Articles of Interest - June 11


New technology makes it alarmingly easy to make realistic videos of people saying and doing things they've never done  The Week

The French Parliament is debating a bill that would attempt to restrain the spread of fake news New York Times 

How to use digital tools to archive and verify videos  Current

Peer review could have helped short-circuit the Theranos fake news scandal  Stat News

4 reasons 'fake news' tricks us and what we can do  Futurity

Russian Disinformation Campaign Operates openly in DC  The Daily Beast


Almost seven-in-ten Americans have news fatigue  Pew Research Center

People Are Absolutely Horrified By How Awkward This Local News Segment Is (San Diego's KUSI shows viewers how not to do TV news)   BuzzFeed News

Why is your newsroom so hard to contact?  Poynter

Across Western Europe, public news media are widely used and trusted sources of news  Pew Research Center

Do journalists make good entrepreneurs?  Columbia Journalism Review

Daniel Radcliffe Will Fight for Ethical Journalism in New Broadway Play  The Observer 

Why wordsmiths matter more than ever in 21st century digital journalism  Medium


Governments resist citizens on public records  Herald Tribune

Best practices for covering suicide responsibly  Poynter

How a major medical meeting uses embargoes to shape the news, and what the consequences may be  Health News Review


Craigslist founder gives $20 million to journalism school  CNN

The role of a reporter is shifting, as are the economics of education. With this new calculus, does journalism school still have a place in our profession?  Columbia Journalism Review


A Facebook bug changed the privacy settings for 14 million users  Recode

Snapchat’s decline and the secret joy of internet ghost towns  The Verge


Here are some of the ways you might be doing email newsletters inefficiently (and how to do them better)  Harvard Nieman Lab

Encyclopedia Britannica wants to fix false Google results  Wired 

How The Alt-Right Manipulates The Internet’s Biggest Commenting Platform  BuzzFeed

How much is each internet feature worth to you?  NPR

Report: Facebook is Primary Referrer For Lifestyle Content, Google Search Dominates Rest  Media Post

Flash gets in one more security fail before retirement  Wired


Is technology bringing history to life or distorting it?  Washington Post

The race to send robots to mine the ocean floor  Wired


Study: AI better than dermatologists at detecting skin cancer  CBS News

Why Data Scientists Should Consider Adding ‘IoT Expert’ to Their List of Skills  Datanamia

Machine learning can run on tiny, low-power chips, and that this combination will solve a massive number of problems  Pete Warden Blog

The roles of data scientists and data engineers share overlapping core skill sets are different and are not easily interchangeable  CTOvision

A team of MIT scientists announced recently that they'd created "the world's first psychopath AI"   MIT

Three techniques to improve machine learning model performance with imbalanced datasets  Medium


4 options when dealing with false guilt   Becoming (my blog)

5 Ways To Handle Negative Conversations At Work  GirlBoss


America's most misspelled words (so far in 2018)  CNET

Infinitives Can Be Split: Grammar Conservatives Face the Shock  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Understanding story structure by dissecting Ali Wong’s standup special (a visualization)  Pudding

6 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How to Copyedit The Atlantic  The Atlantic

'Nationalistic' Think Tank Plagiarised Chinese, US, Australian Writings  The Wire


Email, the French Way  Chronicle of Higher Ed

A Sneaky Theory of Where Language Came From  The Atlantic


The 100 stories that shaped the world  BBC

How Tolkien created Middle-earth  The Guardian

The Year of 'Frankenstein'  Inside Higher Ed


Charting the rise of three women in journalism  Poynter

The Different Words We Use to Describe Male and Female Leaders  Harvard Business Review

Book Review: Science and Suffrage in the First World War  The London School of Economics & Political Science

The Ninety-Nines Was Amelia Earhart’s Club for Female Aviators  Atlas Obscura  


Signing my peer review – unintended consequences and gender  Washington University

Research: Adequate statistical power in clinical trials is associated with the combination of a male first author and a female last author  eLife


The most successful ethnic group in the US may surprise you  Ozy

Police Are Being Used To Exclude Black People From Public Places  NPR


Louisiana governor signs campus free speech bill into law  The FIRE

How Chinese students exercise free speech abroad  Economist


Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your trademark restrictions  Boston Globe

Restaurant owner says copyright infringement lawsuit a ‘big scam’  Boston Herald


Southern Baptist leader Paige Patterson has pulled out of giving key sermon at upcoming convention  Washington Post

Sex Offenders Groom Churches Too: How predatory behavior goes undetected in congregations Christianity Today

Bavaria Requires Crosses on All Public Buildings. Church Leaders Disagree  Christianity Today

What Religion Gives Us (That Science Can’t) (opinion)  New York Times

Religion is uniquely human, but computer simulations may help us understand religious behavior  The Conversation


The legislative assault by Christian nationalists to reshape America  The Guardian


CrossFit Just Fired Its Spokesperson Who Said LGBT Pride Is A “Sin”  BuzzFeed

Brownsburg teacher says transgender name policy goes against his religious beliefs  Indy Star


Crocodile kills Ethiopian pastor during lake baptism  BBC

5 facts about religion in India  Pew Research Center

The surprising history of “God Bless America”  Washington Post


Man Finds $1 Million Winning Lottery Ticket—and Tracks Down the Lucky Owner: 'It Felt Good' People

This NFL Player Saw an American Airlines Passenger In Trouble. His Stunning Reaction Went Viral  Inc.

