Articles of Interest - August 15


MIT and Microsoft Research made a 'smart' tattoo that remotely controls your phone  The Verge


Google Chrome is officially killing Flash starting next month  The Next Web

Optical Adjustment – Logic vs. Designers (opinion)  Marvel

Zara Comes Under Fire for Copying Indie Artists Designs  The Fashion Law Blog


Researchers Study Effects Of Social Media On Young Minds  NPR

Stop Chasing Clicks … It’s About Community  AdWeek

Facebook to give 'informative' posts more weight  USA Today


A blueprint for planning audio projects  NPR


Big data: digging a little deeper into millennials on social media.. they aren’t all cut from the same cloth  Data Science Central

Just bec algorithms inspired by Bayes’ theorem can mimic cognition doesn’t mean our brains employ similar algorithms  Scientific American

Meaningful relationships (in data)... "predictions may be more prone to failure in the era of Big Data"   Becoming

 An attempt to explain Gaussian processes (an alternative approach to regression problems) in Machine Learning GitHub

What the lack of transparency means for black-box difficult-to-interpret statistical models  CIO Review

Data integration changes enormously with IoT. How the internet of things changes Big Data  Data-Informed

A Big Data and Data Science newsletter list of good resources for all things data  Data Science Central


He's Brilliant, She's Lovely: Teaching Computers To Be Less Sexist  NPR


IS Pokemon Go a Racist App?  USA Today

Newspaper Covers Simone Manuel's Historic Gold in Olympically Offensive Way  Huffington Post

The 4.3 million Americans whose race could change when they die  Quartz

Want To Address Teachers' Biases? First, Talk About Race  NPR

The Racist Chinese Washing Powder ad and the Truth about Afrophobia in China  Quartz


Dear old media: Get over yourselves  Columbia Journalism Review


TV Anchor Has Had It Up To *Here* With NBC's Ridiculous Restrictions On Olympics Coverage  Digg

How to avoid 10 common mistakes in data reporting  American Press Institute

A Front-Row Look at State-Sanctioned Terrorism: Journalism students studying abroad in Uruguay and Argentina witness the aftermath of an attack on freedom of the press (opinion)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Warren Buffett changes his mind about newspapers: ‘Newspapers are going to go downhill’  Talking New Media

Study looks at the performance of three media spin-offs and sees the newspaper side lagging  Talking New Media


Five Signs Your Interview Is Fake Because They've Already Hired Someone  Forbes


Which Percentage of People Is Older and Younger Than You  Public Health Intelligence

The Sad State of Product Design and Innovation in Healthcare  Medium

Muslim doctor: My patient refused to let me treat her because of my Religion Washington Post

 Cocaine Vaccine Approved For Testing In Humans  CBS NY

Zika Moves Quickly, and Scientists Fear That Journals Aren't Keeping Pace  The Chronicle of Higher Education


In the Only Surviving Recording of Her Voice, Virginia Woolf Explains Why Writing Isn’t a “Craft” (1937)  Open Culture


Partisan Political Speech  Chronicle of Higher Ed


What’s Old Is New Again.. Lewis Carroll  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How Did Children’s Literature Evolve From Prim Morality Tales to the Likes of Captain Underpants?  Slate

James Joyce: An Animated Introduction to His Life and Literary Works Open Culture

The 10 worst endings in all of literature  Business Insider


Most Common Family Types in America  Flowing Data

The Replication Game: How Well Do Psychology Studies Hold Up?   Science Friday

Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why (education policy in rich countries has emphasised academic skills while neglecting emotional and psychological development)  Economist

5 science-backed tips for getting rid of guilt  The Week


Can This Brain Exercise Put Off Dementia? A new study is believed to be the first to show that speed training can reduce the risk for the condition  Wall Street Journal


Augmented Reality Games Like Pokémon Go Need a Code of Ethics—Now  Wired


The Story Behind The New Documentary ‘Can We Take a Joke?’ (It started with a comment from a comedian about playing on college campuses)  Huffington Post


Judge: Ohio State didn't defame fired marching band director Associated Press


A Hillary Clinton speech on improving the plight of women and girls worldwide has been cited as a demand that American Christians deny their faith  Snopes

Thirty years ago, progressives embraced religious exemptions. No longer  Economist

As U.S. Politicians Shun Syrian Refugees, Religious Groups Embrace Them  NPR

Is God Transgendered? (opinion)  New York Times

Why a stout theological creed is not saving evangelical churches  Religious News Service

Most states allow religious exemptions from child abuse and neglect laws  Pew Research

White Christian America is dying Washington Post


Head of University of California campus resigns after probe  Associated Press

Data From the 2016 Higher Ed Almanac  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Keeping Faith without Hurting LGBT Students at Christian Colleges  The Atlantic

State senator drops proposal that angered religious universities in California  LA Times

A coalition of 25 LGBT rights groups are urging the Big 12 not to admit Brigham Young University as a new member, citing the school's policies against homosexual behavior  Christian Science Monitor


Does Your Teaching Encourage Epistemological Pluralism?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why Today's MOOCs Are Not Innovative  Campus Technology


Institutes, Grading, and the Nine Circles of Adjunct Hell: ‘McSweeney’s’ Regards Academe  Chronicle of Higher Ed


19 signs you're a functioning adult — even if it doesn't feel like it  Business Insider


8  Rejected Papers That Won the Nobel Prize  Authorea

Do declarative titles affect readers’ perceptions of research findings? A randomized trial   Research Integrity & Peer Review


Federal investigation launched into BYU’s handling of sex-assault reports  Salt Lake Tribune

How Technology Could Change Reporting of Campus Sexual Assault (sub. req.’ed)  Chronicle of Higher Ed