Articles of Interest - Feb 4


The Newseum was a grand tribute to the power of journalism: Here’s how it failed  The Washington Post

Immigrant rights attorneys and journalists denied entry into Mexico  Los Angeles Times

The Six Forms of Media Bias  New York Times 

News story lifespan charts  FlowingData

Asked To Ignore Racism: 4 Reporters Tell Their Stories  Huffington Post  


Loss of newspapers contributes to political polarization  Associated Press

How R&D works at the BBC & The New York Times   Global Editors Network  


NSA confirms everything is a conspiracy, conspiracy theorists not convinced  The Science Post

Fake news sites are simply changing their domain name to get around Facebook fact-checkers Mashable 

Snopes says nope to Facebook’s money and leaves fact-checking program  The Verge  

Snopes and AP stop fact checking for Facebook  TechCrunch

A shockingly large majority of health news shared on Facebook is fake or misleading  Fact Company 

The Deep Roots of Fake News: A new history of the United States traces mass media’s destabilizing effects back to the nation’s birth  Scientific American 

How analyzing patterns helps students spot deceptive media  The Conversation 

Veterans of the News Business Are Now Fighting Fakes  New York Times

Individually, people aren’t great at judging news sources. En masse, they’re almost the same as professional fact-checkers  Harvard’s Nieman Lab 


Flickr will start deleting your photos soon  Daily Dot

The real problem with posting about your kids online (opinion)   The Conversation 


Facebook has been paying teens $20 a month for total access to their phone activity  The Verge

Does Facebook Really Know How Many Fake Accounts It Has?  New York Times

Facebook's plan: One messaging service to rule them all  Axios 

Facebook: Where Friendships Go to Never Quite Die  The Atlantic

10 facts about Americans and Facebook  Pew Research Center 


Meet the Creator of the Egg That Broke Instagram  New York Times  

Instagram to blur self-harm images after Molly Russell's suicide BongBonG 


Americans got 26.3B robocalls 2018; many don't answer the phone  Twin Cities 


Inside the UAE’s secret hacking team of American mercenaries  Reuters

A handy list of ways Facebook has tried to sneakily gather data about you The Next Web  

News outlets' email security gap  Axios 


Study shows we're spending an insane amount of time online  The Next Web 

It’s time to ditch Google Analytics  Fact Company

Digital trends 2019: Every single stat you need to know about the internet  The Next Web


Saying no to 1000 things  Becoming (my blog)

What old story about yourself are you still believing? Here’s how to find it and change It TED ideas

The Dunning-Kruger effect, and how to fight it, explained by psychologist David Dunning  Vox

The kind of monuments that make Americans feel good about ourselves can also prevent us from reckoning properly with our history PS Mag


Ariana Grande’s new tattoo has a hilarious misspelling  Mashable 

Meet the Guardian of Grammar Who Wants to Help You Be a Better Writer New York Times


How to write effectively for international journals  Nature 

Should plagiarism be a bar to presidency? (sub req’ed)  Times Higher Ed 

The changing ways Americans read books  Axios 

Three Writing Rules to Disregard  The Paris Review 


What happens in our brain when we learn languages?  Science Focus

Evolution of the alphabet  FlowingData


Book Written by Detainee via WhatsApp Gets a Top Prize  New York Times

 3 Award-Winning Latina Authors Are Symbols Of Hope For Next Generation Of Writers  NPR

A Suspense Novelist’s Trail of Deceptions The New Yorker


Women act more like men when they have to ask women for money  Quartz

New Study: Largest U.S. Churches Are Unclear on Women's Leadership  Sojourners 

Nevada Reaches Major Milestone As First State With Majority Of Women In Legislature  NPR


James Watson and the insidiousness of scientific racism  Wired 

Football and the NFL Are Facing White Flight  The Atlantic 

Magazine censored, editor dropped for covering Henry Ford’s anti-semitic newspaper  Columbia Journalism Review


Mobs target journalists and Turkey hands jail sentences to 28 academics  IFEX

Eddie Money's Decision to Fire Drummer Was Expression of Free Speech, Court Rules  Hollywood Reporter

Federal Judge Bizarre claim: Boycotts Aren't Protected Speech TechDirt


A look at how unfair the courts can be for those who can't afford fairness  New York Times

Michael Jackson & R. Kelly Documentaries Tough to Stop Due to First Amendment  Billboard

How O.G. Streetwear Brand FUCT Took a Free Speech Case All the Way to the Supreme Court  GQ 

Fiji Water's Golden Globes Photobomber Sues Company Over Cardboard Cutouts  Hollywood Reporter 

The large-scale and potentially extremely illegal social media marketing efforts for the Fyre Fest The Fashion Law Blog 


10 Visualizations About Criminal Justice  Global Investigative Journalism Network  


Researchers demonstrate flexible, inexpensive materials that can convert ambient Wi-Fi signals into electricity   MIT Tech Review 


A look at the main tools text preprocessing & steps involved—including normalization tokenization stemming lemmatization chunking etc.  Medium  

We analyzed 16,625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next: the era of deep learning is coming to an end  MIT Tech Review  


Are religious people happier, healthier? Our new global study explores this question  Pew Research Center 

How A Long-Lost Guitar Was A Lesson In Grace And Forgiveness  NPR

World Vision ousted from Pakistan  The Alabama Baptist  

SoCal Megachurch pastor Commits Suicide  Christian Post  

Interfaith panel reflects on the state of faith-based higher education  Deseret News  

Hail Satan? puts the fun in Satanic fundamentalism: docu covers The Satanic Temple’s grassroots activism  The Verge  

Avril Lavigne crosses over to Christian music with latest Top 5 single  Aleteia

Religion makes Americans give  Philanthropy

HarperCollins Christian Publishing found guilty of fraud, breach of contract Nashville Post

