Articles of Interest - Jan 8


Your smartphone is making you stupid, antisocial and unhealthy. So why can't you put it down  The Globe & Mail

There’s a reason using a period in a text message makes you sound angry  Quartz

New Documents Underscore Problems of ‘Social Media Vetting’ of Immigrants  ACLU 


The 50 Best Podcasts of 2017  The Atlantic 


Google's New Search Console Gives Up More Data -- 16 Months Worth  Media Post

How a researcher hacked his own computer and found 'worst' chip flaw  Reuters 


Targeted for Death, Journalists Take US to Court on Kill List  Courthouse News

The Rising Wave of Nonprofit Journalism  Nonprofit Quarterly

Reading List: Data Journalism  Open Corporates

Show your work: The new terms for trust in journalism  Press Think

Study: Competition between TV stations spurs investigative journalism  CRJ

One year in, Facebook Journalism Project gets mixed reviews from publishers  Digiday

Top 10 research studies on digital news, social media in 2017  Journalism Resources


Fewer Americans rely on TV news; what type they watch varies by who they are  Pew Research Center 

How reader funding is helping save independent media across the world   The Guardian

Peter Thiel Is Exploring The Creation Of A Conservative Cable News Network  BuzzFeed

Three reasons why journalism paywalls still don’t work  Quartz


The Post' Is A Crackling Newsroom Thriller With Electrifying Relevance  NPR

As Trump Targets the Press, His White House Is Screening a Journalism Tribute  The New York Times 

Meryl Streep as Katharine Graham in 'The Post' can help fix #MeToo media damage  USA Today

The Post Is an Urgent Reminder of How Much Journalism Matters. Especially Now  TIME


Emmanuel Macron: French president announces 'fake news' law   BBC

How Average People Fall For The Flat-Earth Conspiracy  YouTube

How fake news plagued 2017  BBC

Some Real Data on Fake News  Chronicle of Higher Ed

We’ve been told that facts have lost their power, that debunking lies only makes them stronger. Don’t believe it  Slate

Fake News’: Wide Reach but Little Impact, Study Suggests  The New York Times

This new guide is like a cookbook for investigating fake news  Poynter


Suspicious Spouses Monitor Partners Digitally, Divorce Lawyers Say  NPR

Chess’s New Best Player Is A Fearless, Swashbuckling Algorithm  FiveThirtyEight


4 must have skills every data scientist should learn  Hackernoon

IARPA Throws Down an AI Challenge for Spy Satellite Images: $100,000 in prizes in a competition designed to spawn breakthroughs in imagery analysis  Meritalk

Operationalizing data science—that is, hardening the ops behind data science platforms  Inside Data Science

How the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) has been researching  machine learning from the beginning  GCN

Google’s new option cloud computing users: discount processing (with a couple of limitations)  ZdNet

Digital Twins isn't completely new but it is a useful major enabler of event processing  Data Science Central


Farewell To AM Radio, In The U.K.   RBR


We Seek Familiarity Becoming (my blog)


10 Common Grant-Writing Mistakes  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Word(s) of the Year 2017  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Language classes in the US are finally useful  Quartz


Introducing the Librarian Action Figure: The Caped Crusader Who Fights Against Anti-Intellectualism, Ignorance & Censorship Everywhere  Open Culture


Disequilibrium in Gender Ratios among Authors who Contributed Equally  BioRxiv

Female professors are asked for favors more often than male professors  Science Daily


Lecturer’s Critique of Whiteness Crossed the Line Into Harassment, State Investigation Finds  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Supreme Court sides with death row inmate over racist juror claim  Reuters


Arrest of "citizen journalist" raises larger questions about free speech and press freedoms  Texas Monthly

Lawyer Who Orchestrated Citizen Journalist's Arrest Appointed to Superior Court Bench  National Law Review

Woman who accused Roy Moore of unwanted sexual contact sues him for defamation  The Washington Post

Disney's 1998 copyright term extension expires this year and Big Content's lobbyists say they're not going to try for another one  BongBong


The Unlikely Crackup of Evangelicalism: The problems are real—but exaggerated  Christian Today

Thomas Monson, President of the Mormon Church, Dies at 90  Reuters

Nearly one-third of ‘evangelicals’ don’t follow generally held beliefs  The Alabama Baptist 

FEMA allows churches to apply retroactively for disaster aid  Reuters

Biggest Mennonite Conference Leaves Denomination  Christianity Today

Unraveling the Mysteries of Heaven's Gate  Voice of San Diego

Deep Differences Remain Between Mormon And Evangelical Communities  NPR

Memphis mega-church Pastor Accused of sexual assault  Fox 13

Evangelicalism is spreading among the Chinese of South-East Asia  Economist

How Jim and Tammy Bakker's religious Ponzi scheme collapsed (book review)  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


High Museum Of Art In Atlanta Promotes Diversity, Increases Nonwhite Visitors  NPR

Personal Data Safety: The Biggest Breaches In the Last Decade  Daily Infographic


UWM Profs, Staff Accused of Sexual Assault & Harassment But Details Hidden  Media Milwaukee


Will anyone employ media heavyweights canned for sexual harassment?  Poynter

Anniston Star's ex-publisher spanked female employees in the 1970s, reports say

NPR Investigation Finds Hidden Epidemic Of Sexual Assault  NPR


Explore lightly': Palau makes all visitors sign pledge to respect environment The Guardian


Fiber Is Good for You. Now Scientists May Know Why  The New York Times

Life expectancy in America has declined for two years in a row  Economist 


Violence against scientists is rare in the United States, but occurred at least three times in 2016  AAPL 

The Replication Crisis in Science  The Wire


Brain-computer interfaces: How brains and machines can be made to work together  Economist

Reading the brain from the outside: Can brain activity be deciphered without opening up the skull?  Economist

The best way of looking at the brain is from within: The hunt for smaller, safer and smarter brain implants  Economist

Turning brain signals into useful information: Once data have been extracted from the brain, how can they be employed to best effect?  Economist

How obstacles to workable brain-computer interfaces may be overcome  Economist


Integrity goes beyond avoiding misconduct, and scientific integrity has a wider domain than research integrity  Taylor & Francis Online 


Why scientists need to do more about research fraud  The Guardian

Research abstracts are commonly inconsistent with their corresponding full reports and thus misleading readers  BMC Medical Research Methodology

Librarians offer a guide to understanding retractions  College & Research Libraries News

The UK’s Research Excellence Framework “forces academics to produce scholarship in greater quantity but of poorer quality”  Times Higher Ed  

An analysis of a paper’s revision history and turnaround time, and the effect on citation  Springer


Most big public colleges don't track suicides, AP finds  Associated Press

Gay Wedding Costs College Pastor Her Job  Inside Higher Ed 

University Will Again Try to Become a Nonprofit  Chronicle of Higher Ed

University announces plans to sell radio station  Andersonian

Moody Bible Institute Lays off one-third of Faculty, Faces Low Student Enrollment  Christian Post

Moody Bible Institute Facing Unprecedented Crisis  Julie Roys Blog


Teaching Newsletter: Don’t Run From Emotions in the Classroom  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Teaching the Literature Survey Course  Inside Higher Ed

The Chronicle’s Best Ideas for Teaching, 2017  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Desktop Automation  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How to Reach Out to First-Generation Students  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Yes, We Should Teach Character (opinion)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Students Identify With 50-Year-Old Supreme Court Case  NPR

President Trump Throws College Republicans Into Disarray  The Atlantic

Berkeley student arrested by Border Patrol while visiting girlfriend in Chula Vista  Union-Tribune

The Future of Trumpism Is on Campus: At colleges across the country, young supporters of the president are demanding that College Republicans fall into line  The Atlantic 

Millennials And The Economy  NPR


The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education sues School over Prof’s firing after she defended Black Lives Matter  MSN

When is it appropriate for a professor to talk about a former student  Washington Post

UCLA lecturer who lost his job has gained another wrinkle: A graduate student who argued on his behalf also lost his position and is claiming retaliation by administrators  Chronicle of Higher Ed