Articles of Interest - March 7


Why We Post: A global study reveals how people fit social media into their lives  The Economist

The dark side of going viral that no one talks about  Washington Post

Controversial Calgary-based app Peeple launches Monday  Calgary Herald

We calculated the year dead people on Facebook could outnumber the living  Fusion

Meerkat Is Ditching the Livestream—And Chasing a Video Social Network Instead  Recode

How Facebook’s ‘App for Everything’ Could Revolutionize Media and Marketing  Contently

Colbert introduces FB alpha (video)  Stephen Colbert

How Snapchat Built a Business  Bloomberg

Quiz: Can we guess your age and income, based solely on the apps on your phone?  Washington Post


The organisation that runs the internet address book is about to declare independence (subscription)  The Economist

Infographic: Email Is Eating More of Your Life Than You Think  Contently

Engineering the internet is too big a task for one outfit  The Economist


See that Billboard?  It may see you too  New York Times

Retailers Experiment With Surveillance Tools Used by Police (Soon, a department store robot may be greeting you by name)  Bloomberg

What Comes After Apps (Apps now crowd our devices, but alternatives are in the works)  Wall Street Journal


Cycloid Drawing Machine  (A virtual version of the classic Spirograph toy)  

MIT Scientists embraces a new chaos theory: Art  New York Times


Future Of Big Data: Here's How Amazon, LinkedIn, Salesforce Are Reshaping Elite MBA Programs  Business Because

Growing demand for data analytics is reshaping elite MBA programs Business Because

The forces shifting the geospatial industry  IT ProPortal

Big Data Myths That Just Won't Die (1-You Need the Perfect Data Scientist)

So exactly how does one start a career in machine learning?  Data Science Central

Child Advocate: Risk scores created by predictive modeling software can endanger children  Forbes


Did you feed the bears?  Becoming (my blog)


How Someone with Dyslexia may experience reading  Github

Become Your Own Writing Teacher  Chronicle of Higher Ed

“The Most Dangerous Writing App” Destroys Your Progress if You Stop Typing  Life Hacker

Social Sharing – Can You Write a Post People Trust Enough to Share?   Semrush

When robots write poetry  The Daily Dot

Coming Down from the Clouds: On Academic Writing  Chronicle of Higher Ed


French, Spanish, German ... Java? Making Coding Count As A Foreign Language  (Florida is poised to become the first state to allow computer coding to fulfill a foreign-language requirement in high school)  NPR


Jane Eyre and the Invention of the Self (Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel helped introduce the idea of the “modern individual”—a surprisingly radical concept for readers at the time)  The Atlantic

Gorgeous new covers for 100 great public domain books  BongBong


Statisticians Found One Thing They Can Agree On: It’s Time To Stop Misusing P-Values  FiveThirtyEight

Can Science’s Reproducibility Crisis Be Reproduced?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

#IAmAResearchParasite (the need for quality data sharing) (opinion)  Science Magazine

Human-animal studies academics dogged by German hoaxers  (fooled by fake PhD student’s paper on role of alsatians in totalitarianism)  The Guardian

PLOS ONE retracting paper that cites “the Creator”  Retraction Watch

Many surveys, about one in five, may contain fraudulent data  Science Magazine

Evaluating a New Proposal for Detecting Data Falsification in Surveys  Pewq Research

How to Keep Bad Science From Getting Into Print (‘Irreproducible’ research is more often due to error than misconduct or fraud, but fighting it is vital-written by the Dean of Harvard Medical School)  Wall Street Journal


Why Do Some Women Quit Science?  New York Times

How Does Gender Affect One's Willingness To Compete?  NPR

Our glass-ceiling index: Still a man’s world (Our index of the climate for working women now includes paternity leave)  The Economist

Researchers have found strong evidence that racism helps the GOP win  Washington Post

Female medical researchers hit a paper ceiling Stat News

Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men (study)  PeerJ

The best—and worst—places to be a working woman   The Economist

My Brilliant (White Male) Professors (Study finds students are more likely to use certain words of praise when describing professors who are men or who are in fields with few female and black scholars)  Inside Higher Ed


