Articles of Interest - Jan 28


12 of the Best Social Media Analytics Tools (and How They Can Help Your Business)  Social Media Today 

3 brands that use social media snark effectively (and deliciously)  PR Daily 

Tinder agrees to settle age discrimination lawsuit  TechCrunch 

We Followed YouTube’s Recommendation Algorithm Down  The Rabbit Hole


10 Influencers under 10  Ad Age  

2-year-old Instagrammers make more than you  Fast Company 

Is It Time to Regulate Social Media Influencers? (opinion)  New York Magazine 


Facebook knowingly duped game-playing kids and their parents out of money  Reveal News  

Facebook plans to let Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp users message each other: All apps will support end-to-end encryption  The Verge

Facebook Moves to Block Ad Transparency Tools — Including Ours  Propublica  


Steve Jobs Never Wanted Us to Use Our iPhones Like This  New York Times

Get Ready for Weird Phones  Wired 

FaceTime bug lets you hear or see through someone else’s iPhone, even if they haven’t answered  BongBong 


How to download Photoshop free or with Creative Cloud  Creative Bloq


How Innovative Newsrooms Are Using Artificial Intelligence  Global Investigative Journalism Network 

I'm glad I didn't give up on journalism" (L.A. Times' Kimi Yoshino)  Poynter

Iowa House denying press credentials to influential blogger  Associated Press 

4chan trolls flood laid off HuffPost, BuzzFeed reporters with death threats  NBC News

Crafted storytelling vs raw content 

It doesn’t take a ton of nasty comments to sink a reader’s perception of a news site  Harvard’s Neiman Lab 

ProPublica makes corrections to a story about Oregon’s courts  ProPublica  

2019 Edelman Trust Barometer  Edelman  


Media industry loses about 1,000 jobs as layoffs hit news organizations  CNN

The Economist launches daily news podcast with 8 staffers  Digiday

What The Latest Layoffs Mean For Digital Journalism  NPR  

Johns Hopkins University is buying the building that houses the Newseum which will move  Washington Post

Cancel in protest? Or stay with a local newspaper that’s being strip-mined for profits? Washington Post


Why Camera Angles And Bias Support Different Opinions  NP 

YouTube says it will crack down on recommending conspiracy videos  CNN

Just 1% of Twitter users exposed to 80% of fake news during the 2016 U.S. election  Venture Beat 

Medical News: What Can You Trust? can you know when studies are based on solid science?  Bottom Line Inc

Fake news on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election  Science Mag 

Do people fall for fake news because they’re partisan or because they’re lazy? Researchers are divided  Harvard’s Nieman Lab 

4 ways to know when a conspiracy theory is almost surely false Big Think  

The man who helps the internet make fake news  Columbia Journalism Review

***BIG DATA & AI  

We analyzed 16,625 papers to figure out where AI is headed next: the era of deep learning is coming to an end  MIT Tech Review

Google’s DeepMind AI Is So Good It’s Beating Pro Gamers  High Snobiety

Meet the scientists who are training AI to diagnose mental illness  The Verge

10 influential data scientists and why you should follow them  Tech Beacon 


10 Year Challenge: How Popular Websites Have Changed  Arun 

Google Urged the U.S. to Limit Protection For Activist Workers  Bloomberg

Google putting money, machine learning into Wikipedia  Wired 

Meet the man behind a third of what's on Wikipedia  CBS News  


Three new editing features in Gmail  ZDnet 

Google Tests Dynamic Email In Android App  Media Post

How to Spend Way Less Time on Email Every Day  Harvard Business Review 


Routine and Ritual  Becoming (my blog)

There's little evidence that digital detoxes improve mental health  Quartz


The Most Redundant Words to Delete From Your Writing  Medium 

Students Want to Write Well; We Don’t Let Them (review of Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities)  LA Review of Books 

'The New Childhood' makes case that video games, social media are good for kids  USA Today


Colleges Lose a ‘Stunning’ 651 Foreign-Language Programs in 3 Years  Chronicle of Higher Education 

Learning a language means failure, embarrassment and the enrichment of your life  LA Times


‘Keats is dead...’: How young women are changing the rules of poetry  The Guardian

 A dazzling array of works from 1923 are now available freely to scholars, artists and writers, opening up new possibilities for teaching and publishing  Inside Higher Ed  

15 Classic Titles If They Were Written As Clickbait  Medium 

Why should you read “Fahrenheit 451”?   TEDx


India women: First female climbs sacred mountain  BBC 

Gender Gap most pronounced for publications in top journals  London School of Economics and Political Science 

This Mom Became The First Woman To Win A 268-Mile Race And Did It While Pumping Breast Milk For Her Baby  BuzzFeed News 

Why it’s much easier for men to get into the Ivy League than women  New York Post 

Masculinity And U.S. Extremism: What Makes Young Men Vulnerable To Toxic Ideologies  NPR 