Students at Sundance see Film Through the eyes of faith Religious News


Man saves woman's life by giving her CPR — a skill he picked up from watching The Office 

Good Samaritans rescue woman and infant son after SUV crashes into pond  WMBF-TV 


The women running for president are breaking the rules of branding  Fact Company

A funky dictionary with daily used terms in the digital agencies around the world  Fakeit 

The National Parks’ iconic typeface has never been digitized–until now  Fact Company


Take this test to figure out how tone-deaf you are  The Verge

 Get Free Ambient Work Music With Flow State LifeHacker


15 Movies We Loved at Sundance  Vulture


BuzzFeed Paid the Teen Making Its Top Quizzes in Free Swag  The Cut

Coming to a TV near you: personalized ads  Axios 


5 simple things Jimmy Breslin did as a reporter and writer that can make student journalists great, too  Dynamics of Writing


19 Things Your Parents Told You That Turned Out To Be Total BS  BuzzFeed

In Growing ‘Wild West’ of Campus Esports, Programs Rush to Lure the Best Players  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Are millennials lazy? Studies suggest otherwise  King-5 


Yale hires investigator after claims of sexual misconduct against former professor  New Haven Register 

Michigan State Faulted For Handling Of Sexual Abuse Cases  NPR

Priest Responds To Child Sex Abuse Accusations Within Church  NPR


These Maps Reveal the Secret World of Modern Slavery  How Much 


America Needs More Young Workers to Support Aging Population  Bloomberg

A worldwide, winner-takes-all race to rule tech  Axios

Visualizing how prices have changed over the past 20 years  How Much 

Student loan debt crushes senior citizens  Axios 


The natural products that could replace plastic  BBC 

Climate change is altering the color of the oceans  Quartz 


America’s Epidemic of Vaccine Exemptions  New Republic 

We have far less control over our weight than we might wish to think   IFL Science

Sleep loss heightens pain sensitivity, dulls brain’s painkilling response  Berekley

Cereal companies created a myth about the first meal of the day: Researchers keep debunking it  Vox

Extra body fat may be shrinking your brain  Fatherly 

Teens with anti-vax parents seek out Reddit's help to get secretly vaccinated Salon


14 Tips for Raising Generous Kids  Red Tricycle 


Children with autism may not cave to peer pressure like Non-autistic Children  IFL Science 

What Happens When Autism Becomes a Literary Device? New York Times  


Woman runs final 19 miles of marathon while cradling a lost puppy  Runner’s World 

Iran bans dogs from riding in cars and public walks in Tehran  CNN 

People Form Human Chain To Rescue Dog From Canal  The Dodo

Animal rights group sues UC Davis, demanding videos of alleged abuse of monkeys  San Francisco Chronicle

Dad Saves Dog’s Fav Toy Daily Mail 


Judge says Tampa conversion therapy ban violates First Amendment free-speech rights  Washington Post  

Women's Brains Age More Slowly Than Men's  NPR


The Case for Professors of Stupidity  Nautil  

How Did Famous Philosophers Promote Racism In America?  Houston Public Media 

How Accurate Is The Good Place's Philosophy?  Marie Claire

Monty Python's Best Philosophy Sketches  Open Culture


Multiply time by asking 4 questions about the stuff on your to-do list  TED ideas


After issuing dozens of corrections to high-profile book, historian shuts down his blog  Retraction Watch 

You Can Now Look At The Faces Of Some Of Britain's Earliest Inhabitants  IFL Science

What Popular Histories Often Get Wrong About the Underground Railroad  History News Network


Three Identical Strangers’: The high cost of experimentation without ethics  Washington Post

British army permitted shooting of civilians in Iraq and  Afghanistan Middle East Eye  


What should JPSP have done with Bem’s ESP paper, back in 2010?  Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference and Social Science  Columbia  

Is Journal Peer-Review Now Just a Game? Milton Packer wonders if the time has come for instant replay  MedPage Today

Intellectual Conflicts of Interest Pose Hidden Dangers to Scientific Accuracy  OncLive 

A proposal to achieve universal access to scientific and medical research via funder preprint mandates  Plan U  

The journal impact factor: Is it better than coin flipping?  Science Direct

Is there a best day for submitting an article for publication?  The London School of Economics & Political Science 


New efforts on campus focus on ways to capture what students learn outside class -- and how to communicate it to employers  Inside Higher Ed

Litigation Is Likely For New Title IX Guidelines NPR

Education by State  Wallethub 

When Colleges Seek Diversity Through Photoshop  Inside Higher Ed


How to Get Grant Money in the Humanities and Social Sciences’  Inside Higher Ed 

View that liberal arts majors face lower earning potential is a myth  Daily Camera

The Decline of Historical Thinking (and the history major)  The New Yorker


Christian College Professor is suspended for using the N-word while discussing a James Baldwin essay  Inside Higher Ed

Christian university denies approving ‘F*** Donald Trump’ theme of convocation  The College Fix  

Pelosi praises evangelicals in address to Christian college presidents  Christian Post 

Christian university blocks Ben Shapiro from speaking  The Hill

Christian School Under Fire for Allowing Blackface During School Presentation   Fox 40


Are You Assigning Too Much Reading? Or Just Too Much Boring Reading?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How One Professor Learned to Stop Worrying and Drop the Deadline  Chronicle of Higher Ed


University bans journalism professor from campus; university alert alleges meth use, access to guns  Spokesman  

Ex-Dentistry Professor Suing USC, Alleges Firing Linked to Complaint Against Supervisor Changing Grades  City News Service

University Will Pay Nearly $700,000 in Settlement With Former Provost after she was accused of plagiarism  Chronicle of Higher Ed