articles of interest - August 28


Are Facebook friends legally your friends? Here’s what a Florida judge had to say  Fast Company

Here's How To Find Out Who Left Your Facebook Requests Hanging  BuzzFeed News

This app makes it physically impossible for you to ignore texts  Mashable

Facebook, Twitter and Apple get into the television business  Economist

The New FOMO  Wired

Snapchat is still bigger than Instagram for younger U.S. millennials  Recode

Make Your Facebook Feed More Attractive (If Not Less Irritating)  Life Hacker

Snapchat's Snap Maps becomes major resource after Houston flooding  Mashable

The Next Generation of Emoji Will Be Based on Your Facial Expressions  MIT Tech Review


How live video is evolving, in 4 charts  Digiday

Immersive Media And The Art of Storytelling  Forbes

LIFE VR’s Mia Tramz on the Eclipse, Henry Luce, and When to Make Your Own VR App  Medium

Facebook, Apple, and Google Will Hasten the Next Era of TV  Miami Herald


Bloomberg expands into consulting in search for new media model  Financial Times

How exploited social justice for clicks, and then abandoned a staff that believed in it  the Outline


A Mexican reporter was in a program to protect journalists. He was still killed: The ninth journalist killed in Mexico so far this year  LA Times

Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli buys domain names associated with journalists  Business Insider

Boston authorities should not have blocked media from covering protest  Columbia Journalism Review

As this Houston TV station grapples with flooding, everyone’s a reporter  Poynter

TV station faces backlash after chat with Charlottesville rally attendee ‘White Mike’  Columbia Journalism Review


The Fake-News Fallacy  The New Yorker

How I Became Fake News  Politico

Fake Polls Are A Real Problem  FiveThirtyEight

Into the Uncanny Valley of Fake News  Medium

Who Falls for Fake News? The Roles of Analytic Thinking, Motivated Reasoning, Political Ideology, and Bullshit Receptivity  SSRN

Facebook will block publishers from advertising if they share fake news  Recode

How to Recognize Russian Propaganda on Social Media Life Hacker

Fake News And Scams Are Going Around About The Deadly Storm In Texas   BuzzFeed News

No, the shark picture isn’t real: A running list of Harvey’s viral hoaxes  Washington Post


Dealing with the red marks on your paper  Becoming (my blog)


The New Yorker’s Comma Madness  The Baffler

Trump has deployed more than 13,000 exclamation points since joining Twitter  The Week


Bogus Advice for Op-Ed Authors  Chronicle of Higher Ed

5 Writing Opportunities You Can Find on Any College Campus  Study Breaks

The US and China publish almost half the world’s books  Quartz


FBI Profiler Says Linguistic Work Was Pivotal In Capture Of Unabomber  NPR


A Newly Discovered Mark Twain Story Is Coming And It's So Beautiful BuzzFeed

To E or Not to E - USC Didn't in Spelling Shakespeare's Name  Associated Press

3 Fascinating Books for Word Nerds  Study Breaks


Study of top public universities finds limited faculty diversity, yet signs of progress -- except for African-Americans in STEM  Inside Higher Ed

1 in 10 say it's acceptable to hold neo-Nazi views  ABC News

Civil Rights Activist Argues To Keep Confederate Monuments  NPR

I am not your brown reporter (opinion)

Federal Judge Finds Racism Behind Arizona Law Banning Ethnic Studies  NPR

Essay by law professors Rails against modern Culture, Sparks Outrage  Inside Higher Ed

Clergy March on Washington Calling for Racial Justice  Sojourners


Justice Department Pulls Back on Search Warrant for Visitors to Trump-Protest Site  NBC News

ACLU Leader On Defending Hate Group  NPR


Could You Register The Swastika As A Trademark?  Forbes

John Oliver's legal hell is the stuff of Hulk Hogan-fueled nightmares  Mashable

TV Station Falls For Pranksters; Sues Them For Fraud  Techdirt

‘Reaction’ Video Protected By Fair Use  Technology and Marketing Law

Can an AI Own a Copyright?  The Illusion of More

Homeowners Can’t Sue Over Low Zestimates  Technology and Marketing Law Blog


Space dust kills satellites like tiny atom bombs  Economist

Augmented Reality: Where are we now, and what does it mean for marketers? Search Engine Land

You don’t own your own face: Profiting from Face Recognition Software  NY Daily News


As AI creates new kinds of work, you might expect humans to be taken out of the loop as algorithms improve-but..  Economist

NGA Mulls Swap Of Satellite Imagery For Big Data Algorithms  Aviation Week

Will AI lead to superhuman performance in perception, creativity & cognitive function? SIRI co-creator video  TED Video


