Articles of Interest - Aug 20


Senate adopts resolution declaring "the press is not the enemy of the people"  CBS News

Antifa protesters couldn’t find any fascists at Unite the Right — and harassed the press instead  Washington Post

How to Discuss the Far Right Without Empowering It: A lesson from Germany  The Atlantic   

Twitter  thread of great interviewing tips  Twitter

Even ethical journalism can have collateral damage  Columbia Journalism Review

Trump called the press “the enemy of the people” — Now more than 300 papers are pushing back  Vox 

Survey says Americans want transparency, not censorship, in their news  Gallup

U-T builds site to tell readers about its journalism  Union Tribune  


A philosopher explains America’s “post-truth” problem  Vox

Fake America great again:Inside the race to catch the worryingly real fakes that can be made using artificial intelligence   MIT Technology Review 

What we learned about media literacy by teaching high school students fact-checking  Poynter  

How I Became Fake News  The Ringer 

Trump and the Enemies of the People (opinion)  The New Yorker

The SurfSafe Browser Extension Will Save You From Fake Photos  Wired  


Public radio networks PRI and PRX are merging in a bid to create a podcasting juggernaut  Star Tribune


Programming languages may finally be reaching a status quo  Wired

35% Of Millennials and 42% Of Gen Z Share Their Streaming Service Passwords  Tube Filter


Scientists say they have improve deep learning method for neural networks in a peer reviewed journal article

How China rules using data, AI, and internet surveillance  MIT Technology Review

US government agencies at every level—local, state and federal—leans into machine learning  GCN

A look at what Descartes Labs is doing with machine learning and space data  Quartz

What Data Scientists Really Do (according to 35 Data Scientists)  Harvard Biz Review explores 


Here’s how to use Gmail’s ‘confidential mode’ on your mobile device  Daily Dot

Women are 79 percent more likely to spend money on mobile games  The Verge

If you deposit checks through a mobile app, start adding this phrase  USA Today 


FBI warns of potential ATM bank heist that could steal millions globally  The Verge

What Your Car Knows About You: Auto makers are figuring out how to monetize drivers’ data (sub. required)  Wall Street Journal 


Ken Burns Teaches Documentary Filmmaking with His New Online Masterclass  Open Culture 

How to Take Better Photos on your iPhone  Mashable 


Google releases political ad directory  Axios

“I was devastated”: Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created the World Wide Web, has some regrets  Vanity Fair


8-Year-Old Girl With 3D Printed Hand To Throw out First Pitch At Every MLB Stadium

Indonesian athlete couldn’t afford shoes, so he trained barefoot. He just won gold  Global News 

A teacher battling cancer ran out of sick days: School employees showered him with theirs  CNN

UM college senior has own art exhibit at Fairchild Garden  Miami Herald

Boy reveals he's going to be a big brother on the same day he's adopted  ABC News

Boy shares foul ball with another young fan at Detroit Tigers game  CBS News


We’re hardwired to delude ourselves  Becoming (my blog)

The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain  The Atlantic

When our flame wars, insensitive Facebook comments, and rude texts are catalogued online indefinitely, can we still forgive and forget?  Jstor


This Unconventional Way of Consuming Books Will Transform How You Read

Yes, teens are texting and using social media instead of reading books, researchers say  Washington Post

Why it matters that teens are reading less  The Conversation


The Legendary Language of the Appalachian “Holler” - Is the unique Appalachian dialect the preserved language of Elizabethan England?  Daily Jstor

This is how tiny changes in words you hear impacts your thinking  Fast Company

Why Kentucky’s governor might have mocked the study of French as career preparation  The Chronicle of Higher Ed

What Does It Mean to ‘Sound’ Black?  The Atlantic  

What If English Were Phonetically Consistent? (video)  Aaron Alon  

Learning Useless English Grammar in Japan  The Chronicle of Higher Ed

Dropping the N Bomb  Inside Higher Ed

What Is the Origin of ‘the Worm Has Turned’?  The Chronicle of Higher Ed


Top 6 apps for literature enthusiasts  iol

A Critic Who Worships Literature, and Defends His Faith Accordingly (book review)  New York Times

Is it time to update literature’s classics?  Financial Times

How Fiction Fueled Madeleine L’Engle’s Faith  Christianity Today


Mind the gap: Uncovering pay disparity in the newsroom  Asian American Journalists Association

The End of ‘Ladies First’ Restaurant Service  Eater

Transgender students asked Betsy DeVos for help: Here's what happened  Politico


Though trial judge ruled remastered versions enjoy independent copyrightability, appeals court casts doubts on there being enough originality  Hollywood Reporter

