Articles of Interest - Dec 24


Bose is set to Release Augmented Reality Audio Sunglasses with built-in speakers built-in and a microphone  PC Magazine  

It will soon be possible to send a satellite to repair another Or to destroy it  Economist   


The role of big data in science's reproducibility crisis: invalid statistical analyses that are from data-driven hypotheses PS Mag

$1.2 billon law to boost US quantum tech  MIT Tech Review

Quantum computers pose a security threat that we’re still totally unprepared for  MIT Tech Review

In what sense is quantum computing a science?   Medium


Rising Instagram Stars Are Posting Fake Sponsored Content  The Atlantic 

'Happier without Facebook': Users who deleted the social network say they're not looking back USA Today


DC slaps Facebook with latest suit targeting privacy lapses  Associated Press 

Anonymous Hacker Breaks Into A Personal Security System To Prove It's Possible  NPR 

Man sues feds after being detained for refusing to unlock his phone at airport  Arstechnica

Facebook doesn’t need to sell your data. It has been giving it away free for years Recode


Jungle Creations’ Jamie Bolding: Content is King, ‘Now More than Ever’  Story  Hunter 

5 Ways to Make Your Website Gen-Z Friendlier Tech News World


The biggest brand in digital media has lost much of its lustre  Economist

Media year in review: All the big changes from 2018 CNN


Trust in the media is starting to make a comeback  Axios

The most engaging stories of 2018  Chartbeat 

The top 10 tools for journalism in 2018  Poynter 

The U.S. Has Been Named as One of the Deadliest Places in the World for Journalists  TIME 

The funny, the weird and the serious: 33 media corrections from 2018  Poynter

‘Fake news’ and school uniforms: Our most popular research roundups in 2018  Journalists Resource

Der Spiegel to Press Charges Against Reporter Who Made Up Articles New York Times

Towards a rethinking of journalism on social media  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Telemundo Plans English-Language Newscast For YouTube Media Post

The numbers are in: Local news isn't dying if you look to TV  Radio Television Digital News Association


How to recognize fake AI-generated images  Medium 

Who, what, why, where? Verification of online data  Exposing the Invisible  

What psychology experiments tell you about why people deny facts  Economist

Reporter For German Magazine Falsified Articles, Including One About Trump Supporters  NPR

Facebook’s anti-misinformation boss talks about the future of the company’s fact-checking program  Poynter 

Facebook's foot-dragging responses deepen its trust crisis  Axios 


She Wrapped Him in Swaddling Clothes  Becoming (my blog) 

Nobel Prize-winning psychologist says most people don’t really want to be happy  Quartz 


Check yourself for these five common grammatical mistakes  Fast Company


9 Books For People Who Love Language, Words, And Grammar  BuzzFeed News

Here's how many people in each state speak a language other than English at home  Business Insider


Alice Walker and David Icke: the New York Times By the Book feature controversy  Slate 

What Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Teaches Readers The Atlantic


Twitter Abuse Toward Women Is Rampant, Amnesty Report Says  Wired

'You freak me out': Assistant principal allegedly harassed trans student  NBC News


Texas Makes Public Colleges Forbid Contractors to Boycott Israel: A Lawsuit Says That Violates the First Amendment  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Big Wins for Privacy and Free Speech: 2018 in Review  Electronic Frontier Foundation


BuzzFeed wins defamation suit over dossier publication  CNN

For the First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter the Public Domain  Smithsonian Magazine

How software code could help you grapple with the legal code  Wired

Candy Cane, Carlton, and The Floss: Are These Dances Protected by Copyright? 1709 Blog 


A Christmas Dragon Nativity Scene Riles the Neighbors  CityLab

W.Va. mom says her daughter was bullied after they balked at Bible classes in public school  NBC News

For Evangelicals, A Year Of Reckoning On Sexual Sin And Support For Donald Trump NPR


5 facts about Catholics in Europe  Pew Research Center 

Religious Rift Grows Between Ukraine And Russia  NPR

A Nun In India Accuses A Bishop Of Rape, And Divides The Country's Christians  NPR

18 international charities including World Vision Forced Out of Pakistan After 13 Years  Christianity Today


Retiree has driven 64,000 miles helping low-income students get to college Telegram

Homeless Man Turns In $17,000 He Found in a Bag Outside Food Bank  Inside Edition

Bowling partners not bothered by age gap of almost a century  Australian Broadcasting Corporation 