A Plagiarism Scandal Is Unfolding In The Crossword World  FiveThirtyEight


Wycliffe Associates Leaves Bible Translation Alliance over ‘Son of God’ for Muslims  Christianity Today

Jerry Bridges' Pursuit of Holiness Has Come to an End  Christianity Today           

Russian Faces Up to Year in Prison for Denying Existence of God  NBC

Churches Are Twice as Likely to Fear Refugees as to Help Them (Survey studies how American Protestants are engaging the refugee crisis, and why many are not)  Christianity Today

Women relatively rare in top positions of religious leadership  Pew Research

This college is launching a bachelor’s degree in gospel music, the first of its kind  Washington Post

‘It’s embarrassing to be an evangelical this election’  (opinion written by recent PLNU chapel speaker Jim Wallis)  Frost Illustrated

Don’t Take Your Kids to a Megachurch: An Open Letter to Andy Stanley (opinion)  Patheos


Echoing Republican split, evangelicals divide over Trump  Associated Press

Evangelical Leaders Question Movement's Support Of Trump  NPR

What Wouldn’t Jesus Do? (opinion)  New York Times

God files for divorce from Republican Party  Religious News Service


Microeconomists’ claims to be doing real science turn out to be true  The Economist


Study Finds Only 40% Of Digital Buys Going To Working Media  Media Post

Traditional TV Audience Ages, Big Chunk Of Viewers 65+  Media Post


10 newsgathering and verification tools for newsrooms on a budget  First Draft News

'Spotlight' celebrates journalism that couldn't have happened in these countries without press freedom  Public Radio International

Forget 'Spotlight': There's a war against journalism

10 journalism movies that journalists love  Indy Star

Media Veterans Get in on the Nonprofit News Boom (American Media Institute staffs up)  Observer'

CUNY’s new Spanish-language journalism program, with big ambitions, opens for applications  Harvard's Nieman Lab


The Glaring Evidence That Free Speech Is Threatened on Campus  The Atlantic

Court strikes down student code prohibiting ‘distressing’ speech  Student Press Law Center


CV vs. resume: Here's how the two differ   USA Today


Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting ‘Trump anxiety’ among clients  The Washington Post


Which Exercise is best for the Brain  New York Times

The magical thing eating chocolate does to your brain  The Washington Post

Couch potatoes may have smaller brains later in life  CBS News


CUNY philosophy professor takes on Bill Nye (opinion)   Plato’s Footnote

Why are so many smart people such idiots about philosophy? (opinion)  Quartz

Philosophy’s True Home (The idea that philosophy was and still is isolated from other disciplines ignores much of its history-opinion)  New York Times  


5 facts about online dating  Pew Research

Strategies For When You're Starting Out Saddled With Student Debt  NPR

Students Enter Global Competition To Counter Extremism  NPR

3 Tips for Marketing to Millennials – When You’re Not a Millennial  Umbel

Study shows certain types of emails often go unread by students -- but social media isn't the reason why  Inside Higher Ed

Fixing The Freshman Year: Here's What College Sophomores Say  NPR

How the Great Generational Shift is Causing Transformation in the Very Nature of Employment  Gigaom

Outbreaks of norovirus and mumps hit college campuses around the country  Inside Higher Ed

Recent study attracting press attention says students use the app to make friends. Some experts doubt it  Inside Higher Ed


Students say Christian College assigned a 500-Word Essay as Punishment.. for Rape  Inside Higher Ed    

For Sexual Assault Victims, An Effort To Loosen Statutes Of Limitations  NPR

University of Texas System instructs its police officers to base sexual assault investigations in neuroscience  Inside Higher Ed


Enough with trashing the liberal arts. Stop being stupid  Washington Post

Our current national mood may be revealing something missing in our educational agenda  (opinion)  Keith Evans  


Rethinking online education (The first generation of online learning came with a lot of hype but didn’t fully deliver on its promise. What does the future hold?)  Medium

Why Do Colleges Still Use Grades?  Chronicle of Higher

Instructional Design: Demand grows for a new breed of academic  Chronicle of Higher

Report: Game-Based Learning Helps Students Develop Writing Skills  Campus Technology