Katy Perry, Dr. Luke Facing Copyright Trial Over "Dark Horse" - A Christian hip-hop artist survives the summary judgment round  Hollywood Reporter


A dive into the evangelical celebrities and pastors dominating Hollywood  The Cut

Florida school receiving death threats after turning away 6-year-old with dreadlocks  USA Today

LDS Church issues statement clarifying church's name, style  Daily Herald

Nashville megachurch Criticized over use of exotic animals in sermon  WSMV

Aretha Franklin told her pastor: 'I am going to be all right'  Freep

Kentucky snake-handling preacher is bitten and has to be carried from his church, four years after his pastor father was killed by a rattlesnake  Daily Mail

Satanic temple brings Baphomet demonic goat statue to Arkansas capitol  Newsweek

U.S. missionary thrust to the center of Turkey-U.S. crisis  Reuters

How to tell stories about evangelical Christians that neither mock nor glorify them: The new movie, The Miseducation of Cameron Post  Vox


Pa. Catholic Church sex abuse report names hundreds of priests, accuses leaders of cover-up: 'They hid it all'  The Philadelphia Inquirer

Willow Creek Megachurch paid $3.25M to settle lawsuits over child sex abuse by church volunteer  Chicago Tribune

It’s Really Hard to Be a Catholic’: The Pain of Reading the Sex Abuse Report  New York Times

Evangelicals confront sex abuse problems in #MeToo era  Associated Press

Clergy Sex Abuse Raises Questions About Financial And Reputational Costs To Churches  NPR

‘‘Wasted our lives’: Catholic sex abuse scandals again prompt a crisis of faith  Washington Post


White Evangelicals’ Continued Support of Trump Feels Surprising: It Shouldn’t  Slate

Trump Admits Only 23 Christian Refugees From Mideast In 2018 (opinion)  Forbes

Controversial law requires Florida public schools to display ‘In God We Trust’  Big Think


How air conditioning created the modern city  The Guardian

Reflections on Text and Language Perception, and the Ramifications for Publishing Workflows Scholarly Kitchen


MIT's music AI can identify instruments and isolate their sounds  Engadet

A Songwriting Mystery Solved: Math Proves John Lennon Wrote 'In My Life'  Open Culture

When a Music Legend Dies, How Does Today’s Mostly Automated Radio React?  Variety


Hollywood Doesn’t Make Movies Like The Fugitive Anymore  The Atlantic

How Jean-Luc Godard Liberated Cinema (video)  The Discarded Image


Falwell Jr. killed student newspaper articles critical of Trump: report  The Hill

Student Journalism in the Age of Media Distrust  The Atlantic

What I learned from student journalism changed everything  Saint Louis Post-Dispatch

Students around the country join effort to defend free press with editorials  Student Press Law Center


Beautiful and functional resume templates you can download  GirlBoss

What it’s Like to Intern at The New York Times  New York Times


Researchers, Posing as Students, Quizzed Campus Officials About Sexual Assault. How Did They Do?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Central Washington University fires State Rep over alleged inappropriate conduct  Seattle Times

Two Carnegie Mellon computer science professors resign following accusations of "professional harassment" and "sexist management"   Post-Gazette

Student sues professor he says sexually harassed him  Associated Press

Students Walked Out After A Comedian Allegedly Sexually Harassed A Student During A Show At Purdue University




How America Convinced the World to Demonize Drugs  Vice

How the incentives to create content are biased against low-income readers: Known but not discussed  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


How Your Personality Affects Your Paycheck: A study of earnings data suggests that extroverts are paid more, and "agreeable" men get less  Bloomberg

This chart shows how far behind America is in paid time off compared to the rest of the world  CNBC

A Closer Look at How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Employment  Harvard Business Review 


Here's How America Uses Its Land (graphic)  Bloomberg


US News & World Report ranks the best hospitals in the country  US News & World Report   

Your Chicken’s Salmonella Problem Is Worse Than You Think  Mother Jones

We’re in a new age of obesity. How did it happen? You’d be surprised (opinion)  The Guardian

Your Neckties May Be Reducing Blood Flow To Your Brain  Medical Daily

Celebrity wellness brands have been overtaken by “medical conspiracy theories” and dangerous recommendations  Recode

Why a patient paid a $285 copay for a $40 drug  PBS

KCRW’s new podcast series meant to demystify women’s health  KCRW

Bleak New Estimates in Drug Epidemic: A Record 72,000 Overdose Deaths in 2017  New York Times


Low-carb diets could shorten life, study suggests  BBC

Why is so much nutrition research kept confidential before publication?  Tufts

Vitamin D, the Sunshine Supplement, Has Shadowy Money Behind It  New York Times   


DeepMind’s AI can detect over 50 eye diseases as accurately as a doctor  The Verge


