

Something fascinating is wrong with the eyes in deepfakes – Futurism

Bill to Outlaw AI Deepfakes Backed by SAG-AFTRA – Variety  

As AI entrenches itself in the political world, discerning real from fake is critical – NBC Boston

The FCC wants the AI voice calling you to say it's a deepfake – Tech Radar

California lawmakers approve legislation to ban deepfakes, protect workers and regulate AI  - ABC News

YouTube is developing AI detection tools for music and faces, plus creator controls for AI training – Tech Crunch

Scammers now using deepfakes to commit title fraud – NBC 6 South Florida

Many political AI deepfakes are totally cartoonish, but the technology is still shaping the election – Fortune

AI-generated deepfakes are a growing threat to consumer identity – CBS 8

What the US can learn from the role of AI in other elections – MIT Tech Review

Looking Down

A small but detailed 2015 study of young adults found that participants were using their phones five hours a day, at 85 separate times. Most of these interactions were for less than 30 seconds, but they add up. Just as revealing: The users weren’t fully aware of how addicted they were. They thought they picked up their phones half as much as they actually did. Whether they were aware of it or not, a new technology had seized control of around one-third of these young adults’ waking hours.

Just look around you—at the people crouched over their phones as they walk the streets, or drive their cars, or walk their dogs, or play with their children. Observe yourself in line for coffee, or in a quick work break, or driving, or even just going to the bathroom. Visit an airport and see the sea of craned necks and dead eyes. We have gone from looking up and around to constantly looking down.

Andrew Sullivan, I used to Be a Human Being

22 Webinars This Week about AI, Journalism, Elections, Media Law, & More

Mon, Oct 7 - ABC News Anchor Linsey Davis on Moderating the Presidential Debate

Who: ABC News Anchor Linsey Davis and Melba Tolliver is the author of Accidental Anchorwoman: A Memoir of Chance, Choice, Change, and Connection (2024). In 1967, by accident, Melba Tolliver was the first Black American to anchor network news.

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Easton Book Festival

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Mon, Oct 7 - AI NotebookLM & Steven Johnson

What: Have you played with Google’s NotebookLM AI model, and specifically explored how it can be used to create VERY realistic / human-sounding audio podcast conversations IN MINUTES using collections of articles, books, or other media? Join us for an engaging virtual hour of exploration with Google’s NotebookLM platform and the ideas of Steven Johnson.

Who: Author Steven Johnson, author of 13 books as well as numerous television programs, videos and podcasts about innovation; Wesley Fryer, the author of several books on technology integration and multimedia production.

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Media Education Lab

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Mon, Oct 7 - Fighting Misinformation in the Age of AI: Tips and Techniques to Teach Students

What: Learn how professional fact checkers avoid falling for misinformation whether it’s generated by humans or AI.

Who: Presented by Rachel Roberson, Senior Program Manager, Education Content, KQED; Rik Panganiban, Program Manager, Online Learning, KQED.

When: 5 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: edWebinars

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Mon, Oct 7 - How Science Journalists Confront Bias–in Their Stories and in Themselves

What: How journalists confront misinformation, conspiracy theories, and misleading ways of communicating scientific ideas. How bias manifests in scientific research, from ideation, methodologies, observation, conclusions, and discussions.

Who: OpenMind Magazine Editors-in-Chief Corey Powell and Pamela Weintraub

When: 6 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom (and in-person)

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Pulitzer Center

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Tue, Oct 8 – Key Protections for Journalists and their Sources  

What: International freedom of expression standards which provide particular protection to journalists, with a focus on whistleblower protections, protection of sources and anti-SLAPP measures.

When: 8:30 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Centre for Law and Democracy

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Tue, Oct 8 - Ethical Artificial Intelligence: Bridging Technology with Credible Evaluation Practices

What: This webinar aims to demystify Artificial Intelligence (A)I by demonstrating that emerging technological tools can be strategically leveraged to enhance the evaluation process. This session will delve into the ethical application of AI within library evaluation practices, focusing on practical strategies to integrate AI responsibly as a tool, assistant, and resource.

Who: Jennifer Pacheco Villalobos, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Claremont Graduate University

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Research Institute for Public Libraries

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Tue, Oct 8 - Why you should cover how your state certifies votes in the 2024 election  

What: Led by journalists from Votebeat, this webinar will help local reporters explain how their state plans to certify election results.

