articles of interest - Feb 27


Spotify expands its push into original content with new podcasts  Tech Crunch

You might want to rethink what you're 'liking' on Facebook now  Mashable


How to Shoot a 360 Video  Wired

With help from Google and YouTube, McClatchy is trying to figure out the next big thing in video  Poynter

Periscope Producer Now Available to All Users on Mobile, Web  Ad Week


Under Pressure to Prove Its Ads Actually Work, Google Opens Up  Wired


New models for new media: Is there life for technology firms beyond Wall Street?  Economist

America’s latest spectrum auction: Despite poor proceeds, the sale model is worth copying  Economist


GateHouse Media parent signals cuts as it preps to buy more newspapers  Boston Business Journals

Traditional media firms are enjoying a Trump bump  Economist

We Avoid News We Don't Like. Some Trump-Era Evidence  New York Times

The New York Times is experimenting with mobile-specific headlines  Digiday

Fair Use: Journalism Can’t Succeed Without It  Electronic Frontier Foundation

How The Media Are Using Encryption Tools To Collect Anonymous Tips  NPR


The Dangers of Fake News Spread to Data Visualization  PBS Media Shift

The Internet Made ‘Fake News’ a Thing—Then Made It Nothing  Wired

How to Spot Visualization Lies  Flowing Daa

The Religious Origins of Fake News and “Alternative Facts”  Religious Dispaches


Is the common advice about avoiding dangling participles in writing Sound?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Revenge of the copy editors: Grammar pros find internet stardom  Columbia Journalism Review


Study: The perfect blog post length—and how long it should take to write  PR Daily


The Dictionary of American Regional English has issued its quarterly online update  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Language  Jstor


The many contradictions of Jonathan Swift  Economist

Grad Student Discovers A Lost Novel Written By Walt Whitman  NPR

There’s a new way for novelists to sound authentic. But at what cost?  Washington Post


Administration rescinds guidelines that said Title IX applied to discrimination based on gender identity  Inside Higher Ed

Trump's Election Drives More Women To Consider Running For Office  NPR

Models Are Still Pressured To Be Ultra-Thin, Survey Says  NPR


Racial Incidents Upset Students at Several Campuses  Inside Higher Ed

Candidate: Blackface part of 'good night at church'  Shreveport Times


The 10 Worst Colleges For Free Speech: 2017Huffington Post

Sean Spicer raged against First Amendment after college newspaper misspelled his name as ‘sphincter’  Raw Story


Judicial originalism as myth  Vox

Nursing student removed from program over Facebook posts seeks Supreme Court review  SPLC


FaceApp uses neural networks for photorealistic selfie tweaks  Tech Crunch

Gene editing, clones and the science of making babies  Economist

20 years ago the world met the first adult clone, a sheep called Dolly. Her legacy lives on  Economist


Can big data tech correlate the various logs and ultimately tame the bloated IT chaos?  Daanami

Quantzig's top 10 reasons to be excited about data analytics in 2017  Quartz

“What we’re interested in is automating the scientific method” throughprobabilistic programming  Wired

You might be getting your Big Data TOO clean. Why it can be useful to keep thegarbage  Tech Republic  


Family Christian Bookstores to close  Detroit Free Press

Most white evangelicals approve of Trump travel prohibition and express concerns about extremism  Pew Research Center

Evangelicals can no longer speak as one voice (opinion)  Religious News Service

Many countries make it hard to marry someone from another religion  Economist

Vancouver Christians collide over televangelist Franklin Graham  The Star Phoenix

An underground network among faith groups is readying homes to hide immigrants  CNN

Can Southern Baptist seminaries maintain gender restriction for pastors while encouraging women theological scholars? One school is trying  Baptist News

Ex-congregants reveal years of ungodly abuse  Associated Press

LGBTQ Advocates Fear 'Religious Freedom' Bills Moving Forward In States  NPR 

Evangelicals at Dartmouth  Dartmouth Review

A majority of white evangelicals approve of Trump's Muslim ban  Mic

Oklahoma Missionary Sentenced to 40 Years for Sexually Abusing Children   KTLA


Why so many artists do their most interesting work in their final years?  When time is precious, composers and playwrights outdo themselves  Economist

Why Art Matters to America   New York Times

Netflix’s Abstract: The 3 Must-See Episodes  Designlab


Google built an AI that will play piano duets with you  Business Insider


Communication studies lecturer claims restrictions on class enrollment because of his conservative views  Daily Bruin

Activism on the rise among college faculty   Education Dive


Content referenced in scholarly articles is drifting, with negative effects on the integrity of the scholarly record  London School of Economics and Political Science


When Evidence Says No, but Doctors Say Yes (Long after research contradicts common medical practices, patients continue to demand them and physicians continue to deliver. The result is an epidemic of unnecessary and unhelpful treatments)  The Atlantic

Advice From Patients On A Study's Design Makes For Better Science  NPR


Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds  New Yorker


Last Night’s Oscars Tour Bus Bit Underscored a Deep Divide  Wired


Ever wondered why certain people are able to resist temptation? Here's what researchers say is their secret..  Becoming (my site)


Evangelical leader Falwell: It was Steve Bannon’s idea that I lead education task force  Washington Post

State Budget Cuts Hit Universities  NPR

Ransomware: To Pay or Not To Pay? The decision whether or not to cave in to a ransomware attack may be less a philosophical decision and more a cost-benefit analysis  Campus Technology

Liberty and Bob Jones Universities May run afoul of Obama’s Title IX protections for LGBT students  Inside Higher Ed

Baylor coach urges violence against parents who think Baylor’s unsafe  New York Post


Liberal Arts College Students Are Getting Less Artsy  Inside Higher Ed


The owner of hosted a "Reddit Ask Me Anything" session on how they help students cheat  Reddit


Michigan State plans to ban Whiteboards from dormitory room doors in attempt to limit bullying  Inside Higher Ed

What is it like to be a Muslim at a Baptist university?  PBS