A Deep Dive into the Burrito  Quartz

America’s Best New Restaurants 2018  Bon Appetit


Southwest Airlines announces new rules for emotional support animals  ABC Radio


How to raise a happy kid in the digital age  Washington Post

Opinion: Please Take Away My Kids' Cellphones At School  NPR

Parents need best friends at work the most  Quartz


8 movies that really got science wrong  Stat News

A century on, China still lacks the drive for scientific truth, says outspoken editor South China Morning Post

What do we do with the science of abusive men?  Slate

Wheat’s complex genome finally deciphered, offering hope for better harvests and nonallergenic varieties  Science Mag


How Do Personality Traits Change from Sixteen to Sixty-Six?  Psychology Today

What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?  US News & World Report

Psychology Researchers Explore How Vaccine Beliefs Are Formed  Voice of America


Can You Rewire Your Brain? Maybe (It’s Tricky. Be Careful)  Undark

These beautiful works of art illustrate the brain’s complexity  Quartz


De Tocqueville and the French exception: The gloomiest of the great liberals worried that democracy might not be compatible with liberty  The Economist

The Rise and Fall of the Great Library of Alexandria: An Animated Introduction  Open Culture

The story of a ship that changed the world  The Endeavour was built to carry coal but became the flagship of the Enlightenment  The Economist


Americans are divided over the use of animals in scientific research  Pew Research

What Does "Ethical" AI Mean for Open Source?  Linux Journal


Why Does Publishing Higher-Ed Research Take So Long?  The Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why We Need Whistleblowing for Research Integrity Part 2: A Q&A with Brandon Stell of Pubpeer  Wiley

A group of researchers “outline a unified framework for estimating the credibility of published research”  Sage

The Editor and the Author at Fault: A Lesson From Recent Retractions Archives of Iranian Medicine  AIM Journal

Statistically Funny: Clinical Trials - More Blinding, Less Worry!  Statistically Funny

“Predatory” vs trustworthy journals: What do they mean for the integrity of science?  Elsevier

B.C. economist locked in grim battle against deceptive scholarship  Vancouver Sun 


Big donors increasingly want to iron out the details of how colleges will use their gifts instead of leaving the spending decisions up to the institutions  Bloomberg

What’s in Store for Ed Tech? An Annual Report for Leaders Lays It Out  The Chronicle of Higher Ed

Half of the Top 10 U.S. Colleges Are in the Same State — and Four Are Public Schools. Here's Why They Rule  TIME

Omarosa’s tell-all book offers views on education secretary and black colleges  Inside Higher Ed 

Sassy or Snide: When University Twitter Banter Gets Mean  Inside Higher Ed

A Program at Kean U. Is Losing Its Accreditation: Many Faculty and Students Have No Idea  Chronicle of Higher Ed  


The University of Akron will phase out 80 degree programs  The Chronicle of Higher Ed

Goucher College says it's eliminating programs such as math, physics and religion Inside Higher Ed

Maryland’s Goucher College is eliminating several majors, including math  Washington Post 

Christian University Drops Ban on Same-Sex Student Relationships  Inside Higher Ed

Under Trump and DeVos, Trans Students Face ‘Spiritual Violence’ at Religious Schools  The Daily Beast 

John MacArthur’s The Masters University Has Been Put On Probation by Accreditor: “a disturbing climate of fear, intimidation and bullying” at the university  The Signal 

Liberty University's Online Cybersecurity Degree Gets Endorsement from NSA & Homeland Security   Augusta Free Press 


Many Professors Have to Report Sexual Misconduct. How Should They Tell Their Students That? The Chronicle of Higher Ed

Study: Student Spending On Course Materials Slips  Forbes

Why is macroeconomics so hard to teach?  Lessons from a master of the craft  Economist

Low Pay Has Teachers Flocking to the Sharing Economy  The Atlantic


Have fun at college, freshmen, but read this first  Washington Post  

Best Backpacks for College  Wired 

A mathematician’s tip for college students: How Ross of ‘Friends’ could have moved his couch upstairs in the famous ‘pivot’ scene  Washington Post  

Because every college student wants a mandatory listening device in their dorm room  Engadget

Anti-student agenda at Education Department under DeVos is Trump's most radical move (opinion)  USA Today 

Welcome to college: Don’t forget to vote  Washington Post 

I’m a Doctor and Even I Can’t Afford My Student Loans  New York Times

11 things people told you about college that aren't true  Business Insider 


Professors Are Overworked and Poorly Paid by a Troubled System of Higher Education, Top Hat Survey Finds  Elearning News 

When Academics Defend Colleagues Accused of Harassment  The Atlantic