A 6th-grade teacher wrote 'Invite me to your Harvard graduation!' -- 21 years later, the student did just that  CNN

4-year-old superhero using his power to feed the homeless  CBS News

Man mistakenly runs full Fargo marathon instead of half  Grand Forks Herald

Toddler makes 911 call after mom passes out  KTRK

Youth football team meets with couple they helped rescue from overturned car   Idaho Statesman


How Century old Design Decisions Impact Teaching Today  NPR

The Art World Is Easy to Dislike—Here Are Some Reasons Not to  New York Times


The musical diversity of pop songs  Pudding


Next year, people will spend more time online than they will watching TV—That’s a first  Recode


Need an entry-level job at a store? It can be harder now  Associated Press

What editors at NPR, BuzzFeed News, Deadspin look for in an applicant  The Atlantic


The problem of sexual harassment in higher education isn’t a new one  Splinter News

Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Is More Common Than You Think  Daily Infographic

Hiring a Diversity Officer Is Only the First Step: Here Are the Next 7  Chronicle of Higher Ed   

#MeToo Complaints Swamp Human Resources Departments  NPR

Why Do Colleges Keep Failing to Prevent Abuse?  Inside Higher Ed

A valedictorian went off-script to talk about sexual assault: Then her school cut her mic  USA Today

The results of a survey that asked men about everything from workplace harassment to consent Glamour


Where killings go unsolved: See interactive map of major US cities  Washington Post

What researchers found after analyzing data gathered from 20 million stops in North Carolina CityLab

ICE Came for a Tennessee Town’s Immigrants. The Town Fought Back  New York Times


A Harvard professor says his company should be able to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, at industrial scales, by 2021  The Atlantic


The Belt That Listens to Your Bowels  New Yorker  

The World’s Largest GMO Study Was Launched By Russians In 2014: Then It Disappeared BuzzFeed News

Almost 40% of peer-reviewed dietary research turns out to be wrong. Here’s why  New Food Economy

How Science Helps the Warriors Sleep Their Way to Success  Wired


How much screen time is too much for kids?  The Guardian

New findings on "marshmallow test"  Inside Higher Ed

Mr. Rogers Had a Simple Set of Rules for Talking to Children  The Atlantic

The Perils Of Pushing Kids Too Hard, And How Parents Can Learn To Back Off  NPR  


Sloppy Science Happens More Than You Think  Leaps Mag

Scientists Are Subverting Formal Publishing. Well, Some of Them  Wired

Physicists at Fermilab say they have strong evidence for the existence of a new type of particle Physics World


What The Controversy Over Facebook's Privacy Policy Reveals (psychologically)  NPR

Ten of every eleven psychiatric patients housed by the government are incarcerated: Here's what this crisis looks like from the inside  Esquire

The Kids Who Are Cleared to Leave Psychiatric Hospitals—But Can’t  The Atlantic

CDC: U.S. Suicide Rates Have Climbed Dramatically  NPR


What Time Feels Like When You’re Improvising: The neurology of flow states  Nautil  


What editors at NPR, BuzzFeed News, Deadspin look for in an applicant  Columbia Journalism Review  


Impact of Social Sciences – Software updates: the “unknown unknown” of the replication crisis The London School of Economics & Political Science

Has Google Become a Journal Publisher?  Scholarly Kitchen

Give every paper a read for reproducibility  Nature

How Scientific Publishers Can End Bullying And Harassment In The Sciences  Forbes

Avoid Ethics Issues in Science Publishing with These 5 Questions  ASM


UVa Library’s Plan to Cut Stacks by Half Sparks Faculty Concerns  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

The Cost of College (visualized)  New York Times  

Lobbying group for independent colleges says it's open to expanding federal data collection on student outcomes but..  Inside Higher Ed

DePaul University lays off dozens of staff  Chicago Sun-Times

Customer Service Is Misguided in the Classroom but Crucial in Advising  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Sex and Gender on the Christian Campus (opinion)  New York Times

Catholic U. Trustees Clear Path to Cut the Faculty by 9 Percent  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

$5 million to Chapman University from billionaire Charles Koch sparks an uproar  Daily News


The Numbers That Explain Why Teachers Are in Revolt  New York Times 

Asking students to work out a problem using nothing but what they already know  Chronicle of Higher Ed 


Appeals Court Sides with Cornell in Tenure Dispute  Inside Higher Ed

UNM professors suing university over unequal pay  KRQE

Professors Decide Whether to Teach Summer Courses — for Cuts in Pay  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Where Are Millennials Moving – 2018 Edition  Smart Asset

Why do so many students drop out of college? And what can be done about it?  Washington Post

Millennials and retirement: How bad is it?  Politico

Four big blunders young adults make with their health insurance  CNBC

What Millennials Earn In Every State, Mapped  Digg 

Millennials are moving to the exurbs in droves  Axios