Who: Jen Fifield is a senior reporter at Votebeat; Hayley Harding a reporter for Votebeat; Carter Walker is Votebeat’s reporter in Pennsylvania; Carrie Levine is Votebeat's managing editor.

When: 1 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Center for Cooperative Media

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Tue, Oct 8 - Ask A Lawyer (College Student Media Edition)

What: Be prepared to take on any legal challenges this academic year may bring.

Who: SPLC lawyers

When: 4 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Student Press Law Center

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Wed, Oct 9 - The Formula for Social Media Success 

What: The topics will be covered are: The key differences between social networks, target markets social media goals, content strategy, ad strategy, measuring results, and must-have social media tools.

Who: Ray-Sidney Smith, Digital Marketing Strategist, Hootsuite Global Brand Ambassador, Google Small Business Advisor for Productivity, and Managing Director of W3C Web Services.

When: 10 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Small Business Development Center, Widener University

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Wed, Oct 9 - How to talk about mental health in the media – a short introduction for journalists

What: This webinar will introduce you to mental health specialists explaining modern approaches and understanding of mental health, the causes and effects of stigma and discrimination, and your role as a journalist in overcoming both. By the end of this session, you should feel better equipped to talk about and report on mental health issues.

Who: Alexandra Latham, Communications Manager, Mental Health Europe; Mar Cabra, The Self Investigation Foundation; Guadalupe Morales, Vice president, ENUSP (European Network of (Ex-)Users & Survivors of Psychiatry); Sue Baker OBE, Director, Changing Minds Globally.

When: 4 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: European Commission

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Wed, Oct 9 - Case Study: Transforming Workflows with AI at Zamaneh Media

What: Zamaneh Media, a small Dutch-based newsroom focusing on Persian-language content, embraced AI to overcome challenges in news production and translation. The newsroom developed two AI-driven tools that significantly streamlined their workflows. Despite a small team of just two people with limited technical backgrounds, they improved the newsroom’s efficiency by reducing the time spent on routine tasks like newsletter creation and translating long Persian articles into English. Learn how they built these tools during this session.

Who: Zamaneh Media representatives

When: 11 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Online News Association

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Wed, Oct 9 - Staying Secure: Strategies for Journalists to Navigate Legal Risks and Keep Reporting

What: A new set of guidelines outlining three practical strategies for investigative journalists to anticipate and respond to these legal threats, even when operating in challenging environments. We’ll also hear from three experienced international reporters who have faced these threats and used these strategies to keep reporting safely.

Who: An expert panel featuring three displaced journalists from Latin America and the Middle East, moderated by Vance Center Staff Attorney Carla Pierini Borenstein.

Join the and three experienced journalists to launch new legal guidelines and discuss practical strategies to help investigative journalists respond to legal threats and operate in challenging environments.  

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Cyrus Vance Center for International Justice

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Wed, Oct 9 - Navigating Artificial Intelligence: Integrating AI into Your Workflows Using Zapier & IFTTT

What: This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to harness the power of AI to optimize their workflows. We’ll delve into the world of AI integration, teaching you how to connect ChatGPT with other applications and automate tasks using Zapier and IFTTT. No prior coding experience is required.

When: 12 noon, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Small Business Development Center, Widener University

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Wed, Oct 9 - How the U.K. is investing in the AI revolution

What: How the U.K. is investing in AI’s economic potential, navigating the balance between innovation and risk and shaping the future of regulation.

Who: Peter Kyle MP, U.K. secretary of state for science; Wayve CEO Alex Kendall

When: 12 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Washington Post, AWS

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Wed, Oct 9 - Leveraging AI for Faster and Better Course Development

What: Discover how AI can transform the entire course development process, making it faster and more efficient overall. In this webinar we explore the latest AI tools and techniques that streamline the instructional design process, from content analysis to writing and storyboarding. You will learn how to leverage AI to produce high-quality, engaging courses with reduced development time. Through practical examples and hands-on activities, you will gain the skills to integrate AI into your instructional design workflow, enhancing both speed and quality. By the end of the session, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to harness AI for creating impactful eLearning experiences efficiently.