This toy factory is run by volunteers who give away all the toys for free  The Washington Post

Man gives away frequent flyer miles to strangers for holidays  USA Today 

With school delayed due to a storm, driver buys breakfast for every kid on his bus  The Week 


22 artists transform grain silo into the world's largest outdoor mural  The Week 

Stendhal syndrome: can art really be so beautiful it makes you ill?  The Guardian  

Accessibility guidelines for UX Designers  UX Collective  


Movies That Bombed So Hard They Bankrupted Studios (video) YouTube

Movies With Female Leads Consistently Outperform Movies With Male Leads, Study Finds  CBS News 


Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics  New York Times

The Political Insiders’ Guide to 2019  Politico 


I worked at CBS. I didn’t want to be sexually harassed: I was fired  Boston Globe  

More than 500 priests accused of sexual abuse not yet publicly identified by Catholic Church  Chicago Tribune 


The story of the mob’s man in Hollywood  Economist 

Using Statistics to Grapple With Crime  Undark 


A visual journey through addiction  New York Times

Two new movies reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the film industry's attempts to tackle America's addiction crisis  New Republic 

The 18 most striking trends from 2018  Pew Research Center 

'Sesame Street' Addresses Issue of Homelessness With New Muppet, Lily  NPR 


The Best Budgeting Apps For Finally Getting Your Expenses in Check  Popular Mechanics  

The mysterious government organization that pops up at moments of financial crisis  Quartz


The White House rolls back a rule on polluting wetlands  Economist 

New houseplant can clean your home's air  Science Daily


How Hits To The Head Are Transferred To The Brain NPR

Can Parkour Teach Older People to Fall Better?   CityLab

Gut bacteria may offer a treatment for autism: A common probiotic holds the key  Economist

If You Feel Thankful, Write It Down. It's Good For Your Health NPR  


The dean of UCLA Law explains the uncertain future of forensic science  The Verge  

The 10 Weirdest Science Stories of 2018  Live Science 


Kanye West and the Dangers of Going off Psychiatric Meds  The Atlantic

Illinois Regulators Are Investigating a Psychiatrist Whose Research With Children Was Marred by Misconduct  Propublica


Altering Memories to Treat Addiction  Undark

Your brain on art: neuroscientists define the aesthetic experience  Missouri S&T 


6 essential books on existentialist philosophy  Big Think 

If universities sacrifice philosophy on the altar of profit, what’s next?  The Guardian 


Mapping the making of America An imaginative history of the country shows what has and hasn’t changed  Economist 

Lessons from the fall of a great republic: Unworthy politicians, indulgent citizens and inequality did for Rome  Economist


Inside the flawed world of medical publishing that allowed a lie in a paper to pollute the scientific record  The Star

Journal removes poop drawing with Donald Trump's face — but offers no explanation  Canadian Broadcast Company 

Journal removes poop drawing with Donald Trump's face — but offers no explanation  Canadian Broadcast Company  

Preying On The Predatory Journals: A Case Study  Center for Inquiry 

Is it time to start using the emoji in biomedical literature?  BMJ 

More Chinese Censorship of International Journals  Inside Higher Ed

A recent study on ego depletion can’t confirm an old one. Who is right? Probably everyone  Science News 

What can be done about research misconduct, scandals and spins?   AMJ Med

How (as an editor) I choose lists of reviewers  Scientist Sees Squirrel 


More than half of over 1,000 social science journals “do not have an established authorship definition  Springer  

Assigning authorship for research papers can be tricky: These approaches can help  Science Mag

Definition of authorship in social science journals  Springer


Tales Of Rural Students In College  NPR  

Blockchain Could Rewire Higher Ed. But Should It?  Ed Surge 


Tenured Theology professor dismissed by Southwest Baptist  Bolivar Herald

The irony of a Southern Baptist seminary’s report on slavery and racism (opinion) Baptist News Global


FBI Tactics Help Address Contract Cheating: Papers purchased from essay mills are technically original work and may not be flagged by plagiarism checkers  BBC


Students at Missouri Strt Petition to Keep student media TV space  


The Rise of Anxiety Baking This year has been rough. Make some cookies  The Atlantic  

With most student news organizations in financial jeopardy, can paying staff be a priority?   Student Press Law Center 

A College Student Was Told To Remove A "Fuck Nazis" Sign Because It Wasn't "Inclusive" BuzzFeed News

Millennials Strike Again: This Time We Are Killing Cash And 'Merry Christmas' NPR