Articles of Interest - August 29


Inside Facebook’s Totally Insane Unintentionally Gigantic Hyperpartisan Political Media Machine  New York Times Magazine

FB predicts your political pref  The Wrap

Social Network Nextdoor Moves To Block Racial Profiling Online  NPR

Pinterest Buys Instapaper, the Popular ‘Read Later’ App  Wired

Facebook is trying to get rid of bias in Trending news by getting rid of humans  Quartz

Sent From My iPhone: how a humblebrag became a key piece of net etiquette  The Guardian

Facebook suspends Domain Insights, changing rules of the road for new publishers  Digiday


Emotional Blackmail Becoming (my blog)

5 Ways to Steal Like An Artist  Medium


Big data and hidden cameras are emerging as dangerous weapons in the gentrification wars  Quartz


The Difference between Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism—and Why It Matters  Library Journal Survives Defamation Case As Judge Rejects Claims of Two Anti-Aging Doctors  Pathos  

Chipotle's social media policy violated federal labor  Law360


What it feels like to be the last generation to remember life before the internet  Quartz

Voice Recognition Software Finally Beats Humans At Typing, Study Finds  NPR


The CIA working to monitor you from Space  Vocativ

How Big Data has Changed Decision Making  Harvard Business Review

50 Useful Machine Learning and Prediction  APIs

Data Scientists face an Existential Crisis every day: How do you Distinguish Signal from noisy illusion  Info World

A look at Three Big Data Trends This year  Fine Extra


The best 100 films of the 21st century, according to 177 film critics around the world   Quartz


The argument for writing "a historian”  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Copy Edit This!  New York Times


12 Sexting Ideas From Classic Literature That Book Nerds Will Blush Over  Bustle

Why ‘medalling’ and ‘summering’ are so annoyingPeople have been turning nouns into verbs for centuries – so why does it grate so much?  BBC


An alarming number of scientific papers contain Excel errors  Washington Post

Excel Created Major Typos in 20 Percent of Scientific Papers on Genes  Slate

New leader of NIH’s research watchdog faces staff revolt  Science Mag

How to Review a Paper  The Genome’s Take

NASA's new online archive is a treasure trove of free research articles  The Verge


What do Americans look for in a church, and how do they find one? It depends in part on their age  Pew Research

Why Church Hymns Are Best Sung in Bars  The Atlantic

Why America’s ‘nones’ left religion behind  Pew Research

A Preacher's Kid Finds His Own Sanctuary In Music  NPR

The feel-good gospel of the pastor made famous by Kimye and Bieber  Esquire


How Netflix does A/B testing  Medium

Five Reasons Not to Trust Your Analytics Data  Mind the Product


FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others  CNN

Why I Force My Students to Learn AP Style  Prof KRG

How Does the Language of Headlines Work?  Jstor

How Journalists Can Protect Themselves (And Keep Their Apple Devices) In Wake of iOS Vulnerability  Media Shift

How to use open source information to investigate stories online  International Journalists’ Network


It’s hard to giveaway small newspapers  New York Times

Survey Finds Newsrooms Are Monitoring Metrics, Not Acting on Them  Media Shift


University Will Sue Its Own Student Newspaper For Reporting On Sexual Assault Case  BuzzFeed News

The University of Kentucky prof facing sexual harassment allegations also faced accusations of research misconduct  Kentucky Kernel


Graduate Students Can Unionize at Private Colleges, U.S. Labor Panel Rules  Wall Street Journal

‘Stacking the Deck’ Against Due Process at UCSD  The FIRE

Blame millennials for the vanishing bar of soap  CBS News

This may be the last presidential election dominated by Boomers and prior generations  Pew Research


Judge: Academic Freedom Doesn't Bar Campus Carry  Inside Higher Ed


Must Science be Testable: Why Science needs philosophy  Aeon


The right to die: What is unbearable?  Economist

Doctors Who Sexually Abuse Patients  NPR

Zika: The Millennials’ S.T.D.?  New York Times

Friendships Might Not Help You Live Longer, But Family Does  New York Mag

Who Let The Dogs In? More Companies Welcome Pets At Work  NPR

Superbug resistant to two last-resort antibiotics found in US for first time  Stat News

The Life-Changing Magic of Choosing the Right Hospital  New York Times


Instagram Probably Can’t Predict Depression. GPS, Though…  Wired


The low replication success in psychology is realistic and worse performance may be expected for cognitive neuroscience  bioRxiv

Narrowing the gap between biological brains and electronic ones  The Economist


Self-driving cars don't care about your moral dilemmas  The Guardian

Many Americans are wary of using gene editing for human enhancement  Pew Research


The New Cheating Economy  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The university's note to new students sets off national debate on safe spaces, trigger warnings and more  Inside Higher Ed

A Brief Guide to the Battle Over Trigger Warnings  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Does Religious Liberty Include the Right to Harass and Harm  Newsweek

The California Christian Colleges/LGBT Bill  NPR

Oklahoma Wesleyan Joins Lawsuit Challenging 2011 ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter  The FIRE  


Study finds Students Benefit from Waiting to Declare a Major  Inside Higher Ed

What Doctors Can Learn from the Arts  Jstor

How Performing in Theater Can Help Build Empathy in Students  KQED


It’s Time to Ditch Our Deadlines: Why you should stop penalizing your students for submitting work late  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why Cold-Calling on Students Works  Chronicle of Higher Ed