Who: Garima Gupta, Founder & CEO, Artha Learning Inc.

When: 3 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Training Magazine Network

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Thu, Oct 10 - Follow the Money — Investigating Shell Companies

What: This webinar will dive into the world of shell companies, exploring how investigative journalists can unravel these complex networks. Experts from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) will share useful resources to help journalists navigate this challenging field, focusing both on the strategy of the reporting and the most relevant tips and tools.

Who: Karrie Kehoe is ICIJ’s deputy head of data and research; Jan Strozyk is OCCRP’s chief data editor and co-leads OCCRP’s research and data team; The moderator is Simon Bowers, investigations editor at Finance Uncovered.

When: 10 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Global Investigative Journalism Network

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Thu, Oct 10 - The Ethical Imperative: Developing Policies for AI in Public Media

What: Thinking through your newsroom’s needs for guidance, parameters, pitfalls – and maybe the beginnings of an AI ethics policy.

Who: Monica Sandreczki, North Country Public Radio; Darla Cameron, Interim Chief Product Officer, Texas Tribune; Alex Mahadevan, Director of MediaWise, Poynter.

When: 12:30 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Public Media Journalists Association

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Thu, Oct 10 - Know Your Rights: Covering the U.S. election

What: An overview of the rights of journalists’ rights in public places; Advice on navigating police restrictions during demonstrations Key information on journalists’ protections against handing over their materials or equipment, including during arrest; Case studies of legal threats against U.S. journalists; Practical resources available to journalists seeking legal support.

Who: Elise Perry, Senior Legal Manager, Legal Service for Independent Media; Thomson Reuters Foundation; Claire Rajan, Partner, A&O Shearman; Alexander Bussey, Associate, A&O Shearman; Lucy Westcott, Emergencies Director, Committee to Protect Journalists.

When: 11 am, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: TrustLaw, Thomson Reuters Foundation

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Thu, Oct 10 - How the Boston Globe found a future for local journalism

What: Find out about the key strategies which enable legacy print local news publishers to make a successful transition to profitable digital-first operation. What does a successful revenue mix look like? Find out how to run a successful local news paywall, both from a content and technical perspective. What does the future hold for local news in the US and how can publishers make sure they are a part of it?

Who: Press Gazette editor in chief Dominic Ponsford; Chad Hussain, vice president of international partnerships for Quintype.

When: 2 pm, Eastern 

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Quintype, PressGazette

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Thu, Oct 10 - 10 Ways Every Newsroom Should Be Using AI

What: This webinar will help newsrooms integrate AI tools into their daily operations through efficient workflows, content creation, SEO optimization, and social media engagement. You'll see specific examples in a variety of areas with prompts and results using real-world experiences from editorial teams both big and small. This webinar is perfect for journalists, editors, and newsroom managers who want to understand how AI can be a game changer for their teams, making processes more efficient while upholding editorial standards.

Who: David Arkin is the owner of David Arkin Consulting.

When: 2 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: $35

Sponsor: Online Campus Media

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Thu, Oct 10 - AI, Copyright and Legal Considerations for Journalists, Freelancers and News Organizations

What: An overview of what journalists should know about the legal issues surrounding AI. We’ll get into some of the current court cases and their potential impact on the field, copyright issues, a look at how other fields such as the entertainment industry navigate AI issues, considerations when entering into contracts, submitting content for publication, and using technology to create content, and more.

Who: Farrah Vazquez and Chris Weathers of the media firm Davis Wright Tremaine

When: 3 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free ($25 for nonmembers)

Sponsor: Online News Association

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Thu, Oct 10 - Connecting Students to AI Accountability News Stories

What: Many teachers report feeling unequipped to engage students in conversations about the uses of predictive and surveillance technologies. In this virtual panel, The Information & Artificial Intelligence Teacher Advisory Council members will detail their experience exploring news stories about AI accountability and creating curricular tools to support educators and students eager to utilize reporting on AI as a tool for better understanding the impact of artificial intelligence in their schools and communities.

Who: The Information & Artificial Intelligence Teacher Advisory Council, a cohort of 12 teachers who developed and tested resources to introduce and engage with reporting created through the Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Network.  

When: 6 pm, Eastern

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

Sponsor: Pulitzer Center

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