Transgender pronouns provide challenge, opportunity in workplace San Francisco Chronicle  

Ms., Mr. or Mx.? Nonbinary teachers embrace gender-neutral honorific  NBC News 

UAE's gender equality awards won entirely by men  The Guardian  

Americans’ views on masculinity differ by party, gender and race  Pew Research Center 


Tips for finding and pitching stories with a race-focused angle  The Ground Truth Product

Amazon’s facial analysis tech often mistakes dark-skinned women for men, study shows  Vox


State judge declares Iowa's "fetal heartbeat" abortion ban unconstitutional  Reuters  

Supreme Court won’t hear a lawsuit over defamatory Yelp reviews  The Verge 

Expert witness wins billions—and makes enemies—as he fights companies over public health  Science Mag

A Dutch surgeon formally disciplined for her medical negligence has won a legal action to remove Google search results  The Guardian 

What Happens to the Billions of Dollars of Counterfeits Seized Every Year?  The Fashion Law Blog

Parody Washington Post Leads To Bogus Legal Threat, And A Reminder Of An Old Internet Lawsuit  TechDirt 

An Analysis of Title I and Title III of The Music Modernization Act  Technology & Marketing Law Review


Austin police order deeper investigation after audit finds misclassified cleared rape cases Reveal News

Police Are Failing To Catch Most Shooters In Many Big Cities: Often, They Shoot Again BuzzFeed News 

Emergency Blue-Light Phones Are a Symbol of Safety. Is Symbolism Worth Thousands?  Chronicle of Higher Education 

Shoot Someone In A Major US City, And Odds Are You'll Get Away With It: the percentage of shooters who escape justice has soared   BuzzFeed News

How police departments make millions by seizing property  The Greenville News


After 24 Years, Scholar Completes 3,000-Page Translation Of The Hebrew Bible  NPR

Pilots killed in Monday crash dedicated lives to Christian missions  Times Reporter


Provoked By Trump, The Religious Left Is Finding Its Voice  NPR

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quotes the Bible after Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she should leave climate change up to God  Business Insider 

Trump administration grants waiver to agency that works only with Christian families  Washington Post

Like Americans overall, U.S. Catholics are sharply divided by party  Pew Research Center 

Why Trump is tweeting about studying the Bible  Vox 


This girls basketball team lost 102-2, has no wins, yet keeps taking the court  Tampa Bay  

Golden retriever saves owner by leading an ambulance to him  New York Post 

Hingham teacher gets emotional surprise in viral video Patriot Ledger 

66 Years On, Minn. Navy Medic Reunites With Baby Saved From Ash Can In Seoul  WCCO 

Couple working on home for charity finds hidden bag of money hidden and give it to the nonprofit  Fox 9 

Buddhist wins $670,000 in poker tournament, gives it to charity  New York Post

Local Chick-fil-A opens Sunday for special needs boy  WKRG 

Three-year-old boy missing in woods for two days says friendly bear kept him safe  The Guardian

When a boy called 911 after tough day at school, Lafayette dispatcher was there to help  JC online    


The winners of the 7th annual Ocean Art Photo competition  New Atlas  

Kamala Harris’s Logo Is a Disaster: Here’s Why  The Bulwark  

Design Checklist for the Perfect Charts  UX Planet  

How Color Affects our Perceptions of Art and Brands  Medium 


Fender's new acoustic guitar has a million different voices  Wired 

The Most Sampled Loop in Music History  Great Big Story  

Spotify data shows how music preferences change with latitude  Ars Technica

Every Place in Beatles Lyrics, Mapped  Vanity Fair

The History of the Quirky Music Typewriter: Vintage Technologies for Printing Musical Notation  Open Culture  

A Brief History of Rock Musicians Who Went Electronic  Vulture

An Interactive Visualization of Every Line in Hamilton  Pudding 


How can you prepare for the future of work? The answer is not “learn to code”  Recode

Oscar Mayer on the hunt for its next Wienermobile driver  Fox 45


Summer 2019 Journalism + Communications Academic Internship Program Washington, DC.

ProPublica is giving away 20 scholarships to help students attend journalism conferences 


Campus police told multiple times of student harassment: They did little—and he murdered her  Inside Higher Ed 


Majority of Americans Support High-Skilled Immigration   Pew Research Center

They Left Food and Water for Migrants in the Desert – Now They Might Go to Prison Washington Post 

World's 26 richest people own as much as poorest 50%  The Guardian 

Former MS-13 Member Who Secretly Helped Police Is Deported: the teenager who cooperated with authorities only to be jailed with those he informed on ProPublica


PR firm played a key role in Covington Catholic controversy  Courier-Journal  

Gay valedictorian banned from speaking at Covington graduation 'not surprised' by D.C. controversy  NBC News 


Alabama Church Gives $16,500 In Grocery Gift Cards To Furloughed Federal Workers  Huffington Post 

