Articles of interest about higher ed - Dec 18


There are almost no preexisting conditions for COVID-19 that matter remotely as much as age

Debunked COVID-19 myths survive online, despite facts


4 questions for colleges now that the US has a coronavirus vaccine

University of Kentucky study says a 7-day COVID quarantine may be enough for students

Alabama State using drones to sanitize stadium against COVID-19

American campuses have tallied nearly 400,000 cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic

Campuses Say Their Fall Semesters Were Safe. One Student Felt Anything But.


Arizona State University cancels spring break in effort to slow spread of COVID-19

Worried About College Plans for Spring ($)


'Losing A Generation': Fall College Enrollment Plummets For First-Year Students

The number of high school graduates who enrolled in college this fall fell by more than 21 percent


University of Evansville admin proposes cutting quarter of the faculty, nixing 17 majors

Univ of Saint Rose to drop 25 academic programs to survive financial stress

Duquesne University proposes full-time faculty cuts amid pandemic, financial uncertainty


Education Secretary DeVos Heads For The Exits, Leaving A Legacy Of Turmoil

Northwestern distances itself from former lecturer after controversial op-ed urging Jill Biden to drop 'Dr.' title


Big Gifts to Small Colleges From an Unexpected Source ($)

Colleges still have millions to fire football coaches despite claiming financial trouble from coronavirus

Why Higher Education Is a Prime Target for Cybercriminals


Athletes at Black Colleges Sue Over NCAA Rules


Case Western Reserve University receives $2,028,000 grant to promote diversity in academic leadership, focusing on arts and humanities

The Deeper Dig: What humanities cuts could mean for UVM 


It’s not production quality that counts in educational videos – here's what students value most

114 studies on flipped classrooms show small payoff for big effort

Why You Should Teach Like a Poet ($)

Student Evaluations of Teaching are Not Valid (opinion)

Are MOOCs getting a second wind as colleges look online for gen ed classes?


Use of surveillance software to crack down on exam cheating has unintended consequences

Remote test-taking software is an inaccurate, privacy-invading mess (opinion)

Texas A&M investigating "large scale" cheating case as universities see more academic misconduct in era of online classes

Academic integrity at Zoom University: Stricter measures are not the answer


Strategies to Avoid Professor Burn Out

UM Fires History Professor Who Criticizes ‘Powerful, Racist Donors’ and ‘Carceral State’

Scholars pledge not to speak at Ole Miss until it reinstates a colleague

When My College Attacked Me, Professional Insurance Saved My Bacon


Chapman University President Daniele Struppa tests positive for COVID-19

New Mexico State University chancellor named to Biden-Harris transition team

McDaniel College taps current provost as its next president

Southwestern College selects alumnus Mark Sanchez as next president

University of North Carolina at Wilmington faculty censure chancellor

Utah State Investigating comments made by president  


Guilford College hits pause on sweeping proposed campus changes

Judson College needs $500K in donations by Dec. 31 to stay open

How Trump Made a Tiny Christian College the Nation’s Biggest Prison Educator

Azusa Pacific drops football

Five years later, Larycia Hawkins’ canceling foreshadowed evangelicals under Trump (opinion)

Northwest Nazarene University students complete fall semester in person

Humanities take a hit at three religious colleges

In final years at Liberty, Falwell spent millions on pro-Trump causes


Elsevier looking into “very serious concerns” after student calls out journal for fleet of Star Trek articles, other issues

The grad student who found a fatal error that may affect lots of papers

The shoddy statistical analysis in the Texas lawsuit which sought to overturn the 2020 election

Measuring Correlation-to-Causation Exaggeration in Press Releases

Psychology’s replication crisis inspires ecologists to push for more reliable research

South African incentive programme has attracted criticism for encouraging unethical behaviour.

Report: Majority Of Psychological Experiments Conducted In 1970s Just Crimes (satire)


Patterns of retractions from 1981-2020 : Does a fraud lead to another fraud?

The limits of transparency in dealing with scientific misconduct


The work student journalists are proudest of this year

A student re-attached a fallen note of support to a staff member’s door. Then her university investigated her for harassment.

A contentious local election revealed an information gap. High school reporters stepped up to fill it.


Federal charges filed against 21 people in 'large-scale' drug ring involving UNC fraternities

US college student jailed for breaking quarantine in Cayman Islands


Congressional proposal would overhaul college sports, require revenue sharing, cover athletes' medical costs

COVID-19 cuts into college students' drinking

Blows to the head of a college volleyball star changed her life

What It's Like To Apply To College In The Pandemic

Students organize protests over Cal State Long Beach's grading system

Utah State Players Opt out of Final Game over President's Comments on Head Coach


LSU has long known of the problem and it took no action when athletic department officials violated Title IX policies in the past

Baylor facing charges related to lack of institutional control over sports program In sexual assault scandal 


Trustees vote to drop 'Dixie' from Dixie State University name

A Black Professor’s Colleague Called the Cops on Him. What the School Did Next Made It Much Worse.

UCLA Study Suggests Millennials Show Racial Bias While Looking For Roommates