Articles of Interest - Jan 25


The fastest-growing ‘news’ site of 2015 was an obscure content farm for moms - Washington Post

Nearly Half of Twitter’s Senior Leaders Are Leaving – Wired

4 ways to tell if a picture was Photoshopped just by glancing at it – Tech Insider

Nielsen Will Now Use Your Facebook Chatter for TV Ratings - Wired


Automating Legal Advice: AI and Expert Systems - Bloomberg

Google's new free, 3-month course on Deep Learning - The Verge

Here's a nice summary of what's at stake in the practical ethics of machine intelligence - Fast Forward Labs 

Need a simple explanation of Hadoop for the uninitiated? - Smart Data Collection

How Big Data is flatting the #music industry as algorithms replace talent-scout bar crawls with data-created music - Dataconmy


Ultimate Reality - Becoming (my blog)


The 20 Most Influential Academic Books of All Time: No Spoilers - Open Culture

Scholars Talk Writing: Ideally you want to be an id on the first draft and a superego on the second' - Chronicle of Higher Ed

Ursula Le Guin Gives Insightful Writing Advice in Her Free Online Workshop - Open Culture 


The Open Syllabus Project Gathers 1,000,000 Syllabi from Universities & Reveals the 100 Most Frequently-Taught Books- Open Culture

A doctor’s mission: Showing why literature matters to medicine – Dallas Morning News


Yahoo Releases Largest Cache of Internet Data - Wall Street Journal


Prominent Medieval Scholar’s Blog on ‘Feminist Fog’ Sparks an Uproar - Chronicle of Higher Ed


Digital rights non-profit argues against banning anonymous speech platforms like Yik Yak - Student Press Law Center

Watch What You Say: How fear is stifling academic freedom (subscription) - Chronicle of Higher Ed


Before I Can Fix This Tractor, We Have to Fix Copyright Law - Slate

Florida appeals court reverses order to ‘unpublish’ information – Columbia Journalism Review


Quantum Links in Time and Space May Form the Universe’s Foundation – Wired


Even Facebook can’t help you have more than 150 real friends - Washington Post

Florida Governor Wants to Know why all Pscyhology Majors aren’t Employed - Inside Higher Ed

Lumosity to Pay $2M to Settle FTC Charges Over 'Brain Training' – NBC News


When Philosophy Lost Its Way New York Times


The Way You Buy and Use Apps Is About to Change Big Time - Wired


The history of the world, as you’ve never seen it before - Washington Post


Nielsen To Use Facebook And Twitter In New Social TV Ratings - NP


MU professor Melissa Click, who called for ‘muscle’ to remove reporter, charged with assault -

How well do you speak Journalism Jargon? - Contently

A new data journalism tool – and a new way of reporting uncertainty - Online Journalism Blog

What journalists get wrong about social science, according to 20 scientists - Vox

How Data Journalism is Impacting the Industry – CTOvision

Are intelligent agents the beginning of the end for journalism as we know it? - Phys Org


A News Team Was Fired For Reportedly Playing Cards Against Humanity At Work - Buzz Feed

TVNZ presenter accepts apology from pregnancy critic - The New Zealand Herald

Pew: $6.3M raised for journalism projects on Kickstarter in 6-year period – USA Today

The New York Times celebrates 20 years on the worldwide web, as newspaper business prepares for more challenges ahead – Talking New Media


College newspaper playing major role in FBI investigation into Kent State professor’s ISIS ties - Fox8

****STUDENT LIFE                                                      

Mizzou is Encouraging Students to Report Anyone Who Makes Fun of a Classmate - National Review

21 Pictures People Not In College Will Never Understand - BuzzFeed

Campus Backlash over College President’s Plan to get ride of at-Risk Freshmen: Drown the Bunnies - Chronicle of Higher Ed

Generation Uphill (The millennials are the brainiest, best-educated generation ever. Yet their elders often stop them from reaching their full potential) - The Economist


6 LinkedIn tips to help maximize your job search - USA Today   


 Professor Says She Was Fired Unconstitutionally For Cursing - Huffington Post

Fired LSU Professor’s Lawsuit Challenges Federal Title IX Guidance - Chronicle of Higher Ed


Ed Dept to publish a list of religious colleges that have received Title IX exemptions - Chronicle of Higher Ed

Undergraduate success linked to meaningful interaction with professors, studying a variety of fields and having classroom talks that go to issues of ethics and life - Inside Higher Ed


Confessions of a MOOC professor: three things I learned and two things I worry about - The Conversation

TurnItIn Expands Beyond Plagiarism - Inside Higher Ed


How A Stanford Student Accused Of Assaulting Multiple Women Graduated - Huffington Post

Survey: 21% of Undergraduate Women Have Been Sexually Assaulted in College - Bureau of Justice Statistics

How Much Should a University Have to Reveal About a Sexual-Assault Case? (how universities misuse FERPA) - New York Times


Americans may be getting less religious, but feelings of spirituality are on the rise - Pew Research

In Defense of Theology - Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why Trump Is Winning Over Christian Conservatives - TIME