Generative AI Prompt Suggestions  


You aren’t supposed to just ask a question of an AI and walk away once an answer is devised and presented like a Google search. The better use is to carry on a conversation with the AI app.

To Get more Accurate Answers

·       Include examples of what you want it to do.

·       Tell the AI to ask you questions so it can give you a robust answer. This will give you some things to think about related to what you are trying to create. “Before you start, ask me any questions that you need answered to help me best solve my problem.”

·       “Provide sources for new information (or a specific piece of information)”

·       “Give me a list of the fundamental facts on which your response relied.”

·       "Base your answer on these following facts…”

·       Tell it to "think step-by-step," so it'll break down its solution into bite-size chunks. Including an example of this process is even better.

·       If you see a repeated factual error in the response, tell it to “rewrite the answer with the following changes in mind."

·       Tell the AI to be curt in its responses and you’ll get a more to-the-point response.

·       Tell the AI to be elaborate in its responses and you’ll get longer amplifications.

·       Disagree with the AI as to its stated responses and prod the AI into defending things.

·       Make a pretend type of scenario that you want the AI to contextually include.

Gathering Information

Ask it to research a specific topic and list the most important or basic information.


“Give me a story to illustrate x”


“Summarize the documents/press releases/ etc. below.”

“Summarize this article in a punchy paragraph”

“Format this information into bullet points”

“Define/expand/explain/translate”/order chronologically/turn into listicle/make into an explainer”

Story Type

“Rewrite as an informative news story focused on fact”

“Rewrite as an human interest feature” 


Provide feedback on writing—what’s missing, editing for style, etc. 


“Provide an overall critique of your style on a specific document.”

“Rewrite/shorten/expand the second paragraph”

“Add quotes from the CEO” or other official.

Prompt for an itemized list of suggested changes, so that you can make your own judgments. Don't simply accept the A.I. output.        

Writing Style

“Start with an anecdotal lead/quote/example/data/statistics”

“Write with a journalistic/academic/casual/formal style”

“Write in the style of (a particular writer)”

“Format numbers/dates/citations/headlines/capitalizations/etc in this way…”


“This article should be 500 words long, divided into at least 6 paragraphs”

“Sentences of no less/more than x words”        

Study Feedback

“When I am correct, tell me how my response could have been better and when I’m wrong help guide me to the correct answer and give me a clever way to remember it.”  


Write a headline for this article

Suggest SEO for the following article

Brainstorm for news article ideas based on a press release or quote.


Reverse engineer real images to find new prompts.

Ask the AI to help you develop better prompts.  

Image Formula

Image content (cat, dog) + style (photo, painting, illustration, film stills) + framing (point-of-view, background) + lighting (soft light, dramatic lighting, sunset) + color + level of realism & detail   

Example 1: "Person with strong determined attitude, forest fire background, close-up shot, purple and green color scheme, dark lighting, realistic."

Example 2: “A child playing on a sunny happy beach, their laughter as they build a simple sandcastle, emulate Nikon D6 high shutter speed action shot, soft yellow lighting.”