This is what happens when you try to sue your boss: Millions of American workers have signed away their legal rights without knowing they’ll be in for Abritration Hell  Bloomberg 

These are the 10 best freelance gigs and side hustles in 2019  Fast Company


Most Americans say weather disasters shifted their views on climate change  PBS  

Civil penalties for polluters dropped dramatically in Trump’s first two years, analysis shows Washington Post 

Activists want to carve Trump’s face into glacier to show climate change is real  

The New Language of Climate Change  Politico  


The Cost of Giving Birth in the U.S.  Scientific American Blog Network

The Mental Image of a Loved One Can Keep Down Blood Pressure  Psychology Today

Washington is under a state of emergency as measles cases rise  CNN

He wanted to see his cancer from the inside. With virtual reality, he can  Stat News

This autism dad has a warning for anti-vaxxers  Vox 


Scientists may have found a way to kill cancer cells without chemotherapy BigThink

Germs in Your Gut Are Talking to Your Brain. Scientists Want to Know What They’re Saying  New York Times 


The most special thing about squirrels may be that though we live in such close proximity to them, it turns out we hardly know them at all  Quartz

Man says emotional support alligator helps his depression  Associated Press

Watchdog: Animal deaths, including suffocation, at Boston-area lab  Boston Herald

Vet Tech Warns Pet Parents After Dog Ingests Meth, THC at Dog Beach  NBC San Diego 


New Netflix Show 'Brainchild' Makes Science Fun For Kids  NPR

A 500-Year-Long Science Experiment Started In 2014  The Atlantic   


Faking it: how selfie dysmorphia is driving people to seek surgery  The Guardian

Got Anger? Try Naming It To Tame It  NPR 

Art Thief Gives A Picture-Perfect Illustration Of The Bystander Effect  Digg 

200 cognitive biases rule our everyday thinking  Big Think 


Brain researchers warn that lack of sleep is a public health crisis  New Haven Register    

How a Periodic Table of Brains Could Revolutionize Neuroscience Gizmodo


Need a New Self-Help Guru? Try Aristotle  New York Times

Søren Kierkegaard On the Perils of Procrastination  Philosophy Now 

Philosophy must be useful For Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle, much of philosophy was mere nonsense: Then came Frank Ramsey’s pragmatic alternative  Aeon


You can’t be productive without routines and rituals. Here’s why  Fast Company

These are the most stressed out cities in America  Zippia 

A Nobel Prize-winning psychologist explains why we’re always wrong about how long tasks take  Quartz


The short history of global living conditions and why it matters that we know it  Our World in Data

30 Years After Explosion, Challenger Engineer Still Blames Himself  NPR

Historians talk about Walls  Rolling Stone  

The History of the phrase “Witch hunt!”  Vox 


Reuters article highlights ethical issues with native advertising Columbia Journalism Review

‘Sinning against Science Itself’ Adolf Friedrich Nolde’s 1799 Code of Good Research Practice Researchet 


Should Journal Editors be treated as 'Human Subjects'?  Some People think so (opinion)  Inside Higher Ed

University’s investigation of a researcher who published hoax papers misses the point of ethical oversight (opinion; sub. req’ed)  Times Higher Ed 

The humanities do not need a replication drive  CWTS 

How a ‘low-key’ study needed 89 professionals to approve it and how we can do better   BMC

The Open Data Explosion: Scientists are working to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs of sharing  The Scientist 

Indian academics lead the world in publishing in fake journals – tarring the whole education sector

Dear Editor (An Authors' Wish List to Medical Journal Editors)  Nature Microbiology


Want to Learn How the World Sees Your College? Look on YouTube  Chronicle of Higher Education 

College administrators are figuring out how electronic cigarettes, which are exploding in popularity, fit into their antismoking policies  Inside Higher Ed 


Yes, Your Syllabus Is Way Too Long  Chronicle of Higher Ed

When Online Trolls Show Up in Class, Should Professors Be Able to Ban Them?  Chronicle of Higher Ed 


University overhauls its system for faculty evaluation to de-emphasize quantitative metrics Inside Higher Ed

College fires professor accused of giving Nazi salute  Associated Press  

Website offers ‘complete PhD service’ for £36K (sub. req’ed)  Times Higher Ed

Professor says criticism led to closure of program she heads  Associated Press 

Duke professor warns Chinese students: Speak English on campus or face ‘unintended consequences’  Washington Post  

Ave Maria University calls the loan of a former professor who sued the university, possibly forcing him, his wife and their nine children from their home  Inside Higher Ed


Student Newspaper at Drexel University to cease print publication  College Media Matters 

A High School Allegedly Banned Students From Covering A Classmate’s Arrest  BuzzFeed News


Making a Gap Year More Than an Overseas Vacation  Chronicle of Higher Education

Six college experiences that make students confident job seekers  Gallup  

Student files lawsuit over alleged plagiarism against UC Board of Regents  Daily Cal

The Fleecing of Millennials  New York Times