articles of interest - Nov 13


Journalists boycott Disney films in solidarity with the L.A. Times  CNN

Public radio rethinks its approach to journalism  Columbia Journalism Review

Disney Backs Off L.A. Times Ban Following Backlash  Hollywood Reporter

Unusual experiment reveals the power of non-mainstream media: Scholars found that small media outlets have a big effect on Twitter discussions  Arstechnica

Here's why your local TV news is about to get even worse  The Conversation


Trump wants to punish CNN by breaking up the AT&T/Time Warner deal  Recode

Gannett announces management reorganization  Talking New Media


One Way to Fight Fake News: reading laterally  Chronicle of Higher Ed

When fake news will be made by pros  Monday Note


What should this student do? His bosses want him to p-hack and they don’t even know it!  Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

What should this student do? His bosses want him to p-hack and they don’t even know it!  Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

How a data scientist protects his children from the dangers of the tech world  The Next Web

Chances are good that classic machine learning will get you where you want to go. And if it can't, the deep learning door is always open  House of Bots

How to Invest in AI with few pure-play options and high valuations? And what actually qualifies as an AI stock?   Morningstar

Discussion of why Ethics in AI is still a mess, and what practical steps might change the picture  Wired

How to Invest in Artificial Intelligence: While there are few pure-play options and valuations are high, experts say it’s wise to pick your spots now  Morningstar


Apple (AAPL) revealed which emoji Americans use the most  Quartz

Snapchat redesign is in the works amid weak growth in users and ad sales  LA Times

ESPN will produce a daily version of SportsCenter exclusively for Snapchat  Recode


In $25 billion video game industry, voice actors face broken vocal cords and low pay  The Washington Post

Instagram is also a huge source of Russian propaganda on social media (Pinterest’s not safe either)  Nieman Journalism Lab

Trump's Official Portrait and the Language of Lighting  Petapixel


How to Spot a Liar  Becoming (my blog)

Why Canceling Plans is So Satisfying  The Cut


Ph.D.s Are Still Writing Poorly, Part 1  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Does English Grammar Allow you to use an Accusative as part of the Subject of a Sentence? (“me and [name]”)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Would language be better if it were polished to perfection?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


For Dostoevsky, epilepsy was a matter of both life and literature  PBS

How a young Ernest Hemingway dealt with his first taste of fame  The Conversation


The Perpetrators Of America's Worst Mass Shootings Have One Glaring Thing In Common  Digg

Study finds male Ph.D. candidates submit and publish papers at significantly higher rates than female peers on the same campus  Inside Higher Ed

Transgender issues sharply divide Republicans, Democrats  Pew Research Center

Gender and citation impact in management research  Science Direct


On diversifying data journalism  The Bureau Investigates

To Help Combat Racism, Kansas State U. Will Cancel Classes (for 2 Hours)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Survey suggests students aren’t the only ones who may have difficulty with free expression on campus. It turns out the public -- across party lines -- is conflicted as well  Inside Higher Ed

What’s Fueling the Free-Speech Wars?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Court demands that search engines and internet service providers block Sci-Hub  Science Magazine

Taylor Swift's Attorney Rebuked Over Letter Demanding Article's Retraction  WBGO

The History and Philosophy of Copyright (video)  PetaPixel

Court Rejects Gossip Site’s Fair Use Defense  Technology & Marketing Law Blog

A $10 million defamation suit filed by a Stanford University professor against a critic and a journal  Retraction Watch

Lisa Bloom Says Bill O'Reilly Is Libel-Proof   Hollywood Reporter

Facebook Defeats Lawsuit By User Suspended Over ‘Bowling Green Massacre’  Technology & Marketing Law Blog


Religious Employers May Not Be Able to Take Away Your Birth Control After All Life Hacker

Here's why this Houston megachurch is flying Russia's flag outside  Houston Chronicle

Clergy spouses: Privacy, isolation concerns abound  Times Record News

Religion a part of national identity in Central, Eastern Europe  Pew Research Center

Key takeaways about Orthodox Christians  Pew Research Center

New Museum Invites Visitors To 'Engage' With The Bible  NPR

Tennessee Baptist church fights conference shunning over hiring of female pastor  USA Today

Buddhism Is More ‘Western’ Than You Think  New York Times

A suggestion for younger evangelicals: Lose the label (commentary)  Religion News

Baptist convention denounces racism, but not the Confederate flag  Baptist News


Praying In Response To Mass Shootings  NPR

Churches Rethinking Security in the Wake of Texas Shooting  NPR


No, Christians Don't Use Joseph and Mary to Explain Child Molesting Accusations (opinion)  Christianity Today

Roy Moore's alleged pursuit of a young girl is the symptom of a larger problem in evangelical circles  LA Times


What music do psychopaths like? More Bieber, less Bach  Washington Post 


A Link Between Alcohol and Cancer? It’s Not Nearly as Scary as It Seems  New York Times

Genetically Altered Skin Saves A Boy Dying Of A Rare Disease  NPR

The Gross Inequality of Organ Transplants in America  New Republic

How Conjoined Twins Are Making Scientists Question the Concept of Self  The Walrus

Why Working Women With Migraines Suffer in Silence  Splinter News


Christmas Music Could Harm Your Mental Health  IFL Science

Psychology's Renaissance  Annual Review of Psychology 

Brain Scientists Look Beyond Opioids To Conquer Pain  NPR


The Examined Life: Know Thyself #1  Wireless Philosophy 

How Philosophy Makes Progress  Daily Nous

On Putnam's Regulative Ideal of Decency  Digressions Impressions 


Naming abusers online may be “mob justice” but it’s still justice  Quartz


Dealing with error and bias in academic research  PsyArXiv

Academic journal publishing is headed for a day of reckoning  The Conversation

'Null' research findings aren't empty of meaning. Let's publish them  Stat News

Why developing countries are particularly vulnerable to predatory journals  The Conversation

Publish and perish and buyer beware  Otago Daily Times Online News

Reviewing Better  Medium


UW-Superior Suspends 25 Programs: Faculty Say They Were Not Consulted Before Programs Were Suspended  Wisconsin Public Radio

Congressional committee discusses bill designed to define anti-Semitism; some say it is too broad to be effective on college campuses  Inside Higher Ed

When College Classrooms Become Ideologically Segregated, Everyone Suffers  NBC News

How Student Concentrations Are Changing at Harvard  The Crimson


Will They Remember Writing It? Helping instructors design a meaningful writing assignment  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Syllabus at Duke barred staffers of campus paper from class on hedge funds  Inside Higher Ed

The rise of the campus meme  Daily Californian

Tips For Writing Your College Admissions Essay  The Onion 


After 10-Hour Hearing, Clemson U. Students Vote Not to Remove Black Leader  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Survey shows declines in new international students after years of growth  Inside Higher Ed

OSU students caught cheating via "GroupMe" app  Local 12


Paid journalism internships with December deadlines  Student Press Law Center

Program to bring interns of color to nonprofit newsrooms


Trainers, Lawyers Say Sexual Harassment Training Fails  NPR

College let teachers quietly leave after alleged sex abuse, and pushed students for silence  Boston Globe

Profile of advocate against campus sexual assault who hopes to change the culture of college athletics  The Ringer


What’s to be done about the numerous reports of faculty misconduct dating back years and even decades?  Inside Higher Ed