Articles of Interest - Sept 11


New AI can work out whether you're gay or straight from a photograph The Guardian

What machines can tell from your face  The Economist

Strong password strategy to protect against hackers  The Washington Post

The NFL is putting data-collecting chips in all its footballs  Fast Company

Identity Theft Feeds on Social Security Numbers Run Amok  Bloomberg

The Password Game   Survey Gizmo

Apple’s iOS 11 Will Make It Even Harder for Cops to Extract Your Data  Wired


News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2017


How Podcasting Became Hollywood's Latest Obsession  VICE


News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2017 Pew Research

What journalists can do better to cover the disability beat  Columbia Journalism Review

Americans’ online news use is closing in on TV news use  Pew Research

Washington Post’s Aggressive Video Journalism is Paying Off in Hurricane Coverage  Editor and Publisher


The New York Daily News bought by publisher Tronc for $1  CBS News

Turnaround at San Francisco Chronicle Shows Way for Legacy Newspapers  Editor and Publisher


5 studies about fact-checking you may have missed last month  Poynter

Trump backers’ alarming reliance on hoax and conspiracy theory websites, in 1 chart  Washington Post

Facebook undermines its own effort to fight fake news  Politico

How We Can Filter Fake News and Make Media More Trustworthy Singular Hub

How Russian & Alt-Right Twitter Accounts Worked Together to Skew the Narrative About Berkeley Arch Digital

A 25-Year-Old CEO Emailed Mark Cuban to Pitch His Anti-Fake News Startup for Investment — and It Worked  TIME


Why a squeegee used on 9/11 is in the Smithsonian  Becoming (my blog)


Is it elitist to call out Donald Trump’s typos and errors?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why Can’t I Start a Sentence With a Numeral?  Mother Jones

A Philosopher-Grammarian Gets Something Right  Chronicle of Higher Ed


A campaign to stop calling car collisions accidental  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Rough Translation: How 'Anna Karenina' Saved A Somali Inmate's Life  NPR

Publisher pulls book by Hillary Clinton's pastor, citing plagiarism  CNN

The Forgotten Value of a Literature Course  Chronicle of Higher Ed


DeVos Pushes New Approach on Title IX Enforcement  Inside Higher Ed

The New Science of Sex and Gender  Scientific American


Younger men play video games, but so do a diverse group of other Americans  Pew Research

Study finds that students who deliver microaggressions are also likely to harbor racist attitudes  Inside Higher Ed

Virtual Reality Project Captures Experience Of Crossing The Border  NPR

Key facts about Asian Americans, a diverse and growing population  Pew Research


Judge to Rule on White Nationalist's Speech at University  New York Times

Discipline against Creston students is 'significant free speech issue,' says Drake Law professor  Des Moines Register

Three Textbooks on Campus Free Speech  Inside Higher Ed

Public Library staffer arrested for defending mans free speech rights is acquitted  The Kansas City Star

Study Looks At How People Think About Free Speech  NPR


PETA, Photographer Reach Settlement In ‘Monkey Selfie’ Case  San Francisco

Amazon's 1-Click Patent Is About To Expire. What's The Big Deal?  NPR

'We Shall Overcome’ Verse Not Under Copyright, Judge Rules  New York Times

Hulk Hogan’s lawyer sets sights on new target: Jezebel  New York Post

Lawsuit Against Trump Starts The Battle To Define 'Emolument'  NPR

What if the majority of a book was copy and pasted from discussions on LinkedIn?  Is it legal?  Agile Scientific

No “Contract By Tweet” for Plaintiff Who Pitches Movie Idea via Social Media  Technology & Marketing Law Blog


Americans work harder than any other country’s citizens: study  New York Post

The Surprising Upsides To Getting Angry At Work  Fast Company


White Christians no longer majority in United States, especially California  Sacramento Bee

White Christians decline in U.S., but still dominate Republican Party  USA Today

Robert E. Lee Relative Who Denounced White Supremacy Resigns As Pastor Of N.C. Church after Bethany United Church of Christ moved to vote on his tenure there  Chicago Tribune

God and the Gridiron Game  Christianity Today

Why religion is not going away and science will not destroy it (opinion)  Aeon

The Private Faith of Hillary Clinton  New Yorker

More Americans now say they’re spiritual but not religious  Pew Research

Christians And DACA  NPR


When Hollywood Went To Washington: The History Of Politics In Movies  NPR 


An explanation of Title IX and its Sexual Assault Protections

California, New York and other states have embraced Obama’s approach on campus sexual assault -- what happens if Trump reverses course?  Inside Higher Ed

The Bad Science Behind Campus Response to Sexual Assault  The Atlantic

Protecting Due Process in Sexual-Assault Cases on Campus  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Education secretary’s speech on Title IX implied she could end many policies suggested by Obama administration but many policies on campus sexual assault investigations are enshrined in law  Inside Higher Ed


How Science Is Unlocking the Secrets of Addiction  National Geographic

So Your Kitchen Sponge Is A Bacteria Hotbed. Here's What To Do  NPR

Oxford University scientists gave African babies trial TB vaccine 'that did not work on monkeys'  Telegraph


Could disruptive technologies also reform academia?  eef


To put it bluntly, academic psychology’s public reputation seems to be in free fall Psychological Science


What to Do When Nazis Are Obsessed With Your Field  PS magazine


Peer Review in a World of “Alternative Facts”  Scholarly Kitchen

How does one detect scientific fraud – but avoid false accusations?  Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

To improve reproducibility, listen to graduate students and postdocs Naturejobs Blog

These Scientists Got To See Their Competitors’ Research Through Public Records Requests  BuzzFeed


Revoked admissions offer at Rochester raises questions about homeschooling transcripts  Inside Higher Ed

Marchers protest 'Nashville Statement' at Moody Bible Institute  Windy City


Virtual desktops to give students access to popular professional software tools for the entirety of their academic career  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Snapchat wants to get deeper into news, so it’s adding college newspapers to Discover  Recode

What Title IX reform could mean for student journalists  Student Press Law Center


In a survey of more than 50 Universities the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education awarded 85 percent a D or an F for not ensuring students' due-process rights  The FIRE

Faculty turns away student reporters at post-Charlottesville “all are welcome” discussion at  university named after the man who wrote the First Amendment  The Breeze  

For Students Imperiled by Trump’s DACA Rollback, a Scramble for Answers  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Millennials mostly watch TV after it’s aired  Recode

The hardest test of freshman year? Survival  The Washington Post

Reed College course lectures canceled after student protesters interrupt class to protest Eurocentrism  Inside Higher Ed


Professors Arrested at DACA Protest  The Crimson (Harvard Student newspaper)  The Crimson