12 Webinars about AI, Journalism & Media
/Mon, March 3 – Journalism Trends
What: What we’ll cover: The existential threat of search disruption and how publishers can respond; The evolving role of generative AI in newsrooms and its impact on talent; How product innovation is driving business growth in journalism; The rise of personalities, influencers, and the ‘creator-fication’ of news; Strategies to combat news fatigue for both journalists and audiences; The impact of intelligent agents and conversational AI on content discovery
Who: Nic Newman, Reuters Institute; George Montagu, Head of Insights FT Strategies; Sarah Dear, Senior Data Analyst FT Strategies.
When: 6 am, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Financial Times
Mon, March 3 - Amplify Your Impact: Effective PR Strategies for Nonprofit Success
What: This session aims to empower nonprofit professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to develop and implement effective public relations strategies.
Who: Jessica Leving Siegel, Sing Creative Group
When: 11:00 am, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Nonprofit Learning Lab
Mon, March 3 - Participatory Storytelling and News
What: We unpack insights from Kate Starbird’s research on misinformation and modern media ecosystems. This session explores how educators can better understand our dynamic information landscape, help students critically engage with media and the news, understand participatory narratives, and build resilience against misinformation in today’s polarized landscape.
Who: Wesley Fryer, a media literacy teacher and educational technology early adopter since the late 1990s.
When: 12:00 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Media Education Lab
Tue, March 4 - Introduction to solutions journalism
What: This webinar will explore the basic principles and pillars of solutions journalism, talk about why it’s important, explain key steps in reporting a solutions story, and share tips and resources for journalists interested in investigating how people are responding to social problems.
When: 9 am, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Solutions Journalism
Tue, March 4 - The power of public health storytelling
What: How can storytelling raise awareness of urgent public health issues — and begin to shape a meaningful response? This panel of skilled storytellers will share insights from their own experience and offer ideas about how journalists, authors, and community organizers can leverage personal narratives to powerful effect.
Who: Annie Brewster, Founder of the Health Story Collaborative; Vidya Krishnan, Journalist and author of "The Phantom Plague"; Predrag Stojicic, Adjunct Lecturer on Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Moderator Emily Ann Harrison, Instructor in Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
When: 1 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Center for Health Communication at Harvard
Tue, March 4 - Pioneering the Future: Integrating AI to Revolutionize Competency Models
What: This session will explore how AI can streamline the identification of competencies for every role, specific skills related to each competency, and produce behavioral examples of each of the skills, ensuring your organization stays ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.
Who: Kelly Painter Managing Partner, SkillDirector
When: 2 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Training Magazine Network
Tue, March 4 - Getting Your Learning and Development Team AI-Ready: Strategies for Adoption & Success
What: We’ll explore what it takes to get your L&D team ready to adopt AI successfully. We’ll go beyond the hype and focus on real strategies that successful teams are using today to get traction for adoption — focusing on what you can use today to build confidence and momentum for AI within your organization.
Who: Megan Torrance, CEO and founder, TorranceLearning
When: 3 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Training Magazine Network
Wed, March 5 - Make facts matter again: Pushing back against misinformation and disinformation
What: How misinformation spreads, why people cling to it — rejecting accurate information — and what he thinks journalists can do to help address this crisis.
Who: Stephan Lewandowsky, a cognitive scientist at the University of Bristol and one of the lead original authors of “The Debunking Handbook.”
When: 12:00 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Association of Health Care Journalists
Wed, March 5 - Engaging Public Health Officials Online: Strategies for Effective Communication
What: We will explore innovative approaches to engage public health professionals and share expert insights on building credibility in the digital sphere. Learn how to navigate non-mainstream platforms. effectively, drawing lessons from recent political campaigns to inform public health advocacy.
Who: Sarah J. Dash, former President and CEO of The Alliance for Health Policy, President and CEO of Dash Collaborations; Sandra Albrecht, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University; Nick Dean, Senior Vice President, Digital and Creative, Burness; Che Parker, Senior Vice President, Burness.
When: 12:00 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Wed, March 5 – Navigate Communication Challenges: Crisis Compass
What: Whether you’re in corporate communications, nonprofit management, public relations or executive leadership, our sessions will provide actionable insights to help you protect your brand’s reputation, maintain public trust and navigate challenges effectively.
When: 3 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: C2 Strategic Communications
Thu, March 6 - Storytelling that Connects and Inspires
What: Tips, techniques and tools to help keep your mission at the forefront, ensuring ethical storytelling and staying top of mind to your audience. Key Takeaways: A brief analysis of storytelling frameworks. Tools to aid in the process of compiling and refining the most compelling stories. Using social media story tools to build community and motivate action.
Who: Firespring’s Kiersten Hill
When: 3 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: FireSpring
Thu, March 6 - Book Banning Webinar: A View From Bookstores, Libraries and Courtrooms
What: The panelists will discuss the dynamic legal landscape, practical challenges for librarians, bookstores, authors and publishers, and will leave attendees with resources to help stay up to date.
Who: Dentons lawyers, including retired partner Michael Bamberger, partner Tomasita Sherer, and counsel Rebecca Hughes Parker; Deborah Caldwell-Stone (Director of the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom and the Freedom To Read Foundation), Bunmi Emenanjo (author, lawyer and curator of globally diverse children's literature) and Terry Hart (General Counsel for the Association of American Publishers).
When: 1 pm, Eastern
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Dentons, a worldwide law firm