Articles of Interest about higher ed - Oct 15


Pandemic presents an opportunity for small liberal arts colleges to change

List of employees with COVID-19 at Volunteer State Community College emailed by mistake

How Transparent Is Your College's COVID Dashboard?


Schools are 2 months into reopening under Covid-19 and no one's keeping track of how it's going

Up to 1 million California students may still lack connectivity during distance learning


University of Memphis braces for layoffs as COVID-19 takes its toll 

D'Youville College to lay off employees furloughed since spring

Ithaca College to cut 130 faculty positions due to low enrollment

Duke University to lay off 75 employees due to COVID-19 disruptions


Cornish College of the Arts Declares Financial Emergency and Exigency


University of Florida ends use of prison labor after mounting student pressure

Texas A&M shortens spring break to a single day

Colleges cancel diversity programs in response to Trump order


Princeton will pay nearly $1M in back pay to female professors in sweeping discrimination settlement

Two Lawsuits, Five Internal Complaints Allege Discrimination within Univ. of Chicago Facilities Services Dept


Colleges are dropping courses in humanities


Coursera Founder Launches Zoom Challenger For Higher Ed

Viral video shows 2 Vallejo teachers bad mouthing students after class: 'These kids are technologically illiterate'

A college student says a professor told her not to breastfeed her baby during online class

Fine Arts majors say they struggle with online and distance learning


150 University of Missouri students caught cheating on exams held online amid COVID-19

More Mizzou students are cheating — and you can blame the pandemic. Sort of

California bar exam takers say facial recognition software rejected them 


More than 100 back Notre Dame faculty members sign an online letter opposing the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

Professors endure a summer of cancellations: recent assaults on academic freedom

Harvard professor Charles Lieber sues university over legal fees


Notre Dame president ends quarantine after COVID diagnosis

Former dean claims Millersville University discriminated against her race, age and gender in federal lawsuit


Ohio Wesleyan cuts 18 majors, consolidates departments to save $4 million

Gordon College cuts tuition

Facebook bans Liberty University's Falkirk Center co-founder

Former Student Claims Moody Bible Institute Put Her on ‘Warning Status' for Being Lesbian

Moody Bible Institute Must Face Sex Discrimination, Retaliation Lawsuit ($)


Notre Dame’s President Faces an Angry Campus After Getting the Coronavirus ($)

Baylor suspends football activities due to COVID issues

Point Loma Nazarene University reports jump in COVID-19 cases


Court Dismisses LGBT Anti-Discrimination Lawsuit Against Fuller Seminary

SBC seminary votes to retain slaveholders’ names on buildings


Blatantly shoddy work is still being published in peer-reviewed journals despite errors that a layperson can spot because there are few consequences for bad research   

Science has been in a “replication crisis” for a decade. Have we learned anything?

How One Prominent Journal Went Very Wrong ($) 

Journals’ English copy-editing services are inadequate and unethical ($) 

Publish, profit, predate, perish and peer review 

Retraction Watch on The Data Skeptic podcast


College kids get creative to get out the vote

A college refuses to accommodate students who are afraid of being on campus

On college campuses, resident assistants in dorms adjust to a new role: COVID cop

Students continue to be stressed about college, their futures

Latinx DACA Students Contend with Adversity at Universities


ASU journalism student sues university, claiming First Amendment violation in fallout from controversial tweet 

Student sues Case Western Reserve seeking refund for loss of in-person classes because of coronavirus

College baseball, racial epithets, and free speech


Duquesne University fires professor who used racial slur in class


U.S. Department of Education fines Baylor $462K for violations of Jeanne Clery Act

LSU releases new regulations addressing sexual harassment under Title IX

Why Is It So Hard to Fire a Tenured Sexual Predator? ($)