The “free” economy comes at a cost  Economist

Watch Out for These Scams in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey  Life Hacker


More Than 350 Christian Ethicists Release Statement Condemning White Supremacy  Sojourners

Evangelicals Are Bitterly Split Over Advising Trump  The Atlantic

Justice Dept. fights suit over Trump religious liberty order  Politico

President's spiritual adviser: When you oppose Trump, you are 'fighting against the hand of God'  AOL news

Faith Council Members Take A Step Back From Advising Trump  NPR

Christian ministry labeled as a hate group is suing SPLC to ‘right a terrible wrong’

Joel Osteen's megachurch claims it's too flooded for Harvey relief. Internet sleuths call BS.  Mashable

U.S. Muslims are religiously observant, but open to multiple interpretations of Islam   Pew Research

A New Book Explains How the Christian Right Has Gotten Selective Denial Down to a Science  Religious Dispatches


Even the Dumbest Us Weekly Headlines Look Great In New Yorker Font  Jezebel

Google releases millions of bad drawings for you (and your AI) to paw through  TechCrunch

Discover the Paintings, Drawings & Collages of Sylvia Plath: Now on Display at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery  Open Culture


In China, singing Handel’s “Messiah” is forbidden in public  Economist

Blockchain Technology Is Set to Disrupt Every Industry--and Music Is Next  Inc


Lynyrd Skynyrd Movie Is Banned by Judge  Hollywood Reporter


What to Say When You Don't Have a Good Answer in an Interview  Life Hacker

5 Annoying Things That Happen During the Job Interview Process  Pay Scale

No, millennials aren’t killing stable employment  Washington Post

How to Survive Panel Job Interviews  Life Hacker


Trump Rule Could Make it Harder for Nursing Home Residents to Sue for Abuse  NPR

F.D.A. Cracks Down on 'Unscrupulous' Stem Cell Clinics  New York Times


Science is not self-correcting. Science is broken  Slate


Four Bad Habits of Modern Psychologists  MDPI

Estimating the evidential value of significant results in psychological science PLOS


Brain Mapping Guides Surgeons In Removal Of Musician's Tumor  NPR


Scammers impersonate the National Institutes of Health offering Grants  FTC

Former Ohio State doctoral candidate has degree revoked inconsistencies in the variables data she published in a scientific journalthe Lantern (student newspaper at OSU)  The Lantern


As more humanities Ph.D.s are awarded, job openings are disappearing  Inside Higher Ed


Liability Worries May Impact Study Abroad after $41.5 million verdict  Inside Higher Ed

The Blockchain Revolution and Higher Education  Educause

Why Universities Are Unlikely to Heed Calls for Punishing Students at Rally  Chronicle of Higher Ed

University Convocation Kickoff Address  McSweeney’s

The Quirks of Christian Colleges  StudyBreaks

Christian university suspends theology professor for saying some black activists ‘should be hung’  AZ Central

Baylor University hit with another Title IX lawsuit  Fox7


Liberty University presents itself as a temple of virtue. But its founding family’s secret Miami hostel is a cesspool of vice  Politico

Anthony Scaramucci to speak at Liberty University convocation in November  Washington Examiner

My Liberty University Diploma and Me (opinion by faculty member at the Univ. of South Florida)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Liberty University snarks back at students angry over Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Donald Trump support  Washington Examiner

Liberty University pushes back against allegations of not reporting home sale to Trey Falwell  Inside Higher Ed


They are the last class to be born in the 1900s, the last of the Millennials are here: Time for the Beloit Mind-Set List  Inside Higher Ed

What First Years Might Not Know & What To Do About It  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Learning to Learn: You, Too, Can Rewire Your Brain  New York Times

Reeling Them in Early: Focus above all else on generating student engagement  Chronicle of Higher Ed

What’s a Scientifically-Proven Way to Improve Your Ability to Learn? Get Out and Exercise  Open Culture


The Tenure Track Is Too Rigid to Help Diversity (opinion)  Bloomberg


Millennials more likely to prefer being fired over text  CNBC

Computer-game tournaments go mainstream  Economist

Renewed debate over whether graduate students should publish  Inside Higher Ed

One Trick For Keeping Kids In College: Forgive Tiny Debts That Force Them To Leave  Fast Company

The Road Ahead for Collegiate Esports (podcast)  BlogTalkRadio

Why do so many millennials struggle to take their pills consistently? (sub. req’d.)  Stat News


5 Reasons Why You Should Write for Your College Newspaper  Study Breaks  

University newspaper in New York crowdfunds to keep its independence  